Seven Soldiers of Victory series discussion (spoilers)

A SOLDIER MUST DIE! Will it be...

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BTW - I just saw that the narrator was talking to Zor/The Terrible Time Tailor, "the eighth of seven."

I would still love to know what he symbolizes, though.

There are theories that the Sheeda symbolize comics themselves, returning to the past to cannibalize it for the future (the Ultimate Universe? :oops: ). If that is true I wonder who/what the narrator is....
Dan DiDio, he's evil and I bet behind the Sheeda

This will be awesomeness when I finally get to read it. I can't wait to

And my third arm has made it into another thread, SWEET
Despite Bass telling me that I should finish Animal Man first, I'm going to start getting this next week. Thanks to my LCS's "Buy Ten, Get One Free" trade card, I'll be getting a free book with Doom Patrol Volume 4, and Seven Soldiers Volume 1 sounds like a good choice.
BTW - I just saw that the narrator was talking to Zor/The Terrible Time Tailor, "the eighth of seven."

I would still love to know what he symbolizes, though.

He was dressing up Zor to be Cyrus Gold, leaving him out in the swamp to be murdered and become Solomon Grundy. This also ensures that the swamp becomes Slaughter Swamp, which will give birth to the Sheeda.

The Narrator is Grant Morrison.

He is changing the past to insure the future. Just like the Sheeda. Just like adults in general...

Its something like that. I need to think it out some more.
He was dressing up Zor to be Cyrus Gold, leaving him out in the swamp to be murdered and become Solomon Grundy. This also ensures that the swamp becomes Slaughter Swamp, which will give birth to the Sheeda.

The Narrator is Grant Morrison.

He is changing the past to insure the future. Just like the Sheeda. Just like adults in general...

Its something like that. I need to think it out some more.

I gave in because I was weak and read the thread. It's a good thing I did, because I was going to die of excellence when reading the comic anyway.

This is the best thing Morrison has ever written.
I read through it once and didn't know what the hell was going on. Damn Morrison and his kooky brain sex robot trees.

The art was very good though. JH Williams III is my favourite artist still.

This thing will incredible when read all at once.
Did anyone do the crossword puzzle? Some awesome spoilers if you do...

Namely, that Lena and Lars are Chop Suzi's kids that she died in childbirth with, and the father was not Captain 7, but BABY BRAIN!

Also the "spear that was never thrown" is explained. Yes, I know it already said who the spear was, but the explanation is in the crossword puzzle if you didn't get it.

That bit was brilliant by the way. Of course we already knew who it was but seeing it happen was cool, and the line "Prophesy moves in for the kill" is probably the coolest line I've ever read in a comic.
I made it all the way thru Vol.1 and I recognize it's greatness. I just still don't care for it. I'm hoping that by Vol.2 I'll start digging it that way reading Vol.3 doesn't feel like a chore.

It's like watching "Streetcar Named Desire". You might not be interested........but God help you if you say it's anything other than a masterpiece.
I made it all the way thru Vol.1 and I recognize it's greatness. I just still don't care for it. I'm hoping that by Vol.2 I'll start digging it that way reading Vol.3 doesn't feel like a chore.

It's like watching "Streetcar Named Desire". You might not be interested........but God help you if you say it's anything other than a masterpiece.

Just wait untill Frankenstien.

We need a Frankenstien ongoing. Now.
I never read the individual ishes, just the first three trades.

Hrm.... When's that fourth trade coming out? January?
.... I do not understand your question...

Are you asking who the titular "Seven Soldiers" are? If so: Mr. Miracle, Frankenstein, The Bulleteer, The Manhattan Guardian, Klarion the Witch Boy, Zatanna, and The Shining Knight.

Wikipedia the series for more info, but its possibly the best comic book event in the past decade.