That's exactly it. Magneto is being influenced by Sublime. To say it's not Magneto completely guts his work, which is appalling.
Also, Lee's Magneto would do all this evilitude. His first appearance? Magneto steals US nuclear missiles and threatens to use them unless his demand's are met.
I know Mooney already explained this, but I am one of those guys who understands something. You have 12 bucks to spend on things. You can't spend it all on comics. You will spend it on comics you like. So convinced I am in the wonderfulness of "Here Comes Tomorrow" that you'll pick it up when I tell you what happens 'coz it's that good (and boy, isn't Planet X wicked? I remember when I got the first issue of that. I had to go back and re-read all of Morrison's X-Men run to date).
Here Comes Tommorrow is set 150 years in the future. The world is segregated, with mutants all over the place. Humans don't really exist. There are a whole bunch of new characters, including Beak's descendents. There is one human character, and he has a pet sentinel called Rover (who loves him). Evo (Phantomex's symbiont) is around and in a female guise - Phantomex died (but we don't know how). There is also Cassandra Nova (not really Cassandra Nova though, she's... well you'll see), the Cuckoo Triad and Wolverine.
We also see that in the past (our present), Cyclops is at Jean's grave. Emma comes up to him and he says he's had enough, and storms off, never to become a X-Man again.
Back in the future, we discover that the human and Rover have got the Phoenix egg and are trying to keep it away from the most evil creature around. Beast. Beast (who is all white) has control over DNA. He sets an army of Nightcrawlers to get the Phoenix egg. These aren't just Nightcrawler's though. He's spliced Multiple Man's abilities onto Nightcrawler so he can duplicate himself. Eventually, a whole bunch teleport the Phoenix egg back to Beast.
Beast then splices Cyclops' eye beams to the Nightcrawlers so that they can incubate the Phoenix egg to hatch. It hatches, and there's Jean Grey. Beast introduces himself as Sublime.
We discover that Sublime is actually the first sentient creature of Earth and it ruled Earth long before humanity (or mutanity) appeared. It is a sentient bacteria, and it takes over host bodies, driving them toward destruction and aggression so that Sublime can rule once more. Sublime took over Beast when Beast took the kick drug (which is explained here - and this explains Magneto's fractured mind).
Beast copies the Phoenix DNA and splices it with his own, then leads an all-out attack agains the heroes and he's unstoppable.
The Phoenix however, does what she does, and starts killing everything, realising she's being manipulated, she destroys Beast.
It's here we discover that there are an infinity of Phoenix forces, with Jean only being one of them, attached to only one very, very, very, small universe. She looks at it, and realises that she can save the Marvel universe, but doing so will mean that she cannot go back there, and losing Cyclops' love.
Back in the past (our present), Cyclops is at Jean's grave. Emma comes up to him and he says they have to rebuild the school. They kiss.
Jean Grey, holding the world in her hands, smiles, and leaves with all the other Phoenix forces to another, new frontier of existence.
Then, they all wake up and it was all a dream.
****ing Marvel. :furious:
Okay, the dream bit doesn't happen. But there's a lot I left out (like... er... the heroes

) but that's the general gist of the story. It doesn't do it justice, but it is, as you can see :rockon:.