Marvel Cinematic Universe - Timeline (Part 2)

I don't think it means they don't consider them canon. The MCU special is also in that section, I think it's just to separate the movies is all :)
I know pal, its just everyone else doesn't know that. It's getting ridiculous the amount of people who claim it's non-canon, and Marvel decide to add to the confusion here.
I know pal, its just everyone else doesn't know that. It's getting ridiculous the amount of people who claim it's non-canon, and Marvel decide to add to the confusion here.
Ah don't worry about the filthy casuals! ;) if it gets ruined for them over a misunderstanding then that's on them, we can continue to geek out.

I hate being in the UK though, no announcement date for when we get the service and they need verification for where you live to so my VPN is no good :/
"My crew and I were working on the new Extreme Measures movie. I was right in the middle of a leap off a sixty-story building - the fallpad was below me and everything - and then I blipped. I guess they didn't leave the pad there for five years, cuz I've been in the hospital ever since."

I thought they said Hulk was smart enough to fix it so that those high up or on the road were safely on the ground. Guess that Airplane passengers had a nasty surprise...
"My crew and I were working on the new Extreme Measures movie. I was right in the middle of a leap off a sixty-story building - the fallpad was below me and everything - and then I blipped. I guess they didn't leave the pad there for five years, cuz I've been in the hospital ever since."

I thought they said Hulk was smart enough to fix it so that those high up or on the road were safely on the ground. Guess that Airplane passengers had a nasty surprise...
Well he didn't die
I usually assume that whatever writers/directors say isn't canon if an in-universe source contradicts them. Like Agents of SHIELD season 6 being pre-snap.
Ghost Rider not going forward with Hulu, comes after a rumour yesterday that Marvel Studios wanted to introduce their own version of the character
Ghost Rider not going forward with Hulu, comes after a rumour yesterday that Marvel Studios wanted to introduce their own version of the character
Well that sucks. I really hope they don't reboot the character.
Ghost Rider not going forward with Hulu, comes after a rumour yesterday that Marvel Studios wanted to introduce their own version of the character
Oh hell no, please, man, I was so freaking thrilled by that announcement.
Oh hell no, please, man, I was so freaking thrilled by that announcement.

It sucks, especially given that because of the move by Disney to create D+ it really only has 2 options, Hulu or D+. No chance it will make it to Freeform :/
If they do Johnny Blaze, I guess the guy in my profile picture is a different character if they do an origin story set post-2012...

Maybe Daniel Ketch? Whatever they do, I'm sure it won't contradict Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. to the point that it's non-canon.
"I am thrilled that Spidey's journey in the MCU will continue, and I and all of us at Marvel Studios are very excited that we get to keep working on it," Feige said in a statement. "Spider-Man is a powerful icon and hero whose story crosses all ages and audiences around the globe. He also happens to be the only hero with the superpower to cross cinematic universes, so as Sony continues to develop their own Spidey-verse you never know what surprises the future might hold."
"I am thrilled that Spidey's journey in the MCU will continue, and I and all of us at Marvel Studios are very excited that we get to keep working on it," Feige said in a statement. "Spider-Man is a powerful icon and hero whose story crosses all ages and audiences around the globe. He also happens to be the only hero with the superpower to cross cinematic universes, so as Sony continues to develop their own Spidey-verse you never know what surprises the future might hold."
So if its him crossing universes, does that imply the Sony stuff as not being canon? Seems that way which is why he made the comment.
So if its him crossing universes, does that imply the Sony stuff as not being canon? Seems that way which is why he made the comment.
If that's the case, why didn't he say nothing? Pahaps Sony's universe is literally a separate universe that Tom Holland will go to some time.

Pahaps it's because he doesn't have creative control, and it's simply could not apart of the main storyline, similar to the shows.

In my opinion, the presence of Tom Holland would be enough to cement it in canon, more so than before.

At least it's clear that I don't need to worry about the MCU for Sony's universe timeline.

Why wouldn't you want the great Madame Web movie to be canon?!
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I think he has to acknowledge the difference because fans are more aware of rights ownership. I'd see it as Parker in the Spider-verse having the MCU as canon to his character, but not the universe itself and that he is canon to the MCU. Same as how in the comics the Ultimate Universe is canon to Miles Morales when he moved over to the main universe. But the Ultimate universe had no effect on the main one.
Unless more Sony owned properties make it to the MCU which would imply its all the same.
I think he has to acknowledge the difference because fans are more aware of rights ownership. I'd see it as Parker in the Spider-verse having the MCU as canon to his character, but not the universe itself and that he is canon to the MCU. Same as how in the comics the Ultimate Universe is canon to Miles Morales when he moved over to the main universe. But the Ultimate universe had no effect on the main one.
Unless more Sony owned properties make it to the MCU which would imply its all the same.
No offence, but that seems like an excuse to say that films you don't like aren't canon. That's fair, but it's a thin line between that and the tv shows aren't canon fans. You could look at it like the inspired canon comics, but those are purposely made to be non-canon stories. This gives a way for them to explore other Marvel characters they aren't planning to use in MCU-proper. As long as they make films about Venom, Morbius and Silk and not Madame Web or Aunt May, I'm okay with that...

Erm, no, everyone is aware of the Ultimate Universe and not just Miles. Even if Miles never made an appearance, it's still canon, since the multiverse includes all Marvel related media. If they wanted, Lego Marvel could crossover with Marvel Zombies.
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True, but I meant in the sense that while the UMU was on going, its events weren't changing story lines in the other universes, you had to send a character from one universe to another for there to be any kind of real change other than them know another place exists. This is the same thing. Comics are without question convoluted and confusing for casual fans, if we followed this logic the timeline would be filled with every show and film created, from cartoons to the 90's Captain America movie.

I think because it's stated he can crossover to other cinematic universes, it's also him stating they are not the same cinematic universe. I'm fine with it being on the timeline as Parker is the same guy, but he's definitely made the distinction it is not MCU
If that's the case, why didn't he say nothing? Pahaps Sony's universe is literally a separate universe that Tom Holland will go to some time.

Pahaps it's because he doesn't have creative control, and it's simply could not apart of the main storyline, similar to the shows.

In my opinion, the presence of Tom Holland would be enough to cement it in canon, more so than before.

At least it's clear that I don't need to worry about the MCU for Sony's universe timeline.

Why wouldn't you want the great Madame Web movie to be canon?!

Unless we actually get a reference toward the Sony movies or we see Peter enter a portal to the Multiverse or something, I really don't think we should add them to the timeline.

My 2 reasons:
-First, all MCU productions are called "Marvel's X", Sony's movies don't have those.
-Second, if your reasoning is that Tom Holland's Spider-Man appears in them, that would make the Spidergeddon comics canon as well, as he appears in those too.

But as always, waiting till it actuallly happens is the best course of action.
Unless we actually get a reference toward the Sony movies or we see Peter enter a portal to the Multiverse or something, I really don't think we should add them to the timeline.

My 2 reasons:
-First, all MCU productions are called "Marvel's X", Sony's movies don't have those.
-Second, if your reasoning is that Tom Holland's Spider-Man appears in them, that would make the Spidergeddon comics canon as well, as he appears in those too.

But as always, waiting till it actuallly happens is the best course of action.
1. I don't think we should add them to the timeline until an actual crossover is confirmed.

2. The Hulu animated shows have "Marvel" in them, but they're not canon. That's just an observation.

3. Well, the tv shows might as well be non-canon then, dispite acknowledging the Marvel Cinematic Universe and featuring characters from it. Spider-Geddon is just as canon. It's not included because Earth-199999 is not included on-panel.

Plus, what if it's a direct spin off (JJJ office comedy, come on Sony!)? Silk appeared in Spider-Man: Homecoming, for example.
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1. I don't think we should add them to the timeline until an actual crossover is confirmed.

2. The Hulu animated shows have "Marvel" in them, but they're not canon. That's just an observation.

3. Well, the tv shows might as well be non-canon then, dispite acknowledging the Marvel Cinematic Universe and featuring characters from it. Spider-Geddon just as canon.

Plus, what if it's a direct spin off (JJJ office comedy, come on Sony!)? Silk appeared in Spider-Man: Homecoming, for example.

1. Definitely agree on this one.

2. You're right about this one, my bad. Always thought that was a weird choice.

3. Difference is that the shows were always advertised as being part of the MCU, the Sony
movies are not (yet).
Also, if Spidergeddon is canon, wny is it not on the timeline?

I like Venom as a movie, but it's just not an MCU movie. Unless there will actually be references to the MCU (which honestly I'd much rather have than having Hollands Spidey pop up randomly), I don't like them being seen as canon.

(Secretly, the main reason for not wanting them on this timeline, is because then I'd have to spend even more money on my already massive MCU collection :p )