Captain Marvel Vs. Catwoman
No means No....
sorry... had to ^_^
Captain Marvel Vs. Catwoman
I'm guessing that's his finisher.
more self-righteous than Batman?
Wonder Woman render
they also annouce Deathstroke The Terminator today too and Raiden and Kano on the MK side.
Way more. Superman's a jerk. Batman's just mostly crazy.
What's wrong with Kano? He is one of the originals.
He's never appealed to me, everytime he's included in a game it feels like his place should have been taken by someone who's actually interesting.
The way I see the rest of the roster on MK's side is that they're taking 11 of the 14 characters who were playable in MK1&2 (non-playables include Goro, Ermac (yeah I count him), Kintaro, Shao Khan, Noob Saibot, Smoke, and Jade)
so the remaining 5 are Baraka, Mileena, Reptile, Johnny Cage, and Kung Lao
Johnny is probably a given to round out the original 7, though he may be cut out given his status in point in time Boon said this game would be taking place (between MK2-3), seeing that he was killed at the beginning of MK3 (mainly because they fired the actor who was portraying him for contract violations), but then again he appeared in MK Trilogy via the passage to the heavens becoming blocked off when Shao Khan invaded earth, so he reposessed his dead body (generally assumed fun-fact is that Johnny's eyes are now white like scorpions explaining why he hasn't appeared with his glasses off in a game since MK2) so he's probably got an 90% chance of being in.
Kung Lao is one of those characters that could go either way, personally I think he should be a given, but he's never really had that name recognition that many of the MK1/2 characters enjoy (hey he was one of the 4 MK1-3 character to not appear or even be mentioned in either MK movie, joined by Kintaro and the C/Khameleons), but then again he headlined Shaolin Monks, the way I see his inclusion is if either Johnny Cage or Reptile get cut he'll get a spot on the roster, but if not I just don't know, I'd say a 66% chance
Reptile is probably a lock, given his recognizability in non-mk circles, I mean after all he was the first secret character in a fighting game (if wikipedia is right), the way I see it is that he shouldn't be included because Kung Lao should get his spot, but he'll probably get in just to appease the masses. 75% shot. maybe he'll get put in as a secret-secret character like Blaze or Mokap in MKDA.
Baraka is a long shot, if he is in it's fan-service pure and simple. I mean he's MK's equivalent to Venom, people like him but I sure as hell can't put my finger on why, he's just got a cool visual. he might get a chance as a DLC character but otherwise I don't see it happening. 20 % chance.
Mileena I don't think has a popsicle's chance in hell, not sure why, there is nothing imparticularily wrong with her, but with Kitana and Sonya in already she just doesn't feel necessary, MKD was her chance to shine. 5% chance
More info plus Joker gameplay.
Joker looks like hell of fun to play as.
I like Joker's Fatality.
SSJmole said:I loved jokers moves and that Fatality was funny , sick and awesome all in one.
That was awesome.
How many different Fatalities will each character have? 1, 2, 3, 4...?
Joker looks awesome. They should have the Heath Ledger version as an alternate costume!