Marvel Rivals Timeline/Reading Order

Season 1.5 is up and wtf Black Panther has a new story up??? Who else has new lore?
Yeah I just quickly hopped on to get my free ranked skin and see what lore there is. I think it is only Black Panther who got new lore as it ties in with Dracula plot and the other fantastic four members lore I think. So, Black panther part 2 lore, Human Torch lore, the thing lore and the first gallery card of the event (might take a bit to do as it has just released) needs to be added.
Team Up Profile: "Storming Ignition"
• Mentions a show-off competition with Ben and Logan so this is likely just after the Fastball Special profile

Human Torch: "Fire Exemption Test"
• He counts Blade among the heroes present but the Blood Moon is still up meaning it's not after Blade is freed. Spider-Man is present meaning he hasn't joined the Web Warriors yet. I think it can go before Squirrel Girl's story.

Black Panther: "The Blood of Kings"
• Takes place before Reed's story since it explains why T'Challa never reached the Baxter Building and how he became Blackula

The Thing: "Gangs of Yancy Street"
• T'Challa's become a Rogue Vampire King and Ben's been looking for him meaning that at the very least this is after Mister Fantastic's story. I'm not sure if this goes before or after Midnight Mission. The story suggests that T'Challa has been amassing followers for some time which could be when he faces off against the Blood Hunters. But at the same time this story ends with T'Challa's vampirism returning and agreeing to let Reed help him. Since the Bloodbros and F4 are on opposing sides it'd make since for T'Challa and his loyalists to face off against them. Right now I'm leaning towards the former and placing after the "At Your Service" gallery card since I feel like Black Panther being around would've been mentioned

I think I might also place C&D's story before Reed's just to make it flow better (as well as other minor tweaks like moving Lunar Force Team Up as well)
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Team Up Profile: "Storming Ignition"
• Mentions a show-off competition with Ben and Logan so this is likely just after the Fastball Special profile
I forgot about the team-ups, I may be wrong but I think 'fastball special' got updated with the Thing in it so idk if it might need moving (maybe nearer to 'storming ignition').
Human Torch: "Fire Exemption Test"
• He counts Blade among the heroes present but the Blood Moon is still up meaning it's not after Blade is freed. Spider-Man is present meaning he hasn't joined the Web Warriors yet. I think it can go before Squirrel Girl's story.

The Thing: "Gangs of Yancy Street"
• T'Challa's become a Rogue Vampire King and Ben's been looking for him meaning that at the very least this is after Mister Fantastic's story. I'm not sure if this goes before or after Midnight Mission. The story suggests that T'Challa has been amassing followers for some time which could be when he faces off against the Blood Hunters. But at the same time this story ends with T'Challa's vampirism returning and agreeing to let Reed help him. Since the Bloodbros and F4 are on opposing sides it'd make since for T'Challa and his loyalists to face off against them. Right now I'm leaning towards the former and placing after the "At Your Service" gallery card since I feel like Black Panther being around would've been mentioned
I remember seeing that Black Panther vampire thing in the midnight mission gallery card picture but I thought he was part of the blood hunters squad by how he looked but clearly not, apparently he is against them. I haven't read all of them yet but does the Human Torch lore page take place around the Spider-Man one when they 3v1 Dracula, lose and Blade gets taken?

Does Black Panther still have two more lore pages to come or did they rename one of them cause I don't think it was always called 'the blood of kings'? If so, then it is nice to know that they are willing to add extra lore pages for certain storylines.
I forgot about the team-ups, I may be wrong but I think 'fastball special' got updated with the Thing in it so idk if it might need moving (maybe nearer to 'storming ignition').
The profile updated but I didn't notice anything that would change its placement

does the Human Torch lore page take place around the Spider-Man one when they 3v1 Dracula, lose and Blade gets taken?
Human Torch just takes place at some nebulous point before Blade is taken in Spidey's story since Johnny listed Blade as an available hero
If so, then it is nice to know that they are willing to add extra lore pages for certain storylines.
Yup. Every hero has 3 lore pages in total and they all started off with 1. T'Challa is the first one to get their second story unlocked
The profile updated but I didn't notice anything that would change its placement
Alright, just didn't know if it takes place around the 'storming ignition' in that competition thing.
Yup. Every hero has 3 lore pages in total and they all started off with 1. T'Challa is the first one to get their second story unlocked
Oh right, I thought that they added a fourth page for him and that they might do that for others, but instead they have just changed the names of some of them ('The King and the Regent' to 'The Blood of Kings').
Just unlocked the "Turning the Pages" Gallery Card (Thing and Torch are fun) and it has Iron Man confronting Reed/Strange over trying to use the TRD without the Montesi Formula/Vampiric Verses. Atm I'm placing it after Midnight Features
Just unlocked the Star Turn Gallery Card and while half of it is about Johnny first becoming Human Torch, the latter half is about him and Sue taking the fight directly to Dracula (this may tie into Sue's Blood Shield skin) and comments on the heroes fighting each other so I'm placing it after "Turning the Pages"

I'm tempted to add the Blood Shield skin but I probably won't add any skins to the timeline until I have a solid spot for all the Rivals Original ones
Looking through some of the Original Skin descriptions and I think most of them can fit Pre-Entanglement, but a couple like C&D's Growth and Decay are tougher bc it seems like but can go anywhere since they seem to be variants. I did realize that the Immortal Dragon skins don't actually seem like the same characters they're skins for funnily enough, so I don't think they're variants

It kinda got me thinking about the possibility of there being Rivals original novels or comics taking place before the Entanglement/side stories based on AU's affected by the Entanglement that kind of tie into the game's skins (Immortal Dragons characters in an Iron Fist one, Frost Giant Loki in a Thor one, etc.)

Does the game have any more lore tucked away that we haven't touched on/discussed yet?
Looking through some of the Original Skin descriptions and I think most of them can fit Pre-Entanglement, but a couple like C&D's Growth and Decay are tougher bc it seems like but can go anywhere since they seem to be variants. I did realize that the Immortal Dragon skins don't actually seem like the same characters they're skins for funnily enough, so I don't think they're variants

It kinda got me thinking about the possibility of there being Rivals original novels or comics taking place before the Entanglement/side stories based on AU's affected by the Entanglement that kind of tie into the game's skins (Immortal Dragons characters in an Iron Fist one, Frost Giant Loki in a Thor one, etc.)

Does the game have any more lore tucked away that we haven't touched on/discussed yet
I think their is lore from the collectibles which give us more information about Galacta's point of view in the story. The loading screens for the maps also have one or two lines of lore along with the victory and loose screens, the comics also deal with the Web-Warriors arc in 2099
Just unlocked the final gallery card for the Season "Plans Within Plans" and it's Doom 2099 narrating Doom ultimately turning on Dracula and orchestrating his defeat from the shadows. I'm placing it after everything else vampire related so far since it covers Dracula's defeat (at least until we get all the details surrounding the maps and the definitive account of events).

It also ends with Doom 2099 saying he has a gala to attend, which seemingly confirms the rumors of next season being Hellfire Gala themed and Emma Frost appearing in Season 2.5 since Krakoa was isekai'd into 2099
Just realized that Adam Warlock's Team Up profile mentions Quill being Master of the Sun at some point which suggest that other non-original skins could be placed on the timeline…IMG_7395.jpeg

I may leave this skin business to the professionals ngl (unless I get bored one day)
Speaking of skins we got official looks at the Punk Revolution skins coming this Friday
Yeah I saw leaks of those, which was cool but kinda sad that it gets leaked before they even announced them, but still quite cool skins.
Looking through some of the Original Skin descriptions and I think most of them can fit Pre-Entanglement, but a couple like C&D's Growth and Decay are tougher bc it seems like but can go anywhere since they seem to be variants. I did realize that the Immortal Dragon skins don't actually seem like the same characters they're skins for funnily enough, so I don't think they're variants

It kinda got me thinking about the possibility of there being Rivals original novels or comics taking place before the Entanglement/side stories based on AU's affected by the Entanglement that kind of tie into the game's skins (Immortal Dragons characters in an Iron Fist one, Frost Giant Loki in a Thor one, etc.)

Does the game have any more lore tucked away that we haven't touched on/discussed yet?
Some of the skin variants (especially the themed ones) seem like characters from alternate universes mixed in with the timestream entanglement but aren't important figures in the story. I see some of them as different universes and others as events from the more important universes, for example, the immortal dragon theme seems like an ancient Chinese universe where those characters lived and do superhero stuff in ancient times (like the what if episodes in medieval times or during the wild western period). Whereas something like Punk Revolution and 60th anniversary take place in the 2099 universe and the present day New York universe respectively, where the Hulk of that universe is Punk Hulk. BTW its up to you if you want to add the skins but I doubt they will bring in these small themes (immortal dragon etc.) into the lore. But skins related to the story (like the blood shield skin) and the original skins, I personally think connect to the story/lore even though the descriptions are quite vague.
Some of the skin variants (especially the themed ones) seem like characters from alternate universes mixed in with the timestream entanglement but aren't important figures in the story. I see some of them as different universes and others as events from the more important universes, for example, the immortal dragon theme seems like an ancient Chinese universe where those characters lived and do superhero stuff in ancient times (like the what if episodes in medieval times or during the wild western period). Whereas something like Punk Revolution and 60th anniversary take place in the 2099 universe and the present day New York universe respectively, where the Hulk of that universe is Punk Hulk. BTW its up to you if you want to add the skins but I doubt they will bring in these small themes (immortal dragon etc.) into the lore. But skins related to the story (like the blood shield skin) and the original skins, I personally think connect to the story/lore even though the descriptions are quite vague.
I agree for the most part. I think small things like Logan's jacket or C&D's Lemon/Lime skin can fit before the Entanglement and the Blood Skins can get placed among the Eternal Night Gallery Cards. My biggest issue (besides laziness) is wanting to avoid a slippery slope of what does/doesn't get included
This is the streamlined Season 1 reading order.
  1. Doctor Strange: Unexpected Guest
  2. Moon Knight: Dawn of the New Moon
  3. Thicker Than Blood
  4. Season 1 trailer
  5. Iron Man: Universal Rules
  6. Human Torch: Fire Exemption Test
  7. Squirrel Girl: Bushwack!
  8. Spider-Man: Unfriendly Neighbourhood
  9. Fall of Midtown
  10. Scarlet Witch: Voice From Beyond
  11. Ancient Game
  12. Cloak & Dagger: A Brief Farewell
  13. Black Panther: The Blood of Kings
  14. Midnight Mission
  15. Mr. Fantastic: Reality Check
  16. Invisible Woman: Built to Last
  17. At Your Service
  18. Thing: Gangs of Yancy Street
  19. Eternal Night Falls
  20. Blood Over the Big Apple
  21. The Doctor's Out... Of His Mind!
  22. Bad Moon (Knight) Rising
  23. Spider-Man: Villain or Vampire
  24. Central Park Goes Goth!
  25. Vampire Slayer Gone Missing
  26. Squirrel Girl Gone Savage?!
  27. Rare Occult Book Auction
  28. Turning the Pages
  29. Star Turn
  30. Plans Within the Plans
  31. Brighter Days Ahead of NYC?
  32. Elderly Heiress Seeks Missing Heirloom
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This is the streamlined Season 1 reading order. Italics indicate lore that is indirectly part of the season
Nice timeline, spreading it out like that makes it so much clearer.

This is just a suggestion btw but wouldn't a seasonal reading order be quite cool, like what RA30990 did but for each season (like each season split into a spoiler box as a new section but still keeping the current whole reading order as it is). I know there are only season 0 and 1 so far but as the game and lore goes on, it might get quite confusing as one big thing going forward. It also might help if you end up using timestamps on the trailers.
Nice timeline, spreading it out like that makes it so much clearer.

This is just a suggestion btw but wouldn't a seasonal reading order be quite cool, like what RA30990 did but for each season (like each season split into a spoiler box as a new section but still keeping the current whole reading order as it is). I know there are only season 0 and 1 so far but as the game and lore goes on, it might get quite confusing as one big thing going forward. It also might help if you end up using timestamps on the trailers.
I think it's a great idea and big bro did great work with this streamlined Season 1
New Midnight Feature dropped and it talks about Dracula being deposed and the skies clearing, this may be our cue to break up the Midnight Features into their individual stories. I think I'll get on that tomorrow
New Midnight Feature dropped and it talks about Dracula being deposed and the skies clearing, this may be our cue to break up the Midnight Features into their individual stories. I think I'll get on that tomorrow
I will also update my Season 1 only timeline to reflect where they go once you've split them up. I think the way I am going to treat Season 0 stuff is setup for whatever the current season is doing rather than its own story. For example the first stories for Doctor Strange, Moon Knight, Iron Man, Squirrel Girl and Spider-Man were all released as part of Season 0 but its easier to follow if we go straight into the main Dracula arc rather than interrupting it with the Knull arc or Doom 2099 arc. Season 2 is expected to revolve around the Hellfire Gala, if true then the Season 0 stories revolving around Krakoa will be the start of Season 2
The first Midnight Features and first page of Midnight Features II can go together for the same reasons as before, I believe. Only the second page of Midnight Features II will have different placements