Marvel Cinematic Universe - Timeline (Part 2)

Yeah Murphy is an asshole who's so full of himself. One of the main reasons I never click on any of his shit. As I think I've made clear lol I'm pretty up in the air bout which way Marvel Studios could go with keeping the Television series canon, but part of me hopes they directly confirm it's all still canon to the main timeline just to spite his ass.
Pretty much.

If they say SHIELD is no longer a thing in Secret Invasion (probably the last time we'll see Nick Fury in the MCU) then I'd consider AoS non-canon.

However, SHIELD was still 'around' in Spider-Man: Far From Home so maybe Alphonso "Mack" Mackenzie is still director. ;)
I didn't really see it as SHIELD still being around in Far From Home. Moreso former agents that still had ties with Fury. Whether AoS is canon or not, I think with organizations like SWORD, SABER, the DODC, etc, Marvel Studios has moved on from SHIELD. Also, with The Marvels releasing after we know Secret Invasion won't be the last we see of Fury.
The Steamstress is a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent, no?
I could be very wrong but I don't believe SHIELD is mentioned in Far From Home, I searched through the script using a word finder and didn't find anything either. There's just a reference to Fury (Talos) not having the connections he once did or something I believe

Edit: according to the MCU Wiki the seamstresses works for SHIELD but the source is a twitter post that says the stealth suit was made by SHIELD which idk doesn't seem super solid to me but whatever
The stealth suit was created by S.H.I.E.L.D. in 2024 according to the promo video.
Yeah I checked the source there that says she's an agent of SHIELD. It's a twitter post that says the stealth suit was made by SHIELD so take that as you will, personally I find that to be a flimsy source to base stuff on but that's just me
Yeah I checked the source there that says she's an agent of SHIELD. It's a twitter post for No Way Home that says the stealth suit was made by SHIELD so take that as you will, personally I find that to be a flimsy source to base stuff on but that's just me
She made the suit. The suit was made in 2024. Therefore, S.H.I.E.L.D. made the stealth suit in 2024 based on official sources.
More proof S.H.I.E.L.D. is still active.
She made the suit. The suit was made in 2024. Therefore, S.H.I.E.L.D. made the stealth suit in 2024 based on official sources.
She made the suit, the suit was made in 2024. SHIELD isn't mentioned in the film but a single twitter post does. So yeah official sources say the suit was made by SHIELD but "officially" half of our timeline here is wrong. We take shit as it lines up best for the films, not what sources say and based on Fury's comments in the film it doesn't seem like SHIELD has anything to do with the mission in Europe. My guess is the twitter post said that due to Fury commissioning the suit.
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Half our timeline isn't wrong based on official sources if you're talking about that one unofficial timeline book. Disney+ is wrong, big deal. In fact, out timeline follows official sources more than Disney+, since Feige confirmed Iron Man 3 was in the same year as The Avengers for example.

We don't "ignore" official word. We acknowledge it and see what fits.
Half our timeline isn't wrong based on official sources if you're talking about that one unofficial timeline book. Disney+ is wrong, big deal. In fact, out timeline follows official sources more than Disney+, since Feige confirmed Iron Man 3 was in the same year as The Avengers for example.

We don't "ignore" official word. We acknowledge it and see what fits.
You're right we acknowledge it and see what fits (which is what I meant when I said "we take shit as it lines up best for the films"). And SHIELD making the suit doesn't. The organization isnt mentioned anywhere in the film, Fury clearly commissioned it not SHIELD and as evidenced by a few projects Fury hasn't been working with SHIELD but SABER which I'm sure Secret Invasion will clear up. And if you're going off of the MCU Wiki you'll see it has no references for Fury's group operating with SHIELD but the seamstress is because twitter said so? If SHIELD was on the case in Europe Fury wouldn't have been, there's a reason he left it to Mack it wasn't so he could keep working with them just not as the director. Very little outside a single twitter post makes this work and I think it's a lot of hoops to jump through just to make that little group SHIELD affiliated. I acknowledge that a twitter post says it's SHIELD made but that makes little sense based on what the film, recent projects and the ending of AoS presents.

That being said I don't think SHIELD is defunct (at least not yet unless some upcoming project says "SHIELD doesn't exist or something) but I do not think Far From Home and the seamstress' work being called SHIELD on social media is not enough there.
Basically SHIELD is off doing it's own thing somewhere in the world and Nick Fury isn't involved in their business anymore.

I guess they don't have to really acknowledge the organization is still around because it would confuse audiences that didn't watch AoS or can't sit through 136 episodes. Better to just leave it to the imagination rather than confirm SHIELD is 'dead'.
Basically SHIELD is off doing it's own thing somewhere in the world and Nick Fury isn't involved in their business anymore.

I guess they don't have to really acknowledge the organization is still around because it would confuse audiences that didn't watch AoS or can't sit through 136 episodes. Better to just leave it to the imagination rather than confirm SHIELD is 'dead'.
It is kinda a sweet spot for them. Like SHIELD exists for the shows fans, there still can be references to them. But as far as Fury's story is concerned he cut ties, it's under new management and they don't need to deal with that until such a time they want to connect back to it (I hope the rumors the rumors of Quake's return are true)

Cautiously optimistic. Exciting if true but the word of a leaker is always so so and I'm pretty sure we heard the same things with Hawkeye and She-Hulk too. Either way looking forward to this show hopefully continuing or building from some story arc from the series

Oh snap that rumor about
adamantium among many others

might be true!

Oh snap that rumor about
adamantium among many others

might be true!
If the rumors are true this movie is going to back staaaaacked. I'm definitely looking forward to this film