Seven Soldiers of Victory series discussion (spoilers)

A SOLDIER MUST DIE! Will it be...

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My question, who was the eighth soldier, the reader? Was it merely because we read the issue allowed the story to happen?

I took the 8th soldier as being I, Spyder, who (since Mister Miracle was killed) was actually the 7th Soldier, preserving the group's number.

All the references to Cryus Gold? Were they to represent the resurrection nature of comic book stories?

It was a number of different things - Cyrus Gold was turned into a grundy by the same method as the grundys in Klarion's book. Turning Zor into Cyrus Gold was commentary on rewriting comic history/retconning (I think Doc pointed that out pages back but I don't remember).
I took the 8th soldier as being I, Spyder, who (since Mister Miracle was killed) was actually the 7th Soldier, preserving the group's number.

Well, how does this explain the betrayal of Klarion though?

It was a number of different things - Cyrus Gold was turned into a grundy by the same method as the grundys in Klarion's book. Turning Zor into Cyrus Gold was commentary on rewriting comic history/retconning (I think Doc pointed that out pages back but I don't remember).

AH, I see
Well, how does this explain the betrayal of Klarion though?

The betrayal of Frankenstein?

I think both Frankenstein and Klarion had already played their respective parts. I don't think it was necessary that the team be in place at the moment of victory. In fact, the only time I saw two of them side-b-side was after Bulleteer smashed Gloriana with her car and Manhattan Guardian was there.

I guess you could also argue that Misty was the 7th soldier (or 8th, depending on how you want to look at it).
The betrayal of Frankenstein?

You are right, Klarion did prevent Misty from becoming the new Sheeda Queen, and Frankenstein did kick some serious ***.

I need to take some pills, then reread the story, that may help me catch the stuff I missed.
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Frankenstein did kick some serious ***.

Huge. He "killed" Melmoth, allowing Gloriana's scheme to go on as planned (they were not working together), severely weakened the Sheeda attack by destroying their ships, and provided the means for Klarion to take Gloriana's place. He was the most intricately involved in the Sheeda plot.
I FINALLY got the Vol. 4 TPB today. I've read all the comics but not for a while - it was cool to flip through it because I had forgotten a few things that really cleared up SSoV #1.

- I had totally forgotten about The Vigilante coming back for I, Spyder and "fixing" him and making him a good guy again.

- Mister Miracle giving his life in exchange for Aurakles makes more sense after re-reading Mister Miracle #4. That was my least favorite of the 7 series, but upon re-reading it, it was much better than I remember.

Bulleteer brushing off The Vigilante is a cool scene in the context of her being the spear that was never thrown. So was a dazed Aurakles asking if "the spear had found its mark".

Frankenstein #4 is one of the coolest comics ever made.

I'm still very confused as to what happened to Zatanna. Carla was about to hit her with her car and she lost control of her car...then Manhatten Guardian comes in. It didn't show her being taken out of harm's way. The next we see Zatanna she's flying around on Vanguard's back with Misty.
I e-mailed an online comic shop last Saturday, I think, asking if they could ship all of the Seven Soldiers TPBs and some others to me. They said they could, and they sent me back to the total.

I was all ready to confirm the shipment, but I asked a question, and it took them until Thursday to answer. And the e-mail response doesn't even answer my question!

I could have had these by now.
I received my trades the other day and finished this tonight. It's so epic. I'm going to need to read the annotations to comprehend everything. Just the thought of the Seven Unknown Men being one of Grant Morrison's hypersigils so he can use magic when he wanks off is blowing my brains out and picking them up, placing them in a blender and using retarded chickens as bowling balls.

JH Williams III rules.
I received my trades the other day and finished this tonight. It's so epic. I'm going to need to read the annotations to comprehend everything. Just the thought of the Seven Unknown Men being one of Grant Morrison's hypersigils so he can use magic when he wanks off is blowing my brains out and picking them up, placing them in a blender and using retarded chickens as bowling balls.

JH Williams III rules.

Every time someone posts in this thread I feel the need to get the trades out and re-read them. When I do I always pick up on something new. Always.
I think the series is hit and miss.

I think some minis like Bulleteer and Mister Miracle are awesome, but others kinda meander along and work only because a) it's Morrison and b) they're connected to the other titles, like Shining Knight or Manhattan Guardian. Frankenstein gets better as it goes on.

I think some of it is wonderful, but some of it... nah. I think it's a bit too full of itself. Unlike you guys, the only reason I ever want to re-read it is to pick up some new little link I missed before, but unlike Earth X, I don't have an emotional attachment to that link. It's just there. I find the series as dull as I do exhilerating. It's not bad, not at all, but I wouldn't say it's 'great', either.
I'm sorry Bass... you speak BLASPHEMY!

Let us fetch the boiling oil pits to teach him a lesson!
I finished reading it all (finally) on Thursday...

I'm still attempting to process the last issue, so I'm having a hard time giving a valid review of the whole series...
I finished reading it all (finally) on Thursday...

I'm still attempting to process the last issue, so I'm having a hard time giving a valid review of the whole series...


Disappointed? Overwhelmed?

Disappointed? Overwhelmed?
A bit overwhelmed...

I think Frankenstein might have been my favorite mini-series.

I thought that the last issue could have been longer, but overall it was magnificent. I need to check out that Barbelith annotations site again.

I'll probably tell you what I think of the series as a whole (I read the whole thing over again before I read Volume 4) in a review sometime in the next week.
Oh, I just had a little idea while I was reading the annotations. I had some concept of this while I was reading SSoV #1 but I didn't put it together until just now. When Zatanna throws her cards and says "SEVEN SOLDIERS STRIKE!" (backwards), she's not setting the finale in motion, she's shifting variables in time in order to make sure that everything that happened up until this point really does happen. She's the Seven Unknown Men's ultimate tool, that's why they intervened at the end of her mini and assured that she would be good for the final battle.

And after rereading this thread, I like DSF's earlier theory that the bald man we see in SSoV is specifically meant to be be Grant Morrison and that he's trapping Zor into Cyrus Gold (and in turn, Solomon Grundy) so that he may suffer. Since Grundy doesn't die, this is truly an eternal punishment. The whole theory makes those bits of #1 make a lot more sense.
I thought that the last issue could have been longer, but overall it was magnificent.

The original script, as I understand it was well over 80 pages, and I htink closer to 100. Also, as I understand it, DC made Morrison cut it down.

Oh, I just had a little idea while I was reading the annotations. I had some concept of this while I was reading SSoV #1 but I didn't put it together until just now. When Zatanna throws her cards and says "SEVEN SOLDIERS STRIKE!" (backwards), she's not setting the finale in motion, she's shifting variables in time in order to make sure that everything that happened up until this point really does happen. She's the Seven Unknown Men's ultimate tool, that's why they intervened at the end of her mini and assured that she would be good for the final battle.

I like that theory - that's cool.
The original script, as I understand it was well over 80 pages, and I htink closer to 100. Also, as I understand it, DC made Morrison cut it down.

I dont' get it. DC commits to seven four-issue minis, but editorialises the final issue? :roll:
I dont' get it. DC commits to seven four-issue minis, but editorialises the final issue? :roll:
And 80 page books are not some radical concept, they did it with the Countdown to Infinite Crisis and Brave New World preview thingies.