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digital print for trade
There is only a "between The Avengers and Captain America: The Winter Soldier" time mark. A group of terrorists tries to steal the Zodiac virus (already seen in the Marvel's One-Shot: Agent Carter) and Cap and his team (the future Crossbones and Black Widow) stop them. The terrorist leader is called "Baker", maybe a nod to "Floyd Baker", son of Sandman and created by Peter David.
Crossbones is on Cap's team? weird.
It's before he became Crossbones. Him, Cap and Black Widow are a secret operation team of SHIELD.
It's before he became Crossbones. Him, Cap and Black Widow are a secret operation team of SHIELD.
He's in the trailer. Played by Frank Grillo. He's at the beginning on the plane (when Cap jumps off without a parachute he's the guy being asked "Did he have a parachute?") and he's in the elevator fight scene (which I presume is when he turns on Cap).
Marvel One Shot All Hail the King has leaked. Doesn't specify exactly when it takes place. But I'm assuming it takes place a few months after. As Trevor is shown to have been in prison for an extended period of time. He's also on the last round of interviews he's been doing for a documentary. Which would probably take place over a few weeks.
As far as the one shot goes, I won't spoil it here, but I will say that a lot of people's theories were right about this one. You can watch it online here, if it hasn't been taken down already;
Also included are the canon MCU comic stories, specifically:
Captain America - The First Avenger #1-2
Iron Man - I Am Iron Man #1-2
Iron Man 2 #1-2
Thor #1-2
Captain America - The First Avenger: First Vengeance #1-4
Iron Man 2 - Public Identity #1-3
Iron Man 2 - Agents of SHIELD #1
The Avengers - Prelude: Fury's Big Week #1-4
The Avengers - Prelude: Black Widow Strikes #1-3
Iron Man 3 - Prelude #1-2
Thor - The Dark World: Prelude #1-2
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (AoS Twitter page)
Captain America - Homecoming #1
Captain America - The Winter Soldier: Infinite #1
Guardians of the Galaxy - Prelude #1-2
Guardians of the Galaxy - Infinite #1
There are a number of non-canon MCU comic books, either directly influenced by the story, appearance, style, etc of MCU movies or directly spun off from it, however since these are considered non-canon by Marvel they're not included.[/b]
http://www.comicbookmovie.com/fansites/nailbiter111/news/?a=93959 Haha, Trevor never saw Him coming.. * SPOILER *
Marvel One Shot All Hail the King has leaked. Doesn't specify exactly when it takes place. But I'm assuming it takes place a few months after. As Trevor is shown to have been in prison for an extended period of time. He's also on the last round of interviews he's been doing for a documentary. Which would probably take place over a few weeks. As far as the one shot goes, I won't spoil it here, but I will say that a lot of people's theories were right about this one. You can watch it online here, if it hasn't been taken down already; http://www.comicbookmovie.com/fansites/nailbiter111/news/?a=93959
Hey guys, Forgive me for any mistakes I'll make, english is not my native language, so please bear with me. First time here. You have NO idea how glad I am to have found you. I got here after a very LOOOOONG search for an organized list of the MCU canon tie-in comics. I've found countless lists that had both canon and uncanon comics but didn't specify which are which and finally I've found this timeline. And after being a big MCU fan for a long time (But only found out about the tie-in comics recently) I thank you, DIrishB and Captain France for making it so comfortable and organized. But, I do have a few question.
A) How do you know for sure which ones are canon and which aren't. I know that some of them have the "Official MCU tie-in comic" stamp, but not all of them. Not just the first ones, but also the new ones like "Captain America - The Winter Soldier: Infinite". Or even ones that didn't came out yet like Guardians of the Galaxy - Prelude and Infinite, how do you know in advanced which will be canon? I ask this because you are the most liable source for me for the MCU right now... but what is YOUR source? How do YOU differ between the canon comics and the uncanon comics besides the stamps?
B) How come there is no Hulk canon comic?
C) What's that? Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (AoS Twitter page) does this reffer to that one AOS picture? Is it a teaser for something?
D) Does the comics that just titled with the movie name means the movie adaptation comics? (for example "Captain America - The First Avenger #1-2", "Iron Man 2 #1-2", "Thor #1-2"). Thanks in advanced for your help, Roey.
Early on Will Cotrona Pilgrim (who works for Marvel and oversees the official comic books for the MCU) listed which were and weren't canon. And ever since then it's usually the official comic prequels or tie-ins that are then collected in trade paperback.
But there are comics that appears in the collected trade paperbak that you didn't list as canon such as "Iron Man: Fast Friends" and "The Incredible Hulk: The Fury Files" in the " I Am Iron Man TPB", to name a few. Thanks for your answers![]()
I know, but Mr. Pilgrim (who's in charge of the MCU comics) stated those were non-canon.
I also shouldn't have said those that are collected in trade, as many 616 issues are collected in the MCU trades but they're obviously not canon.
Basically the canon comics are the ones which feature the official Avengers tie-in logo on the comic covers. The earlier comics didn't feature the logo, but were clarified by Mr. Pilgrim as being official MCU canon, and all the newer ones have. The only exception seems to be the Infinite comics (Captain America and Guardians of the Galaxy), but unless it's stated otherwise they should be included as they fit.
Hope that helps!
You helped me more than you think! Thank you. I'm gonna follow this thread from now on. You guys are the best![]()