May the force be with you.

I actually never watched them. Does anyone know if they're collected on DVD somewhere?

Yes, each of the two volumes is on a DVD. You can probably get each for around $10 if you look.

And the editing is great. The first volume was a series of 20 or so 5 minute shorts, but edited together it flows seemlessly.

The 2nd volume was 5 15-minute shorts, I think.
ESB, RotJ, ANH, RotS, TPM, AotC

I'm debating the placing of a New Hope and Revenge of the Sith though...Hope is one of the best expositions ever, but Revenge was totally awesome. Going to go with Hope for now, though, just because it's original trilogy.

I had originally placed Sith before Jedi for awhile after seeing. Since its been a couple of years, I think I finally settled on my order.

RotS was such a great lead in the the original movies and the battles were epic. ANH, while a classic, is very boring for the first act or so and is hard on the eyes. RotS beats it because its basically the reason I wanted to see the prequels. Palpatine's ascent to Emperor, the Jedi extermination, the Clone Wars in full swing, and, of course, the final, epic battle between Obi-Wan and Anakin that leaves Anakin as Vader (Which had cut-ins of the unexpected Yoda/Emperor fight, which also rocked something fierce).

Wade_Wilson said:
I actually never watched them. Does anyone know if they're collected on DVD somewhere?

Yes. I own them and always break them out when I decide to have a Star Wars-athon. As E said, their editing is awesome, and together could probably be considered a kind of "lost episode" for the main six. Hell, I wish they would have done the same thing for Shadows of the Empire. That would have made a great interquel inbetween ESB and RotJ.

I just hope the new Clone Wars series and the Live Action Post-Episode 3 series are as good.
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While I understand your logic completely, it's tough for me to contemplate rearranging my list. I mean, A new Hope was always my favorite movie when I was a kid (because the others were too scary). It'll always deserve a place in my top 3.
I hate Ewoks, I hate Endor.

Best planet? Corellia.
Those who are born there are awesome.
Corran Horn = Best SW character, with Bobba Fett being a close second
Ewoks rule.

Wicket was the man when I was a kid.

Of course, I have a skewed opinion, being in exactly the right target age for Ewoks when they were introduced.
While I understand your logic completely, it's tough for me to contemplate rearranging my list. I mean, A new Hope was always my favorite movie when I was a kid (because the others were too scary). It'll always deserve a place in my top 3.

Oh, I understand. Nostalgia can have a big effect on your opinion.
It took a bit of searching but I found the post I was looking for in terms of different methods to watching the saga.

Viewing Order?

All 4 options work as I've viewed them before like that.....but it's this method posted later on down the page that I like best:

Some Dude said:
I think there is a 5th, and very viable, method which has been overlooked: I-II-IV-V-III-VI. Essentially, you get enough of the background through Eps I & II to see where events are leading. In this scenario Eps I & II act as "prequels" to a main story line: IV-V-VI.
But what about Ep VI, you ask? Well, it tucks very neatly between Eps V & VI. If you think about it, you have a "historical prequel" leading into a main story line, that has a flashback interjected right before the grand finale. So, just when we learn that Darth Vader is Luke's father, we flashback to see the whole transformation as portrayed in Ep III.
I have watched the entire trilogy as a marathon twice in this method, and each time it just seems to fit together neater and neater. The viewer isn't really left with loose or hanging ends, and all the storylines seem to tie together nicely.
omg pirates is a better trilogee for srsly bc jonny deppp is teh hawtness personefiid lol pirates 4 evr

Normally I'd respond to this with an equally nausiating statement about Pirates being teh bst evvarz, but after sitting through 2 and a half hours of Pirates 3, I don't know if I have it in me.

Honestly, I don't even know how people can make this argument. Star Wars kicks the crap out of any other trilogy. Be it about Hobbits or Pirates. Period.

You can live with just one kidney, you know.

I'll probably be eBaying organs by the end of the night.
It took a bit of searching but I found the post I was looking for in terms of different methods to watching the saga.

Viewing Order?

All 4 options work as I've viewed them before like that.....but it's this method posted later on down the page that I like best:

Weird. . .

I've only watched them in two ways: Episodic order and chronological order. When I show them to my kids for the first time, I'll be showing them in chronological order, as I feel spoiling who Darth Vader is really pulls a lot from both A New Hope and Empire Strikes Back. But, repeat showings is perfectly viable in episodic order.

The flashback and alternating methods just seem a little too unorthodox for me. I'd probably feel my viewing experience would be a bit disjointed, too. . .

Wade_Wilson said:
Honestly, I don't even know how people can make this argument. Star Wars kicks the crap out of any other trilogy. Be it about Hobbits or Pirates. Period.

Pirates, definitely not. Pirates is just a popcorn epic. Lord of the Rings, though, is tougher. If I had to make a decision on the spot, I'd pick Star Wars every time. But, in terms of which is cinematically better. . .it's a tough choice.
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Normally I'd respond to this with an equally nausiating statement about Pirates being teh bst evvarz, but after sitting through 2 and a half hours of Pirates 3, I don't know if I have it in me.

Honestly, I don't even know how people can make this argument. Star Wars kicks the crap out of any other trilogy. Be it about Hobbits or Pirates. Period.
I'll probably be mocking Pirates a lot in the coming days, as a way of working through the fact that I'm going to have to spend the next 2-3 weeks hearing people blather on about that goddam ****ing movie.
I'll probably be mocking Pirates a lot in the coming days, as a way of working through the fact that I'm going to have to spend the next 2-3 weeks hearing people blather on about that goddam ****ing movie.

Ugh. Tell me about it. Teenage girls debating who's hotter; Depp or Bloom. Whopee.

Star Wars was always about the story and state-of-the-art special effects; not the prettyboy actors.
What are the third and fourth options?

Third is watching them like this: ANH, ESB, TPM, AotC, RotS and then RotJ. Basically, the prequels become a really ****ing long flashback.

Fourth is like this: TPM, ANH, AotC, ESB, RotS, RotJ. Alternating. I think this way would feel the most disjointed. Not to mention, damn depressing. Watching the two darkest Star Wars films back to back? Although, I guess it'd make the ending to RotJ that much more rewarding. . .
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Ugh. Tell me about it. Teenage girls debating who's hotter; Depp or Bloom. Whopee.

Star Wars was always about the story and state-of-the-art special effects; not the prettyboy actors.
Today in English, the Johnny Depp/Pirates obsessed chick in our class made sure to give everyone her review.

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