Marvel vs Capcom 3

Nova Trailer

Phoenix Wright Trailer!
Fantastic! I also like how they have a Days of Future past level, where instead of X-Men on the background wanted poster there's mug shots of the MvC2 characters who didn't make it in.
Yeah there's a lot of Buzz going around about what it means. Killian says not to look too much into it. It serves no purpose aside from teasing/pissing off fans. Everybody's making the biggest deal about Mega Man being the odd man out in the pic as his face replaces Wolvies' from the original. But I'm going to speculate the hell out of it.
Phoenix Wright looks rediculous

Nova looks pretty cool, like a faster Iron Man I guess?

Also noticed that his beam Hyper gets stronger depending how much red health he uses.

Fantastic! I also like how they have a Days of Future past level, where instead of X-Men on the background wanted poster there's mug shots of the MvC2 characters who didn't make it in.

It's just a shout out to " Days of Future Past".
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if you haven't noticed by now, Venom doesn't like to read too much into easter eggs, whereas i am on the complete opposite side of the spectrum. He's the Jack Lemmon to my Walter Matthau.
New CGI trailer:

New Heroes and Heralds mode trailer!:

Heralds looks great.

And the CGI trailer is superb. I particularly love Deadpool's frozen moment.
I think the best part of Deadpool's moment is that apparently Phoenix can shout "OBJECTION!" loud enough to shatter brick walls.