Well-Known Member
Probably a good idea. I hope they remake Gold and Silver for Wii. That would be awesome.
Yeah, I posted that a few pages back. That's very cool.
I can't wait to play it.
Every Nintendo game ever is supposed to be going to the VC (minus GCube).Yay! Pokemon snap is supposed to be going to wii VCI loved that game.
Every Nintendo game ever is supposed to be going to the VC (minus GCube).
Although thinking about it, I wonder if "Hey you, Pikachu!" would still work properly...
Hehe. I never played Snap myself.never played that game. I admit though I really really loved snap , it was simple and fun.
Okay, so the official relase for Pokemon Snap on the VC is tomorrow (12/4/07) for Japan, and this time next week (12/10/07) for the U.S. according to
I piked up Battle Revolution today because I couldn't find another game I was looking for (Mario Party DS).
And now that I have the game, I can't find my Pearl version! :arrgh:
I do have Diamond version, but that file is at the beggining since I started out with Pearl.
I think pretty much everything you've said is bloody brilliant, Ice. My friends and I talked about this years ago (Around the time of Gold and Silver, I think) and it really would be the best thing that could possibly happen. I would definitely play and I think a lot of my friends, who stopped caring about Pokemon long ago, would be very interested to see this.
That's a great idea.A couple of amendments, suggestions, and comments, though.
1) The MMO should take place after the other four generations. It is generally recognized that RBGY/FRLG and RSE take place at the same time and GSC and DP take place at the same time, after the first and third generations. You'd be in a world after all of that where trainers Red, Gold, Ruby and Diamond would be Legendary Pokemon Masters. Essentially, they'd be the final "bosses" of their specific regions. They'd be the hardest CPU opponents the game had to offer.
Thanks again.I for got to mention two of the ones you did. The evil teams/gangs were also a part of the talk I had with my friends. They really should come back. Team Rocket/Magma/Galactic, all, in the regions they were in. I wouldn't mind maybe Jesse and James popping up once in a while in other regions as a little homage to the cartoon show.2) All of the previous evil teams should return in an antagonistic role for their specific region. Team Rocket for Kanto and Johto, Teams Aqua and Magma for Hoenn, and Team Galactic for Sinnoh. Changes that happened to Kanto in GSC should remain as well. For example, Green should be the leader of the Viridian Gym, Janine should lead the Fuchsia Gym, Koga should be part of the Elite Four, Lance should be Champion and Giovanni should still be missing. Giovanni and the two missing Elite Four members, Lorelei and Agatha, should be special battles elsewhere.
3) It should be very, very difficult to capture Legendary pokemon. Possibly have it so that Legendary pokemon are not only incredibly rare, but can only be captured in a certain time frame every year or so. They should also be incredibly powerful, possibly more so then they are in the games.
I like that. I really do. I think that would be the best way to go.4) There should be two Pokemon Leagues. One is the CPU League, where you have to go through all eight gyms in the region to fight the Elite Four and the Champion. The other League should be a Player versus Player tournament. The winner receives the title of Pokemon Champion until the next tournament, which could be month to month or may even once every three months.
Agreed.5) Trainers, Gym Leaders, the Elite Four, the Champion, and the "Legendary Pokemon Masters" should be much, much harder then they are in the regular games. An MMO thrives on things that take time. What worked in the regular games wouldn't work here.
Hmm. That'd be something to think of. I personally think it could be best where it's like the game where you give out the orders and the Pokemon attack. Also, what I forgot to mention, which was what were were supposedly getting in PBR (but it seems false) where the scenery does indeed change after a battle. So if there's a tree and a beam hits it, and the tree falls down, the tree stays like that after a battle. I wouldn't mind the option though where you could get the chance to help rebuild/replant, etc.6) I'm not sure the static battling of the regular games would work well. A revamp of the battling system would be needed, whether it works like directly controlling the pokemon in Super Smash Bros, controlling the pokemon like a character in an MMO (Not as action based as a SSB control scheme), or whether you control the trainer giving orders to the pokemon with added actions such as dodge, jump, etc.
That's great. That's a better idea.7) I think it'd be best to start out with just the Kanto and Johto regions, but make them much larger, possibly with smaller towns and longer routes. Have Hoenn and Sinnoh be expansions and then start taking other areas of Japan (Like how the current four regions are modeled after areas of Japan) and creating regions, characters, storylines and, of course, new pokemon around them. This game could make the handheld games obsolete with monthly fees (Unfortunate but probably necessary from a business standpoint) and yearly expansions.