Marvel Rivals Timeline/Reading Order

• Midnight Features: "The Doctor's Out…Of His Mind!"
• Midnight Features: "Bad Moon (Knight) Rising"
• Midnight Features: "Spider-Man: Villain or Vampire?"
• Midnight Features: "Central Park Goes Goth!"
• Midnight Features II: "Vampire Slayer Gone Missing"
• Midnight Features II: "Squirrel Girl Gone Savage?!"
• Midnight Features II: "Rare Occult Book Auction"
• Night Falls Gallery Card: "Turning the Pages"
• Night Falls Gallery Card: "Star Turn"
• Night Falls Gallery Card: "Plans Within Plans"
• Midnight Features II: "Brighter Days Ahead for NYC?"
• Midnight Features II: "Elderly Heiress Seeks Missing Heirloom"
New order for both Midnight Features (surprisingly easy)

Edit: Forgot to include Blood Moon Over the Big Apple in the reply, but it goes first
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I think I should move Seasons Beatings/Planet X Pals to before the bulk of Season 1 (I'm thinking after Chilling Charisma for the sake of streamlining it but it could also go before Blood of Kings) since that's pretty firmly Christmas 2024 and Season 1 is January 2025

Wild how dates actually kind of matter
I think their is lore from the collectibles which give us more information about Galacta's point of view in the story. The loading screens for the maps also have one or two lines of lore along with the victory and loose screens, the comics also deal with the Web-Warriors arc in 2099
Just so you know I didn't forget this boss
Do you know where to access them in-game?
in the closed beta there was some lore in the battle pass which you can find in the internet can you please incude them in your order and also can you please include the items which are located in store —> inventory too i think they can help understanding the lore better
Got around to tentative placements of the Beta/In-Game collectibles

Collectible: "Galacta's Lunch"
• Describes Thor's banishment so I'm putting it after the Family Affairs card

Collectible: "Galacta's Dinner"
• Describes Master Weaver banishing Spider-Zero and her and her ugly plushie or whatever fending for themselves, meaning it should go before the Web Warriors Gallery Card

Collectible: "Galacta's Big Dessert"
• Could honestly go anywhere since it's just Galacta talking about her birthday and relationship with Galactus so I'm probably put it at the beginning

Collectible: "Galacta's Snack Time"
• Galacta explains that she downloaded Tony's research on Chronovium and how she loves eating the crystals. I'll probably place this just after the "Your Biggest Fan" gallery card where her eating Chronovium is first mentioned

Collectible: "Galacta's Cosmic Tea"
• Galacta talks about Thor using Jarnbjorn when he was younger before wielding Mjolnir so it'll go before Ragnarok Rebirth

Collectible: "Galacta's Just Desserts"
• Talking about the Dooms triggering the Entanglement so I'll place it after the "Let There Be Rivals" Gallery Care

Collectible: "Galacta's Sweestest Treat"
• Galacta gushing over Jeff and how he escaped from Collector. It could go anywhere after his escape so I'll place it after Chilling Charisma

Collectible: "Galacta's Stellar Seasoning"
• It's just Galacta gushing over the Heart-Shaped Herb so it could honestly go anywhere. For now I'm putting it before the Fickle Banner story

Collectible: "Hive Statue"
• Describes Chronovium reawakening the Hell's Heaven base so I'm placing it before the Hydra's Hymn card

Collectible: "Thread of Fate"
• Describes Loki harnessing Yggdrasil's sap to reshape Yggsgard's fate so I'll place it before Hela's story since it nicely leads into Hela knowing that Loki will come to her after finding it himself and Loki's story having him see Yggsgard AUs

Collectibles: "Spider-Totem"
• Mentions the Entanglement disturbing the Web of Life and Destiny so it should go toward the beginning of the Entanglement so atm I'll put it before Let There Be Rivals

Collectibles: "Vibrani-Chronovium"
• I'm place it before the Gods and Guardians Gallery Card since I believe that's the first mention of Vibrani-Chronovium

Collectibles: "Celestial Codex"
• Placing it before Venom's story since it stirs Knull awake and Venom's story has the Hivemind lose their minds over it

Collectibles: "Darkhold"
• Talks about Doom's plan to team up with Dracula so I'm placing it before Thicker Than Blood
Got around to tentative placements of the Beta/In-Game collectibles

Collectibles: "Darkhold"
• Talks about Doom's plan to team up with Dracula so I'm placing it before Thicker Than Blood
I don't wanna be that guy but you missed one, the "Pure Blood Chronovium".

The description: 'Of course, Doom deceived Dracula. The so-called "gift" of the Chronovium was far from an act of generosity--it was a debt of blood that Dracula would one day repay tenfold. The naive Vampire Lord had unwittingly retrieved the Vampiric Verses for him. Now, all Doom needed to do was activate the power of that Chronovium, reversing the effects of the Vampiric Verses. The spell that granted Varnae's brood their immortality would be stripped away and condensed into this single crystal.'

It sounds like it is being spoken by either Galacta, Doom or Doom 2099 but the way it is worded makes it seem like one of the two Dooms and it is probably Doom talking in the third person about himself getting his hands on the Chronovium. It should probably be placed after the central park level where they defeat Dracula. So in between (Midnight Features II: "Brighter Days Ahead for NYC?)/("Plans within Plans") and (Midnight Features II: "Elderly Heiress Seeks Missing Heirloom").

Also, I would argue that (Midnight Features II: "Brighter Days Ahead for NYC?) is before "Plans within Plans" because the newspaper is as if Dracula defeat/Central Park map has just happened and Doom 2099 passage is him talking about the events after they happened whilst referencing the Blood Chronovium falling to Doom.
I don't wanna be that guy but you missed one, the "Pure Blood Chronovium".
Don't worry about being that guy lmao. I didn't even know this existed so thx for the feedback

Also, I would argue that (Midnight Features II: "Brighter Days Ahead for NYC?) is before "Plans within Plans" because the newspaper is as if Dracula defeat/Central Park map has just happened and Doom 2099 passage is him talking about the events after they happened whilst referencing the Blood Chronovium falling to Doom.
Noted, boss

Edit: Updated. Prec8 the feedback
Prec8 the feedback
No problem, u also need to update the season 1 reading order with the new adjustments and the new collectable and probably the Darkhold cause it is part of the season 1 story.

btw are u still planning to add skins and their descriptions cause I can try and find placements for some of them even though some themes are quite hard to place. But if u added the Blood Shield skin, wouldn't it make sense to add the other gothic return skins that are part of the vamp hunters squad?
u also need to update the season 1 reading order with the new adjustments and the new collectable and probably the Darkhold cause it is part of the season 1 story
Thx for the reminder
btw are u still planning to add skins and their descriptions cause I can try and find placements for some of them even though some themes are quite hard to place. But if u added the Blood Shield skin, wouldn't it make sense to add the other gothic return skins that are part of the vamp hunters squad?
Yea I still plan to add skins at some point and all the Blood Skins would be there (they'd be the easiest honestly)
I have some questions about the lore so can you help me pls.

1_was timestream entanglement created because the two dooms failed at the same time or would it have happened if only one of them did it too?

2_How did doom do his experiments without the darkhold?

3_Why did doom needed khonshu's help?

4_how is chronovium created and can doom have infinite amount of it?

5_why did doom provided dracula with chronovium?
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1_was timestream entanglement created because the two dooms failed at the same time or would it have happened if only one of them did it too?
I personally think it started because they both messed with the timestream during their experiments during the same time roughly and that caused them to collide and cause the timestream entanglement with normal universe, 2099 universe and the the others (Wakanda universe and Asgard universe, I think some of the maps are in the same universe so I might be wrong with some of them)
2_How did doom do his experiments without the darkhold?
I don't think it says that he used the Darkhold for his experiment but might be wrong, maybe he had that page that he needed for the experiment only and not the whole book.
3_Why did doom needed khonshu's help?
Probably so that if Khonshu goes for the Darkhold himself then Dr Strange will take it away so Khonshu cant get it, making it easier for Doom to take it. I think in a midtown victory screen it shows Dr Strange taking it away from Khonshu and pages going everywhere.
4_how is chronovium created and can doom have infinite amount of it?
Not too sure, I think it will get explained as the story goes on but it was probably made by the timestream entanglement and universes colliding.
5_why did doom provided dracula with chronovium?
It explains it in the 'Plans within plans' gallery card where it says that Doom did it so the heroes are distracted with Dracula, then Doom turns on him and uses Dracula's blood once he is defeated to make pure blood Chronovium which is stronger and can be used for whatever Doom has planned.
Can u include the new gallery card and also maps?
We'll add the maps soon enough, but the Eternal Nights maps can actually be placed just as soon as we determine where/how they'll be placed

Also I need to complete Galacta's Gambling Game for the new Gallery Card, but plz believe I'm working on it
We'll add the maps soon enough, but the Eternal Nights maps can actually be placed just as soon as we determine where/how they'll be placed
I think I already mentioned it but it goes like this:

- Midnight Features: "The Doctor's Out... Of His Mind!"
--- Empire of Eternal Night: Sanctum Sanctorum ---
- Midnight Features: "Bad Moon (Knight) Rising"
- Midnight Features: "Central Park Goes Goth!"
--- Empire of Eternal Night: Midtown ---
- Midnight Features II: "Vampire Slayer Gone Missing"
- Night Falls Gallery Card: "Star Turn"
--- Empire of Eternal Night: Central Park ---
- Midnight Features II: "Brighter Days Ahead for NYC?"

Midtown could be moved a bit further forward and could take place during any of the midnight features part 2 pages or even straight before central park but I went with a reasonable placement (correct me if I'm wrong).
Also I need to complete Galacta's Gambling Game for the new Gallery Card, but plz believe I'm working on it
Me too, even tho I think they rigged the gambling game lol so you have to go round a couple times to get the skin
I'll get right to adding the S1 stages, thx for the help.

Also yea Galacta's running me dry, I haven't been btfo while gambling like this since that high school Uno game…

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I have finished Galacta's Cosmic Quest and got the gallery card.

Notable information:
• Galacta noticed the timestream unraveling last March
• She's been calling the realities reborn from the time-storm Chronoverses (given the rest of the card, could this be where Shuri got the name from?)
• She's talking about watching players escort vehicles/capture mission areas and watching heroes fight heroes, vampires, and robots
• Explores the new network of timelines between matches (going around the board)
• She found a hexagonal bubble similar to Chronovium that can split one timeline into six and tested in on her robots (Clone Rumble)
• She set this bubble up around the Intergalactic Empire of Wakanda (wtf she's the reason this is the only stage?!)

One could argue that Galacta watching the matches could be where the comic slots in but even barring the discrepancies with the Web Warriors Gallery Card the Web of Life being so significant and all-encompassing kinda takes away from the idea of it just being an alternate timeline that doesn't affect the main narrative

I'm currently thinking about placing the Gallery Card after the events of Season 1 since Rivals loves doing things in real-time and that's basically where its release falls

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