Marvel Cinematic Universe - Timeline (Part 3)

Do you consider SSU canon? If yes, then do you consider Spider-Verse canon? If yes (this timeline does clearly), then Spider-Verse acknowledges the comic book canon (and Earth-199999 numbering). Then, we have Feige literally announcing a crossover comic book between the MCU and comic books written by someone who wrote for Loki that acts as a direct sequel to that show. You literally cannot get any more explicit. You have to ignore things that should be objectively canon to the MCU in order to say that it's not Earth-199999. It might be called Earth-616, but it is not technically Earth-616.
And when a project in the MCU actively shows this I will do it. But Sony doesn't over rule active numbering used in the MCU and neither do the comics. If we're choosing one to be "more correct" on the MCU timeline it will be what the MCU presents. Period.
This timeline literally acknowledges the comic book reality numbers. I'm advocating for consistency. Either use the canon numbers or don't use any numbers other than the incorrect ones the MCU gives out. Why use different numbering systems instead of the Captain Britain designations? And if you will use exclusively the 838 Illuminati/TVA designations, then you don't have a number for What If...?, SSU, Destroyed Earth, etc. The timeline has been entirely consistent with the comics numbers thus far until Deadpool & Wolverine, I'm pointing that out. Do you think the reality numbers on Selishmisery's X-Men timeline came from that franchise? Most of the Spider-Verse realities don't use "B" at the end of them and yet I did for every single universe in my timeline. I appreciated the consistency there, and I'm just saying that if you're not going to commit to that consistency, then I personally argue that most universes with a number on this site don't have an MCU number.
As I said when the MCU does not present a number I will use the comics numbering. This timeline was consistent with the comics until D&W because D&W presented new information and since this is an MCU timeline and it's an MCU project it takes precedence. I am commiting to consistently but for the what the MCU presents first. I don't care what Selfishmisery or you are doing on the timelines you're editing, I think you're doing a great job and if that's how you choos to handle it then absolutely you should. Timelines outside the MCU imo do not need to heed the MCU numbering as they aren't MCU projects and should use the numbering most accurate to them and quite simply using the numbering not shown within the films for these films timeline isn't consistent with them.
Being neutral here, but didn't we all agree that the MCU Is Earth-616 from Earth-838's point of view, While from the real Earth-616 point of view the MCU Is Earth-199999?
Even without 838, you still have Selvig, the TVA, the timeline book, D&W's title card for the scene with Happy, etc. all showing 616. I think it's clear that whether you want to agree or not Marvel Studios wants people to see their universe as Earth-616.
Even without 838, you still have Selvig, the TVA, the timeline book, D&W's title card for the scene with Happy, etc. all showing 616. I think it's clear that whether you want to agree or not Marvel Studios wants people to see their universe as Earth-616.
thanks for the answer. Tho I personally disagree for the simple fact that Earth-616 the real one was created in 1937, it's litterally 87 years old.

While the MCU began in 2008, so 16 years. mmmmm.

And also for the fact that if we get to call Earth-616 the MCU the comics remains without a designation.

Tho as you believe in the opposite, is fine by me. I just don't.

Anyways thanks for the answer again, and have a great discusssion!
This is blatantly incorrect. There are multiple official MCU sources that disprove this showing as far as the MCU is concerned it is Earth-616. You can act like the comics and films using the same numbering means whatever you want it to mean. But this is an MCU timeline and as long as the MCU actively considers the Earth numbers to be whatever they are, be it Earth-10005 or Earth-616, that's the number that will be used regardless of what the comics are doing despite crossovers on their pages outside of MCU branded material.
If you ever add any of the comics, I suggest writing something like [Earth-616 Comics] in the timeline.
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Okay, well. If this comic gets covered, "Earth-616" has to refer to the mainstream comics universe rather than the MCU, so you'd have to be taking the comics numbers into account over the MCU numbering. I would argue that that makes the comic numbering more canon. At least the, what I would estimate to be, 2036 scenes can be Earth-17315 to keep full consistency and then you can have Earth-10005 for the present day sequences. It doesn't make sense to acknowledge the canon Earth numbers but then defer to the movies.

Daredevil has a DD on his chest and MCU Daredevil doesn't, it's very clearly the comics one
thanks for the answer. Tho I personally disagree for the simple fact that Earth-616 the real one was created in 1937, it's litterally 87 years old.

While the MCU began in 2008, so 16 years. mmmmm.

And also for the fact that if we get to call Earth-616 the MCU the comics remains without a designation.

Tho as you believe in the opposite, is fine by me. I just don't.

Anyways thanks for the answer again, and have a great discusssion!
I still personally believe the reasoning is Marvel Studios wanting to see their multiverse as separate and therefore for them it's easy to say they're 616 as they're not considering the comics. I just don't see why they would use it if they were taking the comics into consideration. But that's just how I see it. I know the comics have crossover but so far it's been one sided and nothing from Marvel Studios itself has made it out like it's the same multiverse. It would be nice if Feige cleared it up.
I still personally believe the reasoning is Marvel Studios wanting to see their multiverse as separate and therefore for them it's easy to say they're 616 as they're not considering the comics. I just don't see why they would use it if they were taking the comics into consideration. But that's just how I see it. I know the comics have crossover but so far it's been one sided and nothing from Marvel Studios itself has made it out like it's the same multiverse. It would be nice if Feige cleared it up.
Do you consider the SSU canon to the MCU multiverse? If yes, to what extent? If fully, then do you consider Spider-Verse canon because of the crossover? See, you have to ignore things that are logically canon in order to justify this interpretation. Even this timeline, as I've pointed out, sees the comics as canon. It must do for taking Spider-Verse/Appendix numbers.
Do you consider the SSU canon to the MCU multiverse? If yes, to what extent? If fully, then do you consider Spider-Verse canon because of the crossover?
I honestly have a wait and see what Marvel Studios does with it approach. I do feel there's a lack of communication from Sony and Marvel Studios on what they're doing with the multiverse which is why Sony sees the MCU as 199999. Even if Marvel Studios does not. It would be nice if they played nice enough to line everything out, but these are the same people who gave us "8 Years Later" in Homecoming.
So, you don't see the SSU as canon?
Not in a way that it trumps how Marvel Studios sees their multiverse. If Sony wants to say 199999 while Marvel Studios says 616, I'm going to go with the people actually responsible for these productions.
I honestly have a wait and see what Marvel Studios does with it approach. I do feel there's a lack of communication from Sony and Marvel Studios on what they're doing with the multiverse which is why Sony sees the MCU as 199999. Even if Marvel Studios does not. It would be nice if they played nice enough to line everything out, but these are the same people who gave us "8 Years Later" in Homecoming.
the screenwriters simply have been looking through marvel database, which does feature said designation, and which is also the reason why they named the ssu as 688 despite the fact that the comics already have a universe designated as this (which apparently also contradicts an earlier designation in another handbook) and named the lego universe through a name the appendix gave it which is only featured on said wiki and nowhere else
the screenwriters simply have been looking through marvel database, which does feature said designation, and which is also the reason why they named the ssu as 688 despite the fact that the comics already have a universe designated as this (which apparently also contradicts an earlier designation in another handbook)
They did include the Earth-1610A and Earth-616B designations though, which I can appreciate.
the screenwriters simply have been looking through marvel database, which does feature said designation, and which is also the reason why they named the ssu as 688 despite the fact that the comics already have a universe designated as this (which apparently also contradicts an earlier designation in another handbook)
Yeah, I get that. I believe Sony and Marvel Studios are taking two different approaches when it comes to the Multiverse, even if it kinda contradicts the crossover between the two. I'm hopeful that Marvel is more clear in the future as they close out the Multiverse Saga.
They did include the Earth-1610A and Earth-616B designations though, which I can appreciate.
i also use this logic to explain that unless specified (in these instances, 1610A to specify tarantula of the comics, and 616B to specify the animated movie version) i consider the animated versions of all the variants to be the "B" version (ie peter parkedcar, cat spider-man, earth-x spider-cop), the same way it was shown that the noir and peni and ham etc from the first animated movie werent the exact comics versions; obviously i dont apply this to specific references to other films/video game versions (ie spectacular, unlimited, sony's playstation version) as they are obviously meant to be based on a very specific version