I just got the Alias Omnibus a while ago and I thought that was huge! And it's 29 issues, while this is, what, 42?

What's next? Ultimate Spider-Man Omnibus in celebration of #100? Or maybe collect the whole UU in one book? Sky's the limit.
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I MUST have that.

I was looking into ditching my TPBs and getting the HCs. This would be so awesome.

Wow. I'm geeking out here.
Sadly...I can honestly say that I've never read a single X-Men issue from Morrison. Hell...I've never read an issue of New X-Men period. :oops:

Maybe this is something I should look into.
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E said:

I MUST have that.

I was looking into ditching my TPBs and getting the HCs. This would be so awesome.

Wow. I'm geeking out here.

I hear the HC's are out of print and hard to find, so you would be better off getting this.
Victor Von Doom said:
Sadly...I can honestly say that I've never read a single X-Men issue from Morrison. Hell...I've never read an issue of New X-Men period. :oops:

Maybe this is something I should look into.

Seriously, this is the only X-Men worth reading. It was so good it actually made me briefly like the X-men. No small feat.

ProjectX2 said:
I hear the HC's are out of print and hard to find, so you would be better off getting this.

Makes sense. I was going to get them by picking them up either at cons or bookstores (some still have them much like some still have Earth X trilogy TPBs). But yeah, this is way better. Hopefully Amazon offers a good discount, but even if they don't I'll still get it.

I'm totally geeked for this.

This might be the biggest HC ever assembled. I'm not sure how big the Ultimate Spider-Man collection was but I know that collected 3 hardcovers, so it has to be close to that.
E said:
This might be the biggest HC ever assembled. I'm not sure how big the Ultimate Spider-Man collection was but I know that collected 3 hardcovers, so it has to be close to that.

It was the 1st arc to the Venom arc. So 39 issues I believe. This will have two more issues.

And Vic, you must check out. No maybe about it.
Victor Von Doom said:
So this covers from "E is for Extinction" to the end of Morrison's run? How many more is there after that?

What do you mean? How many arcs did Grant Morrison do after E is for Extinction? If so, he did enough to fill 7 TPBs.
ProjectX2 said:
What do you mean? How many arcs did Grant Morrison do after E is for Extinction? If so, he did enough to fill 7 TPBs.

No...I guess what I'm saying is that I never read New X-Men except from the Academy series and onto the current New X-Men which features all new members.

So what I'm asking is does this cover 7 TPBs...and did Grant Morrison write all 7? Or is it like UXM where the creative team keeps changing?
Yep, he wrote all TPBs, with a variety of artists. I presume everything he wrote is being collected into this.
ProjectX2 said:
:drooling: :drooling: :drooling:

Somebody get me a new pair of pants.
Victor Von Doom said:
Sadly...I can honestly say that I've never read a single X-Men issue from Morrison. Hell...I've never read an issue of New X-Men period. :oops:

Maybe this is something I should look into.
Sweet Jebus, what's wrong with you!?

You cannot comprehend the urgency with which you must read every single issue of New X-Men. It's the smartest, coolest, craziest X-Men comic around and it puts nearly every other X-Book to shame. In a word (or three): It's straight-up banannas.

I'd recommend getting the Omnibus, but December is just too long to wait.
ProjectX2 said:
Yep, he wrote all TPBs, with a variety of artists. I presume everything he wrote is being collected into this.

That's everything. All 41 issues, including the Annual, which was the first appearance of Xorn.

This was back when Xorn was cool.
E For Extinction
Imperial (2nd best)
New Worlds
Riot At Xaviers
Assault On Weapon Plus
Planet X
Here Comes Tomorrow (The best one)

The series was called X-men until issue 114 where Morrison took over. Then they added the New. Morrison then wrote the 40 issues and the annual. Then Austen did two close up issues that's not collected in any of these and isn't important at all. Then the series changed back to just X-men as part of the reload thing they had going that changed all creative teams and rosters.

Astonishing continutes some of the story threads that Morrison started. As does Pak's mini "Phoenix Endsong". That I highly recommend.
Shihad said:
I'm so getting this, because of the fact that it ties into astonishing in a way.......

How much would it cost in NZ dollars? I would love to get it - but I'm thinking it would be insanely expensive.
I'm geeking out to an insane degree. I didn't read a single issue of Grant Morrison's New X-Men and recently I was looking into collecting the hardcovers. I didn't want to spend the money they were charging on E-Bay, but I was thinking about. Now I can get everything I wanted.