South Park series discussion *spoilers*

"It's like a taco in side a taco, that's inside a taco bell that's inside a KFC, that's inside a mall that's inside your ****ing dream!"

It's fine. mentioned this pretty much the next day.

All that happened was that Stone and Parker thought the gag of the college humour INCEPTION video was they took real lines from the movie and jumbled them together in quick succession, not that the lines were original. It's all sorted.
That was ****ing brilliant on so many levels. I specially love the last scene, South Park is amazing when they pay attention with every detail of continuity. This is a type of show that doesn't need continuity but they still uphold it and its even more awesome for it.
Still, why is it that the others can't remember he dies?

Poor Kenny though, it seems he's tired of dying and coming back all the time.

"I'm going to sleep" BANG.
I loved the new episode. Cartman is such an incredible little ****. But, man, I just laughed uncontrollably when they cut to the Toran Ra. It's so insane and nonsensical.


I love anything that takes the piss out of Apple.

"Oh no, here is. By clicking on agree, you consent to allow Apple to sew your mouth to the butthole of another iPad user."
Well this season has been okay but it annoys me that this "to be continued" happens at the mid season finale. It had the makings of being this season's epic saga and just lost all momentum.
**** you. Whatever. You'll watch it!

I have been quoting that all week.

And I loved the CITY SUSHI episode!
Well this season has been okay but it annoys me that this "to be continued" happens at the mid season finale. It had the makings of being this season's epic saga and just lost all momentum.

Most are saying it's not a "to be continued" ending. Instead it's rather they have pretty much had enough of doing it, hence the "The same **** all ways happens" argument between Stan's parents. Which means that was it. Stan has left and now they are just going to be ready to end it.