So far, I am enjoying the series. IT definitely has a slower pace than some other offerings, but I am not having a problem with that. I like the characters and the artwork, and the "what if" feel to the whole concept (what if superpowered beings... a few at least...were integrated into the "real world"..) I also like the ...ambiguities... built into many of the characters.
That being said, I didn't really care for the (to me) preachy tone of the African adventure. Felt like a big set up, with little payoff - action essentially comes to a halt so the "African Super Team" can deliver a lecture. And as they were lecturing, thought it really odd that no one asked why it took them so VERY LONG to stop the murderous madman's rampage if they resented outside interference (The "we were trying to figure out a subtle way to do it" explanation seemed weak to me, given the atrocities being committed!). Not trying to stir up controversy here, and I realize politics are an element to this series, and have been all along... just saying that in this case, it felt very heavyhanded to me.
As to the "more mature" content...I find that tricky. Far too often, I think, cursing, sex and gore are made part of a story, simply because they "can be". And clearly, there are audiences for each, for their own sake. This is cliche, I suppose, but if it honestly enhances the story in some way, I am fine with it, but I am also suspect of it, as I think it can substitute for really good storytelling (Oooh...lets have them curse and then lets show some guts spattering across the page...yeah, that is really EDGY! That is really dark! Ooh... LOL).
Sorry - undercaffeinated this morning and I think this post shows it. *S* But I would say that so far it has been a good read and that if you liked the early offerings with these characters, you will enjoy this.