Shadowland: #4 bulleye is still dead, dead. and the "Beast" is coming through.
Powerman: #3 another great issue. i would love for this to become a ongoing. or at the very least a team up Patriot from the Young Avengers.
I just can't care anything about this Power Man.
Shadowland: #4 bulleye is still dead, dead. and the "Beast" is coming through.
Powerman: #3 another great issue. i would love for this to become a ongoing. or at the very least a team up Patriot from the Young Avengers.

Because they are both black?
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I liked the two Thunderbolts tie in issues (148 and 149 I believe), it doesn't have much to do with Shadowland itself except that the T-Bolts fight hundreds of ninjas in an underground prison, and when I say the T-Bolts I mean mostly Crossbones. It's a fun story that advances the overarching plots of the series.

They've totally screwed up their strongest character they had in Matt Murdock.

Funny that people were excited when it was announced Diggle was taking over this book. I don't think I've read any of his work before this, but can now say with confidence that he sucks.

The tie-ins were worse. A bunch of nothing happening for no reason. The new Power Man & Iron Fist? Yawn.
Funny that people were excited when it was announced Diggle was taking over this book. I don't think I've read any of his work before this, but can now say with confidence that he sucks.

Or you can say that Andy Diggle was given a **** sandwich and told to eat it. While it's entirely possible that Diggle just doesn't know what to do with Daredevil or he just dropped the ball, I think it's equally likely that the dramatic shift was in large part an editorial decision.

But I can definitively say Andy Diggle does not suck. The Losers was one of the most under-rated Vertigo books around, and his DC work was uniformly great stuff. Diggle and Jock are easily one of my favorite writer/artist pairs around.
So umm, why is Black Panther taking over? I mean as far as I know he has never had any connection to Daredevil so, why?
Or you can say that Andy Diggle was given a **** sandwich and told to eat it.

You're right. The writing on Shadowland was still crap, though.

So umm, why is Black Panther taking over? I mean as far as I know he has never had any connection to Daredevil so, why?

That's the million dollar question.
I had such high hopes for this leading into it

but you can tell there was a mountain of editorial influence in the writing

a good chunk of the tie-in mini's made it look like they'd be important then nothing ever came of them (that crescent moon jewel being the only thing that could stop the demon in daredevil, ghost rider killing the snakeroot)

this was just all together an awful event, so many bait and switch's I was looking forward to the GR DD brawl, and GR goes down like a punk, Moon Knight just kinda dissapears, Punisher doesn't do ANYTHING
The tie-ins were worse. A bunch of nothing happening for no reason. The new Power Man & Iron Fist? Yawn.

The tie-ins were set ups for everyone else.

The new Hero's for Hire evolving from the Blood in the Streets (loved the last page, and only the last page). and some of the other Shadowland crap.

Iron fist and Powerman out of the Powerman mini.

Collen might get her own thing in the future. from the Daughters of the Shadow.

overall i was happy with the "event" it gave alot of the B/C or even D list characters a little bit of the limelight

Because Wakanda is a ****hole right now.

Doom steals almost all of the Vibranium in Wakanda that he then uses to build an army of minions. T'Challa sacrifices all of the processed Vibranium in the world with a press of a button turning it into a useless inert form.
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Doom steals almost all of the Vibranium in Wakanda that he then uses to build an army of minions. T'Challa sacrifices all of the processed Vibranium in the world with a press of a button turning it into a useless inert form.

Heh, I think you and me were the only ones who read Doomwar.
also they kinda just copied the end of Maximum Carnage, with an evil aura causing mass violence and riots in the streets/ Iron Fist using his Chi to neutralize the source (Dagger helped him in MC)