Millar's Ultimate interview


Don't expect me to take you with me when I go to s
Sep 15, 2004
Just thought I'd post the art...


And I told you Cap would be in Iraq, UltimateE.
I want the issues now! Everytime I hear morfe news about it, and see more art of it, I get pissed that I don't have them. I know the series starts in 2 months, but the waiting is just killing me!
It's considered exceptionally rude to remote-link to images that you don't control, and leads to most sites to installing nasty software or just not posting the images anymore. Can you please remove the embedded images and offer a link?
I hate Marvel... why the hell couldnt they just get a the Ultimates out on time. Why not a fill in artist like they did with Adam Kubert in Ultimate X-Men. But this looks really cool
Dude, are you even listening to yourself? Oh, this looks really cool, but why didn't they throw a fill-in artist on it? If they threw in someone like that, it wouldn't look like this. DUHH!

Is that Banner in the red jump suit deal? Also, who is approaching Thor? What is that building that everyone is in front of? This is getting rather interesting...
It is rather interesting...
And about the images, wouldn't UltimateE have took them down if he didn't want them?
Nah, you do it. I did the same thing before, and I had to take them down because the site complained to UltimateE.
I would have taken them down if I had been here, but I was out of town. Please don't hotlink images - instead, link to the page they are on. Thanks!
I like the HIV comment. Guess Black Widow gets around the Ultimates too. I wondered why they've never addressed that with some of the more womanizing characters. Or James Bond. :)
jtg3885 said:
I like the HIV comment. Guess Black Widow gets around the Ultimates too. I wondered why they've never addressed that with some of the more womanizing characters. Or James Bond. :)

Well, there was an SNL skit.....
Okay, I'm sorry about the pictures I just didn't know before that. They were quite interesting though. They have also bought up a couple of unusual questions. Whose that guy approaching Thor? Whose that guy in the red jumpsuit?
Aeroth said:
Wow, after a long page of very few pieces of new information...I'm looking forward to this even more.
Well, other than that we're going to see Thor working against the Ultimates even on the socio-political level... we've learned a bit about the Ultimate version of the Defenders... we've learned that yes, Tony is after Natasha... no, Cap and Janet don't work out perfectly... Hawkeye is domesticated... the second arc will (much like real life) play out as America versus the World...
Well, what do we know about the Defenders?

I've heard about this Thor being a villain, too, but do you really think it's going to happen?
Nobody said that Thor was going to be a villain, but Millar said in an interview a while back that The Ultimates find out something about him that leads to The Ultimates vs Thor. It's been referenced to several times by Millar since then when talking about Ultimates 2, so yes, it is really going to happen in some form or another.