I want Fantomex back...


I have the entire New X-Men run in singles, except for the Annual, which I'll hunt down one of these days... So I doubt I'll pick it up, but still... This is pretty ****ing awesome.
Victor Von Doom said:
Sadly...I can honestly say that I've never read a single X-Men issue from Morrison. Hell...I've never read an issue of New X-Men period. :oops:

Maybe this is something I should look into.
Dude, I'll hook you up with my TPBs of the run cheap if you want. I'll need to unload them since I'll deffinatly be getting this.

<-- Format Whore
Baxter said:
Dude, I'll hook you up with my TPBs of the run cheap if you want. I'll need to unload them since I'll deffinatly be getting this.

<-- Format Whore

Word. I'll hit the bookstore later today and read the first TPB to see if I like it or not. If I do--I'll PM later to work out some details.
Patriot Mk2 said:
**** me sideways that sounds nice.

My thoughts exactly.

This book is going to be the new greatest thing in the history of EVAR.
ProjectX2 said:
How much would it cost in NZ dollars? I would love to get it - but I'm thinking it would be insanely expensive.
MaxwellSmart said:
I'm geeking out to an insane degree. I didn't read a single issue of Grant Morrison's New X-Men and recently I was looking into collecting the hardcovers. I didn't want to spend the money they were charging on E-Bay, but I was thinking about. Now I can get everything I wanted.
Same thing I said to VVD. You need to get your greasy hands all over it RIGHT NOW.
Dr.Strangefate said:
I want Fantomex back...

*also pines*

He was a great sort of badass replacement for Wolverine since Wolverine has lost his edge.
Victor Von Doom said:
Word. I'll hit the bookstore later today and read the first TPB to see if I like it or not.
Oh, you will.
I didn't really like Fantomex. He was alright - but there wasn't any special about him. Just another one of Morrison's weird creations whose purpose is to show Wolverine the truth.

Bachalo's art on that arc probably didn't help, either.
ProjectX2 said:
How much would it cost in NZ dollars? I would love to get it - but I'm thinking it would be insanely expensive.

160-170 dollars........ and then there would be like shipping costs as well (if u went thro amazon) so maybe another 30-50 bucks (cause i imagine it might be quite heavy)

So i would guess you would pay 200 bucks for it.......

it works out cheaper buying this, then buying all 7 trades for 35 bucks each (give or take, it depends on how much ur comic supplier charges for them)
ProjectX2 said:
I didn't really like Fantomex. He was alright - but there wasn't any special about him. Just another one of Morrison's weird creations whose purpose is to show Wolverine the truth.

The best thing about Fantomex was how he played into the end of the world as Apollyon and how Morrison brilliantly tied that into Revelation of the Bible (The Beast, etc.).

ProjectX2 said:
Bachalo's art on that arc probably didn't help, either.

Project, the price has gone down a little bit..... so it might be a bit better for us Nzer's
So...has anyone got this yet?

I preordered it from Amazon when it was first announced, and I just got an email saying it's on the way.

I'm surprised no one has said anything about it. Am I the only person who ordered it?
Around a week or two ago, my comic shop put up all three New X-Men HCs for a $35 starting bid on an auction site. I was going to bid on it, and then realised that the reserve was a couple of hundred dollars. He was willing to sell the third HC for $300, which means the reserve must have been more than that. Ridiculous.
Around a week or two ago, my comic shop put up all three New X-Men HCs for a $35 starting bid on an auction site. I was going to bid on it, and then realised that the reserve was a couple of hundred dollars. He was willing to sell the third HC for $300, which means the reserve must have been more than that. Ridiculous.

That's insane.

Even though they are out of print, I've seen all 3 HCs in various local bookstores here.

Not to mention The UC store has the omnibus for around $65.
I saw it at the comic book store and picked it up just to see how heavy it is. I could barely lift it.

I swear to God, Chuck Norris should market it as some kind of innovative weightlifting system.
I saw it at the comic book store and picked it up just to see how heavy it is. I could barely lift it.

I swear to God, Chuck Norris should market it as some kind of innovative weightlifting system.
It's a friggin book! How heavy could it be?

Lift some weights every once in a while, geeze.