From new Joe Fridays (Jon Barber Edition):
So, where exactly is Squadron Supreme? When can we expect it back?
We're working on it. This was a book that came to me to edit when J. Michael Straczynski had left the book, as had Gary Frank. It was a pretty awkward time to come aboard, because those two guys are really big shoes to fill. Moreover, this was always their book. The whole thing with the series was that it was JMS writing his version of the Squadron Supreme story, and Gary Frank drawing it.
Now, the series can be great with other people at the helm—and it will be great. But the problem is making sure this next iteration of the book is as distinctive and unique as the JMS/Frank one. Making it something that stands on its own as much as the first did, and making sure it still satisfies the readers that've been around for the whole time.
It wasn't a matter of finding somebody who could write in the JMS mold—no matter how talented a writer—or draw in the Gary Frank mold—no matter how good a penciler. It was a matter of finding a writer and a penciler who would bring their own unique talents to the fray.
So to get to your questions. We've got a writer working on it now and we'll see it end of this year or early next. Sorry for the wait.
Don't miss Ultimate Power, though, because that series has a huge impact on the future of Squadron Supreme.
What? When did Straczynski leave? They never told us! Is he going to finish the cliffhanger he left us with?