Marvel: Your Universe Thread

And Charles Soule is on Daredevil now. I haven't read anything by him. Is he any good?
He's really good, IMO. He's a lawyer himself, so that just adds to the pro side.

If you ever get a chance, check out the 12-issue run of She-Hulk. One arc that had bad art aside, it was well-written.
Soule is OK. His She-Hulk was pretty good. I can't remember what else he's done. I would check out a Daredevil book by him, sure.

Please tell me that the spider on the new Spider-Man costume doesn't glow and that's just an effect.

I feel like I could start a new site with all of the feels I have on the new Guardians book.
He's really good, IMO. He's a lawyer himself, so that just adds to the pro side.

If you ever get a chance, check out the 12-issue run of She-Hulk. One arc that had bad art aside, it was well-written.

Soule is OK. His She-Hulk was pretty good. I can't remember what else he's done. I would check out a Daredevil book by him, sure.
Okay, cool.
Please tell me that the spider on the new Spider-Man costume doesn't glow and that's just an effect.
Yeah. I hope so too.
I feel like I could start a new site with all of the feels I have on the new Guardians book.
Is that a joke?
I'm all for new adjectives. Feels like old school Marvel, but All-New and All-Different suck.

ULTIMATE NEW UNIVERSE EARTH-X ALL-NEW ALL-OLD MARVEL NOW! (it helps if you read it in Stan Lee's voice)

The Uncanny Avengers!
The Stimulating Spider-Gwen!
The Rousing Hawkeye!
The Totally Awesome Hulk!
The Wild Wolverine!
The Deadly Drax!
The Dramatic Daredevil!
The Mysterious Illuminati!
The Challenging Contest of Champions!
The Astonishing Ant-Man!
The Ludacris Deadpool!
The Electrifying Karnak!
The Uncanny Inhumans!
The Whimsical Web Warriors!
The Majestic Scarlet Witch!
The Spectacular Spider-Woman!
The Miraculous Ms. Marvel!
The Invincible Iron Man!
The Horrible Howling Commandos of S.H.I.E.L.D!
Spaceknights: The Victorious Venom!
The Uncanny X-Men!
The Dynamic Vision!
The Uplifting Ultimates!
The Extraordinary X-Men!
The New Avengers! (I'll allow this one since that actually had people really hyped)
Asgard's Assassin: The Angela!
Captain America: The Snappy Sim Wilson!
The Incredible Avengers!
The Vivacious Captain Marvel!
The Humorous Howard the Duck!
The Exciting Nova!
The Sinister Squadron Supreme!
The Mystical Doctor Strange!
The Amazing Spider-Man!
The Smashing Spider-Man!
The Rocking Star-Lord!
The Enthralling Old Man Logan!
The Carnivorous Carnage!
The Magnificent A-Force!
The Captivating Guardians!
The Stunning Silk!
The Audacious Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D!
The Shocking Spider-Man 2099!
The Mighty Thor!
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So when does the "All-New, All-Different" Marvel Universe launch? Secret Wars #7 (of 8) is slated to be released in September, so will the new Marvel u launch in November?

About starting a site, or about the new Guardians book sounding like typical stupid Bendis throwing poop against the wall?

Yeah, I know you hate Bendis' run on Guardians, but you said:

I feel like I could start a new site with all of the feels I have on the new Guardians book.

which (to me) sounds like you're saying you like it. So I assumed you were being sarcastic. But maybe "the feels" are negative and it would be a bitter and cynical site.

EDIT: never mind, since the decline of the Ultimate line, this site is already bitter and cynical. Especially about Bendis.
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No one laughed at "The Stimulating Spider-Gwen" :( Is Robbi Rodriguez holding you guys at knife point or something? I thought that was hilarious.
which (to me) sounds like you're saying you like it. So I assumed you were being sarcastic. But maybe "the feels" are negative and it would be a bitter and cynical site.

The feels are negative, right. The book is crap to begin with, now there's news of a "new" Star Lord, Thing is on the team for some reason, etc.

I don't think this site is THAT bitter and cynical, especially considering a LOT of people hate Bendis on GotG. I mean, like, a LOT.
How would you guys feel if Star-Lord never came back from the Cancerverse and the dude running around now is something else...

Sorry Wyo. Although you're right, it is easy to imagine Stan Lee saying all these in his voice.

Oh, I wasn't really upset. the whole list was a joke list anyway. I just wanted to rip on Reactive Robbi Rodriguez. Dude is a man-child. He should be more like Freddie Prinze Jr. and encourage the smut being made based on his character :p
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This is the cover to New Avengers #2. Isn't this Ultimate Reed/The Maker? Guess he survives Secret Wars too?

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Look at him! He's so happy! He just made something out of Spy Kids 2! He's beaming! He's so proud of himself!
So Ultimate Reed survives, 616 Ben and Johnny survive and are on different teams, and there seems to be an indication that 616 Reed doesn't make it.

None of that makes any sense.
What indication is there at 616 Reed doesn't make it? If anything, he'll be one of the missing people, not dead-- just missing, and I bet the new F4 book will be the search for the missing crew.
What indication is there at 616 Reed doesn't make it? If anything, he'll be one of the missing people, not dead-- just missing, and I bet the new F4 book will be the search for the missing crew.

SEEMS TO BE indication. I'm guessing and reading into things.