I didn't catch that line about the foxhole, but wouldn't that indicate that it was later than November? If it was the same month, you'd just say "a few days/weeks ago" or "earlier this month".
I think April 2017 is probably correct for the first five minutes of episode one. Karen Page's actress mentioned in an interview that the events of The Defenders are still bugging her during the events of The Punisher.
Nah, I just didn't really do a good job of explaining the scene. Frank's friend goes out to this guy's house, and he's living in the backyard in a foxhole. Frank's friend is trying to tell this young guy that this isn't normal behavior, saying something like "You're living in the backyard. In a foxhole. In November." So it's definitely November when the conversation is taking place--he's laying out the guy's situation to him in real time, not talking about it to someone else later. (It would probably have been more clear if I could remember the names of the characters outside the main cast.)
Depending on how much time passes between episodes, it's still possible that Frank's birthday could have been October 15th, but November does seem more likely.
Episode 5, Gunner, ends on a Sunday--there's a reference to Frank being invited to a Sunday dinner that he hasn't shown up to when the episode ends.
I think April 2017 is probably correct for the first five minutes of episode one. Karen Page's actress mentioned in an interview that the events of The Defenders are still bugging her during the events of The Punisher.
Plus, if Legion ends up being retconned into the MCU (taking into account that it is confirmed to be separate from the X-verse, the very secluded events, Clark Gregg's assumption in a AMA and the current Disney/FOX discussions), then we would have three different Marvel shows taking place concurrently in November 2016.
Was thinking, in terms of Thor - Ragnarok, the mid credits scene where the Asgardian ship encounters Thanos' ship may very well occur months after the main film. This allows placement of that scene in early 2018 to set up Avengers - Infinity War. That said, Loki asking Thor if bringing him to Earth is a good idea indicates it happens not long after Thor deciding to head to Earth. Ultimately, have to wait for Infinity War to come out so we can see how its set up.
Yeah, I wouldn't expect that anytime soon, if ever. Even should Marvel and Fox work out a deal, its extremely unlikely Marvel will fold in existing works as opposed to rebooting/making their own.
No way they will start over with David Haller; since Legion is practically one of Marvel's most acclaimed shows.
Their best bet is to continue the series; regardless of new management.
Yeah, that could work. Like, maybe they're getting kinda sorta close to Earth, so Loki feels the need to bring it up again? We'll see.
As for the Punisher/Thanksgiving thing, I caught that too. Perhaps it's not quite Thursday yet, and with the day approaching, he started dreaming about it and felt compelled to bring it up in conversation. I finished episode 7 and it's stated to take place on a Saturday night. So Turkey day had to have happened during a time skip either later in ep 6 or earlier in 7.
Think you're kidding yourself on that front. No matter how critically acclaimed it is, should Marvel/Fox deal happen, at best they'd keep it in a separate self contained continuity.
I'm telling you, Marvel are way too controlling and protective over their flagship (the MCU as a whole) to merely fold an existing show into the continuity like that. That controlling/protective nature is something any director or scriptwriter who has worked for Marvel will reiterate. Feige is a control freak, and he has to be in that position.
Nah, I can say with 100% certainty you'll never see Legion brought into the MCU. At best, should the Fox/Marvel deal happen, it'd just be left in its own continuity.
Any new stuff that may arise from that deal (if it ever happens) would be new rebooted material, and maybe folding Deadpool in due to its popularity, but even that I doubt.
Punisher 1x08 "Cold Steel", at around the 0:07:30 mark, Rawlins CIA file mentions he started working for the agency in 2015 as Director of Covert Affairs, which tells us the flashbacks to Kandahar had to occur during 2015 (after he was made Director of CA).
Madani also mentions her and Russo had slept together two nights in a row, putting 1x06 at most beginning the very next day after 1x05.
I had a slightly different read on this one; his position as Director of Covert Affairs seems to be the position he currently occupies in Virginia at the beginning of the series, which would mean that anything that happened in Kandahar would have taken place before he was sworn in. The file begins in 2015 with his current position, but the information on his career prior to that indicates a timeline that allows for slightly different conclusions.
The file goes on to state that he had a career as a CIA agent from 1992-1997, after which he began working for a series of private security firms until 2001-2004, when he was contracted by the US to work in Afghanistan and Iraq as a Chief Special Agent. It's at this point that he became a leader leader in the US intelligence community in Afghanistan, before returning to the US to be sworn in by the Senate. At some unspecified point his return, he was Deputy Director of Covert Affairs, but it's not clear if he was in Afghanistan, stateside, or both during that point. (In episode 5 we also see him being asked to become a deputy director in the present day, but this appears to be for the entire CIA.)
So essentially, it's possible for the Kandahar flashback to have happened at any time during 2001-2015, if needed. It's obviously not so early as 2001; and it seems likely that it did actually take place in 2015 as you state, but the file actually allows for quite a bit of flexibility, save that the flashback can't occur after 2015.
That's one way to interpret the line, but all we really know from the dialogue is that while the first time Russo and Madani slept together, Madini could have attributed their encounter to drinking, and that they have since slept together two nights in a row, the most recent of which at least did not involve alcohol. It's possible there was one depicted liaison that occurred the night before, and others less frequently. In their second on-screen encounter, Madani does seem to have recovered from her injuries from the car crash more than she had during the first, which seems to indicate more time having passed than one night.
Okay, so I feel absurd being that pedantic about fictional characters and their sex lives (and it's not the first time in this thread either, lol,) but hey, this is the life we lead. :lol: