Marvel: Your Universe Thread

SEEMS TO BE indication. I'm guessing and reading into things.
I know "seems to be" and I know it's you guessing and all. I'm just asking what you've read/seen that makes you think that- asking for specifics, that's all. :wink:
Galactus is not part of The Ultimates team.

We know the initial threat your team will be up against is the planet devouring Galactus. What's your take of the World Devourer? How do you want to present him in the story? And will he be assaulting Earth on his own? Or will he be accompanied by a Herald?

I figure if we want to play the big cosmic game we need to go deep into the unknowable, right into the liminal spaces. I want to get into that headspace where -- remember that first Galactus story, when Johnny Storm came back from some outer zone of totality and he's screaming about how we're ants, we're all ants, just ants? Ants! ANTS!

I kind of want to get something like that going. I've been having ideas.

You know what they say about judging a book by its cover. :p
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Not sure I Like this. I also hear the Punisher is going to be Black now.

It's Greg Pak and Frank Cho...



Holy crap Outlaw is back!!!! Ewing is gonna save Marvel!
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Ultimate Returns by Jeph Loeb and Frank Cho/Ed McGuinness. Covers by Tim Sale and Art Adams
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Ultimate Yellowjacket by Jeph Loeb and Frank Cho/Ed McGuinness. Covers by Tim Sale and Art Adams
Ultimate Yellowjacket by Jeph Loeb and Frank Cho/Ed McGuinness. Covers by Tim Sale and Art Adams

It's hard to imagine a project less deserving of the hype that these two teasers are generating.
It's hard to imagine a project less deserving of the hype that these two teasers are generating.

Heroes Return 2 by Scott Lobdell and Rob Liefeld. Covers by Erica Henderson.
The teaser isn't about Hank Pym. One, it was revealed that "Beware My Sting" is about an all-new Wasp, but also (two):
Hank Pym returns in Uncanny Avengers #4
Hey, I just read issue #1 of the new Daredevil. He made every one forget who he was... This seems very much like OMD. Have they revealed what he did?