Marvel Cinematic Universe - Timeline (Part 3)

Enough time has passed for him to become a teacher, so it's not Impossible for him to be the same
True, true.

By the way... I started the Inspired By timeline. I know a lot of the comics are pretty obscure, so this should be "fun".

There's a small continuity error concerning Phil Coulson between Security Measures and Fast Friends. He's in two different locations at the same time. My take is, since I'm placing them in one continuity for simplicity, he wasn't at the "I am Iron Man" conference in this alternate timeline in the first place and you just ignore Fast Friends. The easy answer would be "Fast Friends" fits into the MCU and "Security Measures" doesn't, but I'm not making any distinction between what fits and what doesn't.
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relating to this, concerning the audi ad for homecoming, i guess peters driving instructor then becomes a teacher that chaperones them to europe?
I personally just go with the Audi ad not being canon. I mean it's easy to work around if you want, but I tend to not accept brand tie-in ads like it anyway. Something made in-universe specifically by Marvel like the WHIH Newsfronts are a different story.
I personally just go with the Audi ad not being canon. I mean it's easy to work around if you want, but I tend to not accept brand tie-in ads like it anyway. Something made in-universe specifically by Marvel like the WHIH Newsfronts are a different story.
Why are there in here anyways
Fortunately Pro Bot is already working on an "Inspired By" timeline so stay tuned there!
Well, sorta. I'm treating it like all of them are the same universe as one another but not any of the MCU movies or shows. So, I'm not including Iron Man, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., etc. on the timeline.

Interestingly, it appears that the Inspired Earth Mark III is made out of Vibranium.
Well, sorta. I'm treating it like all of them are the same universe as one another but not any of the MCU movies or shows. So, I'm not including Iron Man, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., etc. on the timeline.

View attachment 2218
Interestingly, it appears that the Inspired Earth Mark III is made out of Vibranium.
I'm looking forward to seeing what you do with it as you continue!
Well, sorta. I'm treating it like all of them are the same universe as one another but not any of the MCU movies or shows. So, I'm not including Iron Man, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., etc. on the timeline.

View attachment 2218
Interestingly, it appears that the Inspired Earth Mark III is made out of Vibranium.
I think it'd be interesting to look at them like a What-If style timeline. Certain events still happened, others didn't.
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. 1x19: "The Only Light in the Darkness" (0:00:00 - 0:14:50)

April 6
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. 1x19: "The Only Light in the Darkness" (0:01:51 - 0:14:50)
Captain America - The Winter Soldier Chapter 17: "Life After S.H.I.E.L.D." (2:02:33 - 2:03:07)
Captain America - Civil War: Prelude - Infinite #1 (pg. 7)
Captain America - The Winter Soldier Chapter 17: "Life After S.H.I.E.L.D." (2:03:08 - 2:06:21)
Captain America - Civil War: Prelude #4 (pg. 19-20)

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. 1x19: "The Only Light in the Darkness" (0:14:51 - 0:41:31)

April 7
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. 1x19: "The Only Light in the Darkness" (0:14:51 - 0:41:31)
There's some mistakes for episode 19 of AOS
So I'm currently going through Luke Cage and was curious what people's thoughts would be on using the November 5th date seen on Luke's phone in 1x04 and moving the first few episodes of the season back a little. There's an unspecified time jump in 1x06 and I think it works. The new placements would look something like:

1x01- November 2nd-3rd 2015.
1x02- November 4th-5th 2015.
1x03- November 5th, 2015.
1x04- November 5th-6th 2015 (We see November 5th on the phone and enough time passes it's in the early hours of the 6th).
1x05- November 8th, 2015 (It makes sense for Pop's funeral to fall a few days after his death).
1x06- November 27th 2015.
1x07-1x13- Stay the same.

Due to the tie-in with Claire, the Daredevil S2 episodes around this time would have to be pushed back to October, but I think it works since it brings us closer to the July dates before the break and whether the season ends in October or November before the Christmas time jump, there's a significant amount of time between Electra's death and funeral. Claire doesn't come into Luke Cage until 1x05 so some of Daredevil could also be considered November as long as it's before November 8th. But, I'll leave that up to Starvel if he's interested in this change.
Also, there's a reference to it being Sunday in 2x06 of Jessica Jones in a scene that's currently dated on a Friday. I'd just move the stuff with Jessica visiting the aquarium in 2x05 so that it ends Saturday instead of Thursday. New placements would be:
2x05- May 8th-13th 2017
2x06- May 13th-15th 2017
2x07- May 15th, 2017
2x08- May 16th, 2017
2x09- May 16th-17th 2017
2x10- May 18th-20th 2017
2x11- May 20th-21st 2017
2x12- May 21st-22nd 2017
2x13- May 22nd-23rd 2017, May 2017
Amazing that after all these years, we're still figuring out the Netflix shows!
I sadly lost my personal timeline document and had to redo it, so figured it'd be a good time to home in on the Netflix shows. I still struggle with some placements like Defenders before Civil War and therefore having Fall/Winter weather in May, but it is what it is. I know they just copied the wiki.
I sadly lost my personal timeline document and had to redo it, so figured it'd be a good time to home in on the Netflix shows. I still struggle with some placements like Defenders before Civil War and therefore having Fall/Winter weather in May, but it is what it is. I know they just copied the wiki.
Looking to seeing if you can pin down any specific days for Daredevil season 3. :)
???? BC

What If...? - An Immersive Story
Chapter Nine [Earth-657]

can someone who has done this give me some hints towards a more fixed time setting(ie involved characters and the location)

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