Oh and the next story DLC will be the return of your Virmire survivor.
Just bought the Overlord DLC. I'll try it out later this weekend.
Skotti...I can't believe you haven't jumped in with your thoughts on Lair of the Shadow Broker. I can't wait to hear what you thought about it.
Again, I loved it. Great production values, nice fan-service and character-service in terms of the option to re-romance Liara (assuming you romanced her in the first game), pretty decent dialogue and great voice acting, and a nice little extra at the end once the mission is over in which you can use Shadow Brokers computers to learn more about your crew.
Some people have complained about the Shadow Broker's identity, saying it was a cop out NOT to use a previously introduced character in some unexpected plot twist...but honestly, I was expecting that, and had a feeling if it went that route it would've come off as disappointing. So, when it was some big Yahg whom had never been introduced, I was pleasantly surprised.
And I like that Liara is the new SB. I just hope it won't preclude her from being a full time member of your crew in ME3.
EDIT: One more thing...while it isn't explicitly stated this is post Suicide mission DLC, the dialogue does lean heavily in that direction. You can play this anytime after visiting Illium and meeting Liara, but certain dialogue does hint that this should be played toward the end of ME2, if not after the Suicide Mission altogether.
I hate you all for having functioning 360's.But I guess it gives me time to decide whether I want to stick with Liara or Jack.
So, DiB, I'm assuming you can't keep playing with Liara after you finish the mission, right? She doesn't join your crew and you can't bring her out on missions other than the SB content?
A leaked image from BioWare's upcoming VGA announcement. Some people are speculating that it's from the ME3 announcement. Other's are thinking it's from the rumored new franchise using the ME2 engine.
Cannot wait for the day after tomorrow.
The other rumor I've heard is that it's a multiplayer project set in the Mass Effect universe.
A leaked image from BioWare's upcoming VGA announcement. Some people are speculating that it's from the ME3 announcement. Other's are thinking it's from the rumored new franchise using the ME2 engine.
Cannot wait for the day after tomorrow.
The other rumor I've heard is that it's a multiplayer project set in the Mass Effect universe.
Maybe the Reapers (discreetly, so no one realizes they're responsible) decimate Earth in order to spite Shepard and the opening levels and/or spinoff deal with that?
Then again, how do you decimate a planet discreetly?
Hm! Possibly!
Wasn't Earth a target in one of the earlier games? I always kind of figured ME3 would involve having to defend Earth.
It could be anything really, though. I can't wait to find out.