Millar's Ultimate interview

Right. I don't think that Thor is the type of person that will say, "Hey, guys, I'm on your side after all!" If they are fighting him, he will fight back and, for that time, he will be a villain.
The Ultimate Defenders aren't going to be the same as the 616 Defenders. I think it's a funny concept, a bunch of newbie super-heros who bitch about the famous ones. So I guess this does mean no Iceman in the Ultimate Defenders, eh?

And Millar had that think about there not being a hard line that makes one a hero or a villain. Thor for instance will be organizing an anti-war demonstration that the rest of the Ultimates are sent in to contain. Technically, that'd make Thor the villain in that part, but is he really one?
I guess we'll have to see, but I'm getting the feeling that Millar will give Thor motives of his own, you know? He's a God, why take answers from mere mortals?
In Earth X the Gods became Gods because people believed they were Gods. When people forget you, they have no power.

This was also the tag in a film called Mr Frost where Jeff Goldblum played the devil who had come back to earth to make people remember who he was and therefore to become powerful again.

Gods have no place in the Universe unless they have someone to serve or protect and there by believe in them.

Thor is a good guy remember, (Loki is the shit stirrer)

As like Ultimate War, Thor does not have to be evil or to have done something bad to warrant the Ultimates getting mad with him.

So I agree with JTG on that score.

We just got to consider which character who is currently somewhere like Europe, is featured in another Ultimate comic, who could possibly cause problems for the Ultimates?
That's with anything, though, LSJL. You can't even be considered a god, regardless the amount of power you have, unless you have someone that believes in you, blindly or otherwise. I'm willing to bet that Thor has followers.
We have a famous ex-television sports presenter in this country called David Ike. He suddenly turned up on TV wearing an aquamarine jumpsuit claiming he was the son of God.

For years I thought he was a crack pot, (I do not believe in anykind of higher power or spiritual entity).

Then he was a television last week being interviewed and he explained what he meant when he made the earlier comment.

He believes in God and as we were all created by him - he is therefore the son of God. He was merely displaying his connection with his belief.

I suppose Thor could call himself the son of Odin, without being his actual son, but merely a son of the Norse belief. Such belief in himself could enable him to do anything, even take on the God like powers attributed to his belief system.

But to go back to my earlier point, you need the belief system to exist for the God to exist.

Also, anyone care to think of someone in Ultimate Europe, (where Thor comes from), who may have a grudge against the Fantastic Four, who now has a following, and therefore could attain a God like status due to the creation of this Belief system?
We all need lives, J, or, at least in your opinion. I'm happy with my girlfriend and grades right now, I don't need comics...
longshotjimlee said:
Also, anyone care to think of someone in Ultimate Europe, (where Thor comes from), who may have a grudge against the Fantastic Four, who now has a following, and therefore could attain a God like status due to the creation of this Belief system?

Hmmm...... :wink:

But really I'd be surprised if he showed up in this book. I could be wrong but I can't see him in it.
I don't remember reading that...
OK, that's why we need to stay on topic. This thread is about Ultimates 2. The FF will not be appearing in it as far as we've been told.
As far as we've been told the entire Ultimate Universe is to be rendered by Hitch in the first issue, so it is entirely possible that the Fantastic Four may be showing up. We'll see, though.
well we've had an Ultimate Team up already with Spider-man, (although I think Marvel would rather forget that series in terms of on-going continutity). I think the obvious choice has to be Ultimates. Fury is gonna wanna know about the potential drafting opportunites.
Marvel would want to forget Ultimate Six rather than Ultimate War? No. Six made more sense than War, continuity-wise, it's not even funny.
I think that War made alot more sense then Six. It was kinda of random thing that happend and it didnt really need Spider-Man. War on the other hand also crossed over into Ultimate X-Men. It makes sense that both the Ultimates and the X-Men would want to go after Magneto. The Green Goblin... althought I love his character to death, he isnt as big of a threat as Magneto
Goodwill said:
Marvel would want to forget Ultimate Six rather than Ultimate War? No. Six made more sense than War, continuity-wise, it's not even funny.
