I just re-read #7 and I have to say, I am not enjoying this story much at all.
It was the Galactus Skrull really that did it for me.
This is just ridiculous now. It is just gratuitous fight scenes that don't make sense. If skrulls were copying Galactus' power, that fight would be pretty much over right then and there....right? Or can the giant girl from NA punch out Galactus? And honestly, is being Galactus a "duplicatable power set"?
For that matter is being a genuine god of thunder "duplicatable"? I mean, Thor doesn't really have "super powers". His "super power" is that he is A GOD. Yet somehow skrulls are able to duplicate that "ability" and then give him a run for his money in a fight? Even while he has the Odin power on top of it all?
Or is that being copied by skrulls also?
I agree with this 100%.
I re-read the first 7 issues thinking that maybe things would make more sense all taken in at once. Nope. The last 3-4 issues have been a gigantic, poorly written fight scene and it's impossible to tell what's going on. Was Bendis going for that? The reader not being able to understand what's going on because no one in the comic can? That's what is seems like. But it doesn't *read* like that - it reads like he wrote 4 issues worth of script that just said "NY: big fight scene. Switch to Savage Land: big fight scene. Switch back to NY: big fight scene." There's no rhyme or reason or explanation to anything going on. It makes no sense.
And I hate the duplicating of powers. It makes sense for a Skrull to be able to duplicate Reed Richards's elasticity, or Giant Man's giant-y-ness, etc. But Galactus? What is the point?
And I don't have the foggiest idea what is going on with Janet. Is it cosmic power or something? That is seriously the worst cliffhanger I've ever seen. You can't even tell what happened to her.
This sucks. And it's about 5 issues too long.