Yeah, I'm expecting that. But what I'm really looking forward to is Park showing up on AoS as his Ant-Man character, either in flashback or as, as you suggest, a former SHIELD agent. We can dream about the films acknowledging the TV shows, though.
Ant-Man did have a subtle return for the Ten Rings, though, which indicates that the AHTK one shot was taken into account. And the Civil War Newsfront tie-in acknowledged events in AoS, so the connective tissues is still being made, just not on the big screen.

Always liked that as a potential for retcons. Hey, at least the SHIELD dating controversy has nothing on the UNIT dating controversy, right?
I'm not arguing for a timeline change at this point, but I think it's worth noting the evidence at hand, since there do appear to be two distinct dates for the Avengers within the MCU, and neither has an especially overwhelming amount of evidence. Early accounts that the film is set in 2020 appear to be mistaken, and as Nintendo pointed out, interpreting the "eight years" as "seven-and-change" makes more sense. So the question is really, does Avengers take place in 2010, or in 2012?
Evidence for 2010
Iron Man ends in 2008, according to Civil War and Homecoming. Iron Man 2. Iron Man 2 takes place six months after that, likely in the next year, according to title card and dialogue in the film. The events of Thor take place at the same time, and occurred "Last year", according to Fury in Avengers--2010.
Homecoming titles and dialogue.
Evidence for 2012
Direct reference in Agents of SHIELD.
Cut dialogue and background information from Iron Man 3.
References to "Thor: The Dark World" and subsequent general passage of time references in Agents of SHIELD. (Strictly speaking, since the reference to Avengers occurs within Dark World, this says more about AOS's relation to that film than AOS.)
It does appear that the eight years figure from Homecoming is rounding up regardless of the date, so there's some room for uncertainty, whereas the AoS date is firmly stated. On the other hand, it does seem like the films have trouble referencing even the broad strokes of the television continuity, never mind the timeline details. Homecoming's dates would be more or less consistent with the dialogue in all previous films, so it's possible this will be or has been the timeline used by the films all along. It remains to be seen which date is correct going forward.