The Timeline Guy
Again, both the issues and trades are pricey, but still drastically cheaper than the original issues (for the most part) and definitely the original Eclipse trades (those go for hundreds of dollars), with the new coloring (which is fantastic), and the supplemental Miracleman and Warpsmith stories. Plus, it's a hardcover, and those tend to be a bit expensive anyway. I wonder if they'll do a softcover version. If they do I'm sure it'll be cheaper, though likely only $5 or $10 cheaper.
I've said it before, but I think the long, extended legal battle to obtain the rights to Miracleman cost Marvel quite a bit, so they're attempting to both recoup those costs as well as profit from the new issues/trades, so the fact the issues and trades are a bit expensive isn't surprising. And again, it's far cheaper than buying the originals with the added aspect of the new colors and collecting the supplemental stories.
I've said it before, but I think the long, extended legal battle to obtain the rights to Miracleman cost Marvel quite a bit, so they're attempting to both recoup those costs as well as profit from the new issues/trades, so the fact the issues and trades are a bit expensive isn't surprising. And again, it's far cheaper than buying the originals with the added aspect of the new colors and collecting the supplemental stories.