Marvel vs Capcom 3

Why though? It was active for awhile and that was talking mainly about the update and this one was about the vanilla version.

I want Iron Fist's alt to be the Pirate Queen of Pinghai Bay.

I'm hoping for Orson Randall myself.

I was looking at the new palette swaps for Thor today and one was modeled after the ultimate Thor colors. This got me thinking of how awesome an Ultimate Thor alt would be in this game. I honestly don't understand the exposed Steve Rogers looked when everyone was clamoring for the 1942 look. An Orson Randall Alt would be badass with 2 M1911's in his holster. Also for Ameterasu, how fun would Mega Man's dog as an alt be?

Actually, most were asking for Bucky Cap as Cap's alt. Though most were happy with his Secret Avengers alt for Cap.

Besides, his 40's look is a color alt in Ultimate.(Though they were able to change the shield even with it being a color alt). The 40's look wouldn't exactly work as a costume anyway.....Unless you were asking for 40's Cap from the Ultimates.

Amaterasu's alt will probably something from her own series, wouldn't. I mean Rush is probably a tad cartoony to be Ammy's alt. Unless you are suggesting it be just Ammy, with an armor referencing Rush.

Anyway, Thor already has his classic look as his alt. Though yeah, the Ultimate look would have been nice.
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Cover art is rocking (Mark Brooks no?)

I'd like to see Iron Fists alt be Orson too or hell any of the other Iron Fists. For colour swaps I'd like to see the Red suit you see in statue variants everyonce in awhile, the new white suit, steel serpent, and the Mighty

I'd like to see Nova's alt be his more simple classic look or even Ultimate Nova, with Nova 0:0, Kid Nova, Supernova, and a suit inspired by the appearence of a female Nova from way in the future as a member of the Future Foundation

for Rockets alt I'd like to see Blackjack O'Hare! that would be so awesome. Conquest Rocket, and his original suit are the only color swaps I could think of
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same game with a new title. Can we at least change the thread name since the former is now obsolete?

So we should rename Little big planet 1 and Arkham Asylum threads to add "Game of the year edition" too? Same with movie threads if "directors cut" "extended edition" ect... come out? Not trying to be a dick but it's the same thing with a few changes and improvements. I'd really feel sorry mods of a star wars thread.
So we should rename Little big planet 1 and Arkham Asylum threads to add "Game of the year edition" too? Same with movie threads if "directors cut" "extended edition" ect... come out? Not trying to be a dick but it's the same thing with a few changes and improvements. I'd really feel sorry mods of a star wars thread.

well yeah, if enough changes were made to the game you described where it had all of us clamoring about it for another few pages, I would say it's worth a name change at the very least. It's not worth a change if it's just you or me saying, "hey Uncharted 2 is getting a GOTY Edition." But 2-3 pages later and we're still talking about a new version of an old game. Yes I think it's worth changing the title of the thread since it's covering an entirely new version of an older game which is no longer in production, yet no mod feels is worth giving it's own thread. If you would jsut read all the new articles coming out, everyone remotely connected to the game are saying it's completely new game. The engine was rebuilt and retweaked, added characters, levels, brand new online modes, so on and so forth. Not to mention that it carries it's own trophy system. Most GOTY games still use the same trophy system so you can still earn original trophies regardless of which version you play. Also most GOTY versions only carry system updates and free dlc you'd otherwise have or would have to pay for if you still had the original release. That isn't the case for UMVC3.

If it's enforced that a spoilers thread needs to be labeled a spoilers thread even though you carry the knowledge that the thread at hand will have information you don't want to find out yet, ala the batman 3 rumors thread, I think it's a fair assessment that this thread deserves to have the word "ULTIMATE" in front of the word "MARVEL."
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seriously? you're arguing about this too?

Who's arguing? I said my opinion he said his. Newsflash if you think everyone on the internet will share the same opinion your in for a huge shock. :p

The most interesting villain in the world!
HAH! Should have said, "I don't always fight my self, but when I do I divide by zero."

Anyone remember those smash bros flv's that Random posted during all the character speculation for SSBB? They should have done one like this for MVC3. I've seen some of the live-action and they're okay but and 8-bit sketch would seem like a hilarious video to me.


Nova's looking pretty slick