I liked Power Man...though I didn't like the art on Moon Knight, what did you think of Blood on the Streets?

I haven't read Moon Knight or Blood on the Streets yet.
Blood in the streets: it was ok, it was good to see Misty again after Hero's for Hire
Daughters of the Shadow: loved Collen in H.F.H, she needed some more spot light
Poweman: I was expecting a story about Luke Cage, but this threw me off. its good to see a Hispanic/Latino character I like where this is going.
I've lost interest in this series so fast

Though I am convinced Diggle and Tan should re-team for a Moon Knight book, Hurwitz' run started amazing but has fizzled into a team-up book amazingly fast

Im kinda really looking forward to the Ghost Rider special though, Craine drawing GR again is too good to pass up. Plus he drives his bike across the pacific ocean!
Shadowland #2 and #3 .................. it was...................mmmm.......guess all you really need is a bag of shrooms and some aspirin when you die.
Elektra #1. really enjoyed the Enies, Punisher Max style of violence. and a wonderful reaction of seeing just, justice.
See, I'm enjoying this event alright. It's helping that I'm not paying for the issues, and while it's not anything special, it's just stupid, standard fun fare. It's nothing that's going to light the world on fire, but it's fun enough.

I'm more interested to see what the fallout of the event will be.
Black Panther is the new Daredevil.
Shadowland #3 and Shadowland: Elektra were both total bores.

And while I knew that, of course, they would bring Bullseye back, I'm surprised it was done this early.

Maybe Bullseye is the new Daredevil.
Shadowland #3 and Shadowland: Elektra were both total bores.

And while I knew that, of course, they would bring Bullseye back, I'm surprised it was done this early.

Maybe Bullseye is the new Daredevil.

Proj wasn't joking. Black Panther is the new Daredevil.
Shadowland #3 and Shadowland: Elektra were both total bores.

And while I knew that, of course, they would bring Bullseye back, I'm surprised it was done this early.

Maybe Bullseye is the new Daredevil.
Seriously? He's already back?
I just read the Ghost Rider oneshot and Power Man #2, I liked both of them. Power Man doesn't really have much to do with Shadowland but the story is still fun, and all of the seventies villains that attack remind me of the recent issue of Taskmaster that Van Lente wrote. Ghost Rider was just what happens to Blaze between Shadowland 3 and 4, and how he breaks free from Hand control.
Seriously? He's already back?

Matt dug him up to have the Hand resurrect him. I can't remember if it was done by the end of the issue but if not, it will be next.
GhostRider: really like the art, reminded me of Trail of Tears.
Powerman #2: don't know what it is, but I REALLY like this. maybe its the "you can go ahead and save the world, but stay @#$#@ out of my neighborhood"
Blood in the street: #2: .....don't really care
Daredevil: #510 Damn.....I was starting to like the Black Taranchula too