Marvel Cinematic Universe - Timeline

Are we even sure he was on the run after Civil War. Doesn't CW end with Cap breaking into the Raft and that's all we see? Maybe Scott chose to stay behind and work out a deal instead of going with Cap. That might also be one reason he was shown leniency.

In Infinity War Prelude #1, we see more of the breakout scene and the immediate aftermath.

Right after being broken out by Steve, Clint says he's officially retired now. Steve tells him to enjoy the time he will spend with his family, and says likewise to Scott.

So it looks like Scott did take a deal shortly after being broken out, as you said.
Are we even sure he was on the run after Civil War. Doesn't CW end with Cap breaking into the Raft and that's all we see? Maybe Scott chose to stay behind and work out a deal instead of going with Cap. That might also be one reason he was shown leniency.

The Infinity War Prelude showed that Hawkeye and Scott did both break out with Cap, and the info from A&tW and Infinity War indicates Scott (at least) wasn't on run for long.

In Infinity War Prelude #1, we see more of the breakout scene and the immediate aftermath.

Right after being broken out by Steve, Clint says he's officially retired now. Steve tells him to enjoy the time he will spend with his family, and says likewise to Scott.

So it looks like Scott did take a deal shortly after being broken out, as you said.

So the novels are confirmed canon? I really didn't want to have buy those (mostly because I didn't want to own them), but I don't think I can stand not following the whole canon. Shoot
I'm no legal expert, but it's possible that the 2 year sentence was based retroactively from his first day on The Raft. If he was caught almost immediately, it's not like he would have been free a considerable amount of days. And even though he broke The Accords, you could consider the fact that he was never formally asked to sign and the fact that Cap was shown to be acting righteously when Zemo was outed as the mastermind beind the everything as caveats for leniency.

Seems like the best way to keep IW as early as possible in 2018.

Ok, I looked into it and it seems to be very common not only for your time spent locked up before a conviction to be counted towards the sentence, but for those days to be counted as double, triple or even quadruple for time off the sentence. These pre-sentencing lockup days are called custody credits.

So to me, A&tW is coming up on the 2 year anniversary of Civil War. Or if you wanted to make it even earlier 2018, one could assume Scott's time on The Raft got him a couple weeks knocked off his 2 years.
Ok, I looked into it and it seems to be very common not only for your time spent locked up before a conviction to be counted towards the sentence, but for those days to be counted as double, triple or even quadruple for time off the sentence. These pre-sentencing lockup days are called custody credits.

So to me, A&tW is coming up on the 2 year anniversary of Civil War. Or if you wanted to make it even earlier 2018, one could assume Scott's time on The Raft got him a couple weeks knocked off his 2 years.

Eh, I mean Scott was locked up for only 3-4 days, so at most liberal estimate that's around 2 weeks off.

But there's no evidence that's the case (him getting time served). Not saying it isn't, but the evidence we have indicates 2 years, and conclusion based on that is Ant-Man & the Wasp probably occurs sometime around mid-April, 2018, with Avengers - Infinity War likely occurring in early May, 2018, and the A&tW mid credit scene obviously aligning with Thanos' snap toward end of Infinity War. IW is obviously occurring during spring time based on those outdoor NY scenes showing warm weather and trees in full bloom at park, and Peter is still in school so we can assume it's before late May or early June, whenever kids in NY public/magnet schools tend to finish the school year...?

To go on a Spider-Man related tangent, we know Spider-Man - Far From Home picks up right after Avengers 4 ends. We've also heard rumors Avengers 4 picks up years later and involves time travel, so if S-M:FfH does pick up right after, and occurs during summer vacation, that would align with the theory Avengers 4 features time travel to the past to obtain the stones and prevent Thanos from getting them or attacking him directly with them. That would likely align he film's ending probably in 2018, soon after the events of Infinity War, with S-M:FfH picking up immediately after and running into summer where he travels to Europe. So Civil War set in April, 2016 was toward end of his freshman year, right (2015-2016)? Am I remembering correctly? And then Homecoming in October, 2016 is beginning of his sophomore year (2016-2017), his appearance in Infinity War is toward end of his Junior year (2017-2018), Spider-Man: Far from Home will occur in summer between Junior and Senior Year (Summer 2018), and the third Spidey film will likely be set in his senior year (2018-2019) at some unknown point in year. Interestingly to pull that off it would have to be set at least 2-3 years in past depending on when the third film actually comes out (probably 2021) unless they just throw the timeline thing out the window like Homecoming did with the 8 years later tag (it was four years and change, n00bz) ;) x

Anyway, back to AoS/IW/A&tW placements, we can possibly assume that snow in that AoS episode (someone please remind me which one that was) was later in the year, a late in the year snow storm in late April or something. I forget the location it was set in but if it's up north it's possible. That could help push those later Season 5 AoS episodes to late April-May to align with Infinity War, using Yo-yo's recuperation time and getting arm to work could conceivably have taken a few months.

That seems best approach to take, but I may be overlooking or foregetting something so definitely let me know.
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Kevin Feige hints Captain Marvel is set 25 years in the past...

Well, sort of. Whether that means 1993 or 1994 remains to be seen. He was pretty specific about the 25 years in the past thing. So either Carol's abilities mean she doesn't age (is that case in the comics?) or she's been stuck in some dimension or black hole or something where she didn't age? I dunno, some comic book weirdness.

Not really anything new, just reaffirming previous knowledge and hints. I wonder if the Captain Marvel film will feature bookend segments set in present day like Captain America - The First Avenger utilized. Perhaps just a flashforward to 25 years later and Carol's "intergalactic beeper" going off in response to ending of Infinity War (the post credit scene).
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I wonder if the Captain Marvel film will feature bookend segments set in present day like Captain America - The First Avenger utilized. Perhaps just a flashforward to 25 years later and Carol's "intergalactic beeper" going off in response to ending of Infinity War (the post credit scene).
I really hope they explain why Fury had that device with him and knew immediately to gor for it, not just that he's been carrying it around for 25 years and never chosen to use it until now.
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Ok my biggest question after Ant-man and the Wasp: When exactly do the mid and post credits scenes fall in relation to Infinity War's? If slightly before IW's post credits scene, then in my future marathon, I will be watching AatW before IW. I feel like it's better anyway because it leaves the audience asking what happens, and then they will find out in IW. Thoughts?
Ok my biggest question after Ant-man and the Wasp: When exactly do the mid and post credits scenes fall in relation to Infinity War's? If slightly before IW's post credits scene, then in my future marathon, I will be watching AatW before IW. I feel like it's better anyway because it leaves the audience asking what happens, and then they will find out in IW. Thoughts?

Chronologically, there's no way to deduce the mere seconds that separate them. Gotta assume they're concurrent.

Narratively, you make a decent point and the bulk of A&tW is before IW. I personally feel like it just spoils that Thanos wins. I think I'll put it after IW on the watch list.
Just to reiterate, Jimmy Woo specifically mentions that Scott took a plea deal (with 2 years house arrest and 3 years probation) at beginning of Ant-Man & the Wasp.

In terms of Scott being on the run, he mentions in A&tW (when talking to Bill Foster) that after he grew during airport battle in Civil War, he then slept for 3 days straight. This aligns with the battle occurring on April 10, 2016, him falling down after being webbed by Spidey, and likely spending next few days unconscious until April 13 or so (all while imprisoned at the Raft).
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Chronologically, there's no way to deduce the mere seconds that separate them. Gotta assume they're concurrent.

Narratively, you make a decent point and the bulk of A&tW is before IW. I personally feel like it just spoils that Thanos wins. I think I'll put it after IW on the watch list.

I have gone back and forth on this because both placements of AMATW have merits to me. Putting it before makes people ask questions which is good, and it does spoil the ending of Infinity War which is bad, but at the same time it spoils Avengers 4 anyway with the time vortex line from Janet. I'd rather not spoil things if I can help it in my watches, but it hurts my OCD...A LOT to have Infinity War, then backtrack in time to AMATW just to save the narrative on that mid credits scene. It's like the Slingshot episodes. 90% of them happen before season 4 starts, but in order to save on the spoilers of Daisy and Yo-Yo, you put them after the ghost rider arc in a watch. This might actually be the first time I split up a movie and its credits in my guide but I'm still undecided.
I have gone back and forth on this because both placements of AMATW have merits to me. Putting it before makes people ask questions which is good, and it does spoil the ending of Infinity War which is bad, but at the same time it spoils Avengers 4 anyway with the time vortex line from Janet. I'd rather not spoil things if I can help it in my watches, but it hurts my OCD...A LOT to have Infinity War, then backtrack in time to AMATW just to save the narrative on that mid credits scene. It's like the Slingshot episodes. 90% of them happen before season 4 starts, but in order to save on the spoilers of Daisy and Yo-Yo, you put them after the ghost rider arc in a watch. This might actually be the first time I split up a movie and its credits in my guide but I'm still undecided.

I completely understand your point here. This film is absolutely a difficult one to place from a narrative standpoint. I think I'll place it before IW in a viewing order though simply because we see more footage of the post-snap in IW, signifying IW ends minutes AFTER Ant-Man And The Wasp's credit's scenes.

I know Mark Riley on Collider said due to the film releasing after IW, a lot of the tension in this one was ruined for him since he was just waiting on that Thanos snap to happen the whole time. I'm sure this was the case for many of us. I like that a first time viewer would be completely confused by this end credits sequence and probably wouldn't think it would have anything to do with an Avengers film depending on their knowledge level of what comes next. The questions they would be asking would be fun though.
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Since it seems like Cassie's visits with Scott are on the weekend (at the beginning of the movie, when she leaves, she says she had a fun weekend), I'll post the apparent layout of the dates in Ant-Man and the Wasp for reference:

SUNDAY: Scott plays with Cassie, does his activities, and reads The Fault in Our Stars and does origami that night.

MONDAY: Scott continues his activities and has a quantum entanglement with Janet.

TUESDAY: Scott calls Hank and gets tranquilized. He meets with Hope and Hank. Restaurant events, first encounter with Ghost. Talk with Bill Foster. They get the former suit back from Cassie's school. They go to Ghost's house and escape with the lab.

WEDNESDAY: The group arrives at the woods with the lab. Burch interrogates Luis. Janet possesses Scott and writes the coordinates, but the FBI arrives at the woods. Scott returns home for Woo to check on him, and then frees Hank and Hope from custody. Car chase. Hank rescues Janet, who stabilises Ghost. Scott returns home and is freed from house arrest. The ending montage could also debatably take place throughout the rest of the day.

Sometime later...

THURSDAY (Infinity War): Credit scenes.

Also, at the beginning, in the montage of Scott's activities when under house arrest, I think you can possibly see a date at the bottom-right of his computer screen when he's watching card tricks, but I didn't manage to catch it.
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The Ant-Man & the Wasp mid and post credit scenes likely occur soon after the majority of the film, probably days or weeks at most.
Mainly due to them traveling to quantum realm to help Ghost, I imagine that isn't too long after Janet's return and her attempt to stabilize Ghost's phasing with her quantum realm abilities... also the ant playing drums scene seems to occur after Thanos' snap but I could be wrong on that... I have to rewatch the film once it comes out on DVD to catch more details, but the TV screen/cable not working and no one being around could indicate its post snap.
The Ant-Man & the Wasp mid and post credit scenes likely occur soon after the majority of the film, probably days or weeks at most.
Mainly due to them traveling to quantum realm to help Ghost, I imagine that isn't too long after Janet's return and her attempt to stabilize Ghost's phasing with her quantum realm abilities... also the ant playing drums scene seems to occur after Thanos' snap but I could be wrong on that... I have to rewatch the film once it comes out on DVD to catch more details, but the TV screen/cable not working and no one being around could indicate its post snap.

The film itself kind of makes it seem like Janet healed Ghost for good, IIRC, it's only in the end credits that we find out that they're going back to the Quantum Realm to help Ghost. So one could argue that it's actually been longer than a couple of weeks after the bulk of the movie, enough time for Janet and Hank to get to whatever island they're on, for Ghost's health to relapse, then the gang getting back together with the van to help. I don't think there's a real clear indication of how much time has passed there. Could be a week, could be six months or more, however long fits.

That said, I'd kind of love to see May and Coulson come out to the beach and be like "Where'd this townhouse come from?!" :x

Ant playing drums is definitely post-snap; the cable/TV screen not working is actually the US Emergency Broadcast System, presumably in response to things like people vanishing and aircraft falling from the sky as seen in the IW post-credits scene.

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The film itself kind of makes it seem like Janet healed Ghost for good, IIRC, it's only in the end credits that we find out that they're going back to the Quantum Realm to help Ghost. So one could argue that it's actually been longer than a couple of weeks after the bulk of the movie, enough time for Janet and Hank to get to whatever island they're on, for Ghost's health to relapse, then the gang getting back together with the van to help. I don't think there's a real clear indication of how much time has passed there. Could be a week, could be six months or more, however long fits.

That said, I'd kind of love to see May and Coulson come out to the beach and be like "Where'd this townhouse come from?!" :x

Ant playing drums is definitely post-snap; the cable/TV screen not working is actually the US Emergency Broadcast System, presumably in response to things like people vanishing and aircraft falling from the sky as seen in the IW post-credits scene.


It could be longer after based only on the vague need to stabilize/heal Ghost, but given the event of IW it has to occur before hand, and there really isn't too much room to work with in that aspect. Maybe 1 or a few, depending on if you choose to push IW to summer instead of May.
Any thoughts on this?

Edit: Since both IW and AatW feature mid and post credit's scenes that overlap, would it be safe to say AatW ends seconds/minutes AFTER the Nick Fury scene? Meaning the scene with the ant playing drums occurs a little bit after that pager scene? I think the only way to really tell which one ends first, is to count the seconds of footage from when Bucky starts to disappear to the final shot of the Pager in IW (minus the credits) and then count from when Scott begins getting no response from Hank or the others, until the drum playing scene ends. I'm OCD about which one ends first!
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Edit: Since both IW and AatW feature mid and post credit's scenes that overlap, would it be safe to say AatW ends seconds/minutes AFTER the Nick Fury scene? Meaning the scene with the ant playing drums occurs a little bit after that pager scene? I think the only way to really tell which one ends first, is to count the seconds of footage from when Bucky starts to disappear to the final shot of the Pager in IW (minus the credits) and then count from when Scott begins getting no response from Hank or the others, until the drum playing scene ends. I'm OCD about which one ends first!

Shouldn't the scene of Thanos enjoying a sunset be placed after all of that?
Any thoughts on this?

Edit: Since both IW and AatW feature mid and post credit's scenes that overlap, would it be safe to say AatW ends seconds/minutes AFTER the Nick Fury scene? Meaning the scene with the ant playing drums occurs a little bit after that pager scene? I think the only way to really tell which one ends first, is to count the seconds of footage from when Bucky starts to disappear to the final shot of the Pager in IW (minus the credits) and then count from when Scott begins getting no response from Hank or the others, until the drum playing scene ends. I'm OCD about which one ends first!

Given the time it would take for the emergency broadcast system to kick in, yes I would say drums scene takes place after beeper scene.

Shouldn't the scene of Thanos enjoying a sunset be placed after all of that?

This is a great point. IIRC, Thanos was shown getting out of bed, which suggests that several hours had passed. At the very least.
Then I guess it's safe to place Ant-Man and the Wasp BEFORE Infinity War in a chronological marathon, assuming the post-credit's scene of Infinity War takes place BEFORE the scene where Thanos wakes up.

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