The latest Mass Effect 2 DLC has been revealed, Lair of the Shadow Broker!
Two years ago, Commander Shepard died and Liara T'Soni fought in a desperate struggle against the Shadow Broker to recover her former Commander. Now that Shepard is back, it's time to even the score.
Team up with Liara and confront the mysterious and sinister Shadow Broker in the latest expansion to Mass Effect 2, coming soon! In the mean time check out three new screenshots here: and stay tuned for more info on Lair of the Shadow Broker.
New DLC just announced: Mass Effect 2 - Lair of the Shadow Broker
The name's a bit hokey, but from descriptions it'll be the DLC I've looked forward to most for two reasons: Liara (as a squadmate again!) and Shadow Broker (here's hoping we'll find out more about him/her/them/it).
Dammit DIB, you beat me to it.
I kinda like the title, has a great pulp-y noir sound to it.
I kinda like the title, has a great pulp-y
skotti-chan said:noir sound to it.
Mass Effect 2 coming to PS3.
I doubt I'll rebuy it for the better console, unless it includes Zaeed and Kasumi's stuff. I can deal with rebuying the weapon packs n stuff, but the larger DLCs. Not so much.
It just seems strange that they'd bother releasing it for the PS3 considering they CAN'T release ME1 for the PS3, thus forcing anyone who plays it on PS3 to use the Default backstory for Shep in ME2. Microsoft still owns the distribution rights for ME1, so there's no way it'll ever come to the PS3.
I'm glad Bioware will be able to expand its fanbase to PS3 owners and spread the awesome, but I can't help but feel the PS3 players are getting only half the experience--figuratively in the sense of not shaping the game based on their decisions from ME1, and literally in the sense they will never get to play ME1 on the PS3.
So, yeah, I'm evenly split on it.
The one thing I didn't like about ME2 was that you were forced to go a default route. It would be nice if they would have let you make some choices regarding your character's backstory, or at least have that become an unlockable option after beating the game on default. Hopefully they'll offer something like this in the PS3 version.
I own both the first and second game but it would be nice to play out different tracks without having to completely replay ME1 again.
Glad to see more games are being ported on over. Now, if L4D2 was on the PS3 I'd be jumping for joy. Or Fable 3.
So, yeah, looks like they're going to integrate some extra introductory stuff for the PS3 version, as well as including the DLC on the disc(s):
Mass Effect 2 on PS3 details
Liara & the Shadow Broker comes out on Sept 7th (mah Birthday! Thank you BioWare ^_^), will be 800 microsoft points.
Is Liara playable?
Yup, and according to sources, if you romanced her in ME1, it will effect dialogue and story points. I'm curious if this is our first bit of post-Suicide Run DLC.
Oh and the next story DLC will be the return of your Virmire survivor.