Marvel Cinematic Universe - Timeline (Part 2)

Hi guys,

I've finally had the time to catch up fully on the thread and compile messages into topics so I can add my thoughts. I'll post the various responses over the coming days.

First, Luke Cage: Season 2.

I'm going to start in on Luke Cage Season 2 tonight and will post timeline markers or notes as I go through the episodes.
I don't think this will line up with the current version of the timeline, but the magazine featuring Atreus Plastics shown in episode 1 of Luke Cage appears to have a May/June 2018 date.

Just saw that (at 14:22 mark of the episode). It does look like May/June 2018, though obviously that doesn't really jive with likelihood of Infinity War occurring around that time (or beforehand). It's also possible its May/June 2016, but probably not. It does look like 2018. It really can't be May/June 2016 anyway since that would place events of LC Season 2 before events of The Defenders, which we know can't be the case since Misty loses her arm in Defenders and is dealing with fallout of it in LC Season 2.

So, guess it is 2018...? Which would mean Infinity War has to occur sometime after May, 2018, which aligns with its release date.

Another timeline marker (not specific though) is the Harlem Jets youth football program training camp Luke goes to in beginning of Episode 2. Its also either late Spring or Summer based on the trees and warm weather.
Honestly, it was so blurry I don't think we were meant to see it; similar to the "2017" date on gangster's plane ticket towards the beginning of The Punisher's first episode.
Yeah, very well could be the case, but at the same time the prop dept usually take cues from director and script in terms of such things, indicating that may have been intended at time of filming (to sort of align with real world release date in late June, 2018), but the showrunners probably weren't informed of Infinity War's specifics and plot.

I'm gonna keep an eye out for other dates for now to see if those can override the May/June 2018 date.

Another thing to consider on that front is that magazines are usually released the month before their cover date month/year, so it may indicate April, 2018, which could work if we assume IW occurs around May, 2018 (or even late April). Not sure that necessarily works, but its a possibility.
Episode 4 of Luke Cage Season 2, at the 18:15 mark, in lower left corner of Misty's car window is registration sticker that expires 9/18, indicated its sometime between September 2017 (or 2016 if its a 2 year sticker) and September, 2018, which aligns with the presumed April, 2018 date based on the May/June 2018 magazine in first episode.

At the 44:37 mark of 2x04, Shades' car's registration sticker shows an expiration of 1/2018, indicating its sometime before January, 2018, which does conflict with the magazine date from first episode. Unless of course Shades just hasn't bothered updating registration for at least several months, which is possible, but unlikely.

In episode 5, Mariah mentions the events of episode 1 (her getting the inside info on the plastic company she invested in) occurred "a few weeks ago". Episodes 1-4 occur one after the other, covering a period of 7 days. That'd mean Episode 5 would have to pick up around two weeks AFTER episode 4... though the episodes don't really make it seem that long, as Cockroach still has injuries that appear fresh (from Luke's attack). Also, Luke is still seemingly suffering slightly from the concussion Bushmaster gave him in the previous episode's beginning, which wouldn't make sense if it was actually two weeks later.

So far no specific dates have been seen other than the May/June 2018 magazine cover.

Later in the episode at around 48:25 mark, the police chief mentions to Comanche "I gave you a week", indicating its been a week since previous episode, putting Episode 5 at 14 days passed from Episode 1-5, not at least 21 days to match Mariah's "few weeks" comment. We can assume she was overestimating for whatever reason.

I'm unsure when the flashbacks covering Misty and Scarfe (and the death of Scarfe's son Earl) occur, but for now I'll place them in 2014, around a year before events of Luke Cage Season 1, as that allows some time for Scarfe to have dealt with the death and resort to the joking defense mechanism Misty described him utilizing in Season 1 (to deal with Earl's death).

Loved the line toward end of Episode 5: "You wanna hire this hero? The price just doubled." Heroes for Hire reference ftw!

So far the days passed breakdown for first five episodes covers 14 days:

2014??? (before LC Season 1)
Luke Cage 2x05: "All Souled Out" (0:28:42 - 0:30:32)
Luke Cage 2x05: "All Souled Out" (0:44:15 - 0:46:58)
Luke Cage 2x05: "All Souled Out" (0:49:26 - 0:50:31)

Day 1
Luke Cage 2x01: "Soul Brother #1" (0:00:00 - 0:02:58)

Day 2
Luke Cage 2x01: "Soul Brother #1" (0:02:59 - 0:25:09)

Day 3
Luke Cage 2x01: "Soul Brother #1" (0:25:10 - 0:40:31)

Day 4
Luke Cage 2x01: "Soul Brother #1" (0:40:32 - 0:54:00)

Day 5
Luke Cage 2x02: "Straighten It Out" (0:00:00 - 0:52:50)
Luke Cage 2x03: "Wig Out" (0:00:00 - 0:04:23)

Day 6
Luke Cage 2x03: "Wig Out" (0:04:24 - 0:57:12)
Luke Cage 2x04: "I Get Physical" (0:00:00 - 0:00:42)
Luke Cage 2x03: "Wig Out" (0:57:13 - 0:57:58)
Luke Cage 2x04: "I Get Physical" (0:00:43 - 0:06:18)

Day 7
Luke Cage 2x04: "I Get Physical" (0:06:19 - 0:52:20)

Day 14
Luke Cage 2x05: "All Souled Out" (0:00:00 - 0:28:41)
Luke Cage 2x05: "All Souled Out" (0:30:33 - 0:44:14)
Luke Cage 2x05: "All Souled Out" (0:46:59 - 0:49:25)
Luke Cage 2x05: "All Souled Out" (0:50:32 - 0:55:28)
At the 5:15 mark of Episode 6, the Jamaicans are watching a soccer game. No clue who the teams playing are, but maybe a soccer fan might know? Could help pin down specific dates for the episodes.

At around the 14:50-14:55 mark of episode 6, the police chief reaffirms that its only been a week since events of the first four episodes.

At the 29:24 mark, Mariah looks up her bank account (the one Bushmaster emptied) and it shows "Next Statement: Sept 1, 2018"... usually bank statements are released monthly, indicating the intended timeline was August, 2018. This obviously conflicts with Infinity War, as well as the previous May/June 2018 magazine date (indicating April, 2018 if the magazine was new), given only 15 days have passed in season 2 up to that point (based on day night cycle and dialogue backing up placements).

So... looks like Luke Cage Season 2, much like the previous Netflix shows, have weird screwed up timelines that conflict with the day/night cycle and dialogue.

Ironically LC Season 2 seems to differ from the previous Netflix shows in that those aligned--date wise--with the filming dates, whereas Luke Cage Season 2 is aligning with release date and beyond (which majorly conflicts with IW).

Seriously, Marvel Studios and Marvel TV, hire a continuity overseer, please.
Yeah... it's like the only one to do that. And Infinity War is basically the only movie to affect the shows, so they screwed up.

I haven't had time to start so I have very little actual input, but prop dates aside, have there been any verbal time reference to season 1 or Defenders? Or even Jessica Jones season 2?
I won't have time to start Luke Cage: Season 2 for a few more days, but sounds like it's going to be causing problems again. Every time I think the Netflix shows have got back on track, another problem arises.


Edit: I also thought I'd mention that in the clip released from Luke Cage: Season 2 referring to Game of Thrones, they mention the whole "Bend the knee" thing. I don't know when this comes up in Luke Cage: Season 2 - if it's early in the season or later - but the first episode with Daenerys saying "Bend the knee" aired July 30, 2017.
My best guess for Luke Cage season two's timeline placement based on what DIrishB and Agamotto said is August 2017.
Bend the knee is a common expression.
Yeah I know, so if necessary (if evidence points to pre-July 2017) it can be passed off as the guy using "Bend the knee" as just something Daenerys might say, and then it happens to be that some time later, Season 7 airs, and she use the phrase repeatedly and it becomes a quote attributed to her.

But the intention of the line is a reference to Season 7. Just like how he says "Dracarys", he's talking about things Daenerys says, referring to "Bend the knee", which was a recurring plot point in Season 7. So ideally, it would be after July 30, 2017.
I think an August 2018 date is at least consistent within the context of the season--there was no indication in the show that the magazine cover was the latest issue. It really just boils down to whether we're taking seriously the out-of-universe assertion that all current Marvel TV shows are taking place before Infinity War, in which case the prop dates can be safely ignored. It seems kind of obvious that
the next Avengers movie will reset the timeline/universe to some degree so that at the very least Thanos's snap never occurs, so once that happens we won't have to worry about Luke Cage's dates contradicting Infinity War any more than we do the negated Quake-destroys-the-world timelines in Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. or whatever is happening in future LA in Runaways.

We do have 2-3 more Netflix seasons premiering before Avengers 4 even comes out, all of which probably take place after this season, so assuming Luke Cage S2 occurs in close proximity to/in the same timeline with Infinity War is going to be problematic no matter what.

Jeph Loeb still said
all the shows take place before the snap.

I'm personally sticking with August 2017.
No, nothing specific so far (I'm on episode 10).

And putting LC Season 2 in April, 2018 could work if we assume a longer period of time between Thor Ragnarok's ending and mid credit scene, and aligning Infinity War around its release in May, 2018 (which based on the weather in the New York scenes it certainly indicates.

Of course, Agents of SHIELD is a problem, as it's timeline stretches only to January, maybe February, 2018 if you really stretch it, which would place IW in Jan/Feb (though that doesn't really align with IW's spring like weather).

I dunno. It's a big continuity screw up.

Seriously, Marvel, if you need someone to coordinate with prop department and timeline mentions for TV and films, I'm available. ;)
I'm wondering if I should mark all TV episodes set in that period after the reset as a new timeline, at least until the point of Avengers 4...

I dunno, we'll see.

I still think it's best to place the show in April, 2018, as that's really the EARLIEST it can happen if we take the magazine date at face value. And I prefer to take that over the bank account next statement date of September (placing it in August) just for now. If it ends up being otherwise I'll place it in August, 2018, as I do think you're right about the TV shows occurring in a post Avengers 4 "fixed" timeline universe, but we'll see how Daredevil Season 3 and Iron Fist Season 2 approach their timelines. That is the most likely approach I'll take. This way it still allows for it to be pre-Infinity War. Either April or August would support the warm, sunny weather shown through Episode 10.
Yep. In Episode 10 at around the 13:08 mark, Misty mentions today is the West Indian Parade (held on Labor Day), which is September 3 (in 2018).

So, August to September does seem the best placement, especially as we now have a specific date to work from.

I'll just mark the entries on this "fixed" timeline.
Ah. My mistake, do not watch Game of Thrones and had no idea it was even a phrase on that show until you said something.
Yeah...I'm still sticking with August-September 2017. The "8" can be ignored per prop confusion during filming dates. That Game of Thrones reference wouldn't be as timely if quipped a year after it aired in-universe.

But mostly because of what Loeb said about the shows' timeline.
I haven't watched Cloak and Dagger or Luke Cage Season 2 yet, but I saw this mentioned on Reddit and thought it interesting:
If you're still planning on having Luke Cage season 2 in 2018, you forgot to add (New Timeline) next to Luke Cage 2x10: "The Main Ingredient, under September 2, 2018.

Not really sure if you'd also like to add (New Timeline) next to Luke Cage - "More than an arm. It's a chance to get back to work." (Link) as well.


You listed Luke Cage 2x10 under September 2, rather than on September 3. So you'd have to move the events of the show one day forward.


August 16
Luke Cage 2x01: "Soul Brother #1" (0:00:00 - 0:02:58) (New Timeline)

August 17
Luke Cage 2x01: "Soul Brother #1" (0:02:59 - 0:25:09) (New Timeline)

August 18
Luke Cage 2x01: "Soul Brother #1" (0:25:10 - 0:40:31) (New Timeline)

August 19
Luke Cage 2x01: "Soul Brother #1" (0:40:32 - 0:54:00) (New Timeline)

August 20
Luke Cage 2x02: "Straighten It Out" (0:00:00 - 0:52:50) (New Timeline)
Luke Cage 2x03: "Wig Out" (0:00:00 - 0:04:23) (New Timeline)

August 21
Luke Cage 2x03: "Wig Out" (0:04:24 - 0:57:12) (New Timeline)
Luke Cage 2x04: "I Get Physical" (0:00:00 - 0:00:42) (New Timeline)
Luke Cage 2x03: "Wig Out" (0:57:13 - 0:57:58) (New Timeline)
Luke Cage 2x04: "I Get Physical" (0:00:43 - 0:06:18) (New Timeline)

August 22
Luke Cage 2x04: "I Get Physical" (0:06:19 - 0:52:20) (New Timeline)

August 29
Luke Cage 2x05: "All Souled Out" (0:00:00 - 0:28:41) (New Timeline)
Luke Cage 2x05: "All Souled Out" (0:30:33 - 0:44:14) (New Timeline)
Luke Cage 2x05: "All Souled Out" (0:46:59 - 0:49:25) (New Timeline)
Luke Cage 2x05: "All Souled Out" (0:50:32 - 0:55:28) (New Timeline)
Luke Cage 2x06: "The Basement" (0:00:00 - 0:04:00) (New Timeline)

August 30
Luke Cage 2x06: "The Basement" (0:04:01 - 1:02:00) (New Timeline)
Luke Cage 2x07: "On and On" (0:00:00 - 0:46:02) (New Timeline)
Luke Cage 2x07: "On and On" (0:46:08 - 0:47:10) (New Timeline)
Luke Cage 2x07: "On and On" (0:47:17 - 0:47:20) (New Timeline)
Luke Cage 2x07: "On and On" (0:47:27 - 0:53:43) (New Timeline)

August 31
Luke Cage 2x08: "If It Ain't Rough, It Ain't Right" (New Timeline)
Luke Cage 2x09: "For Pete's Sake" (New Timeline)

September 3
Luke Cage 2x10: "The Main Ingredient" (New Timeline)
Luke Cage 2x11: "The Creator" (0:00:00 - 0:02:45) (New Timeline)
Luke Cage 2x11: "The Creator" (0:02:46 - 0:04:31) (New Timeline)

September 4
Luke Cage 2x11: "The Creator" (0:08:06 - 0:18:49) (New Timeline)
Luke Cage 2x11: "The Creator" (0:18:58 - 0:19:51) (New Timeline)
Luke Cage 2x11: "The Creator" (0:21:16 - 0:29:38) (New Timeline)
Luke Cage 2x11: "The Creator" (0:31:43 - 0:31:46) (New Timeline)
Luke Cage 2x11: "The Creator" (0:32:07 - 0:32:11) (New Timeline)
Luke Cage 2x11: "The Creator" (0:32:21 - 0:32:28) (New Timeline)
Luke Cage 2x11: "The Creator" (0:32:32 - 0:32:37) (New Timeline)
Luke Cage 2x11: "The Creator" (0:32:41 - 0:32:42) (New Timeline)
Luke Cage 2x11: "The Creator" (0:32:45 - 0:32:49) (New Timeline)
Luke Cage 2x11: "The Creator" (0:32:52 - 0:32:55) (New Timeline)
Luke Cage 2x11: "The Creator" (0:33:17 - 0:54:15) (New Timeline)
Luke Cage 2x12: "Can't Front On Me" (0:00:00 - 0:01:40) (New Timeline)

September 5
Luke Cage 2x12: "Can't Front On Me" (0:01:41 - 1:00:15) (New Timeline)

September 6
Luke Cage 2x13: "They Reminisce Over You (T.R.O.Y.)" (0:02:36 - 0:02:37) (New Timeline)
Luke Cage 2x13: "They Reminisce Over You (T.R.O.Y.)" (0:02:40 - 0:02:46) (New Timeline)
Luke Cage 2x13: "They Reminisce Over You (T.R.O.Y.)" (0:03:02 - 0:03:08) (New Timeline)
Luke Cage 2x13: "They Reminisce Over You (T.R.O.Y.)" (0:03:15 - 0:03:18) (New Timeline)
Luke Cage 2x13: "They Reminisce Over You (T.R.O.Y.)" (0:03:22 - 0:03:37) (New Timeline)
Luke Cage 2x13: "They Reminisce Over You (T.R.O.Y.)" (0:12:38 - 0:12:53) (New Timeline)

September 7
Luke Cage 2x13: "They Reminisce Over You (T.R.O.Y.)" (0:00:00 - 0:02:35) (New Timeline)
Luke Cage 2x13: "They Reminisce Over You (T.R.O.Y.)" (0:02:38 - 0:02:39) (New Timeline)
Luke Cage 2x13: "They Reminisce Over You (T.R.O.Y.)" (0:02:47 - 0:03:01) (New Timeline)
Luke Cage 2x13: "They Reminisce Over You (T.R.O.Y.)" (0:03:09 - 0:03:14) (New Timeline)
Luke Cage 2x13: "They Reminisce Over You (T.R.O.Y.)" (0:03:19 - 0:03:21) (New Timeline)
Luke Cage 2x13: "They Reminisce Over You (T.R.O.Y.)" (0:03:38 - 0:04:13) (New Timeline)

September 8
Luke Cage 2x13: "They Reminisce Over You (T.R.O.Y.)" (0:04:14 - 0:12:37) (New Timeline)
Luke Cage 2x13: "They Reminisce Over You (T.R.O.Y.)" (0:12:54 - 0:25:20) (New Timeline)

Luke Cage 2x13: "They Reminisce Over You (T.R.O.Y.)" (0:25:21 - 0:44:03) (New Timeline)
Luke Cage 2x13: "They Reminisce Over You (T.R.O.Y.)" (0:58:12 - 0:58:35) (New Timeline)
Luke Cage 2x13: "They Reminisce Over You (T.R.O.Y.)" (0:58:47 - 0:58:51) (New Timeline)
Luke Cage 2x13: "They Reminisce Over You (T.R.O.Y.)" (0:59:05 - 0:59:10) (New Timeline)
Luke Cage 2x13: "They Reminisce Over You (T.R.O.Y.)" (0:59:45 - 0:59:47) (New Timeline)
Luke Cage 2x13: "They Reminisce Over You (T.R.O.Y.)" (0:44:04 - 0:58:11) (New Timeline)
Luke Cage 2x13: "They Reminisce Over You (T.R.O.Y.)" (0:58:36 - 0:58:46) (New Timeline)
Luke Cage 2x13: "They Reminisce Over You (T.R.O.Y.)" (0:58:52 - 0:59:04) (New Timeline)
Luke Cage 2x13: "They Reminisce Over You (T.R.O.Y.)" (0:59:11 - 0:59:44) (New Timeline)
Luke Cage 2x13: "They Reminisce Over You (T.R.O.Y.)" (0:59:48 - 1:06:58) (New Timeline)
Luke Cage - "More than an arm. It's a chance to get back to work." (Link) (New Timeline)
If the other shows end up following suit as LC Season 2 its unavoidable. If not, I'll probably move it to 2017. Its just a matter of how the other shows play out and how Avengers 4 approaches the problem (ie whether the time travel rumors are true or not).


Nice. Course it kind of creates timeline problem given C&D occurs years before LC Season 2, based on the dates shown in each show, and it'd be odd if she's mentioning that years after... course it could be someone else entirely named O'Reilly. There's wiggle room either way.

Thanks, fixed for that. Admittedly I was exhausted toward end after marathoning the show over two days.
Oh wow, that is awesome! When they mentioned O'Reilly was a former New York cop I thought that was a great opportunity for a tie-in, but I never thought they'd actually do it. I hope they keep these little references up.

EDIT: Also, Callahan was the name used for O'Reilly's character in the Cloak & Dagger casting breakdown, apparently, so they must have really wanted to reference C&D here. So cool.

Yeah, I'm team 2017 too. Either way they're doing the same thing Jessica Jones season 2 did. Treat Defenders and season 1 like neither one was that long ago. Misty's arm and the impact of Cottonmouth's death still being treated as fresh.

I'm sure IF and Daredevil will give us a better idea of how long has passed since Defenders. We'll see.
Read something about the latest Cloak & Dagger episode mentioning Harlem and the cop lady's connection to it.

I don't watch the show anymore, but the article said something her moving to New Orleans being recent.
The mention of it in Cloak and Dagger didn't mention a time frame, just that the officer moved from Harlem to New Orleans at some point. The mention of it in Luke Cage mentions that she moved recently. Either way, the timing creates problems.
They don't mention it being recent, least not in Cloak & Dagger 1x05, but she did mention doing drug busts in Harlem so its confirmed its the same O'Reilly mentioned in Luke Cage Season 2.

For now I'm going to treat the "recently" as a severe over estimation, given theres a 2-3 year time difference (depending on if LC is set in 2017 or 2018).
Want to get feedback on what you guys think is best approach to take on the current two timeline issues:

The Luke Cage Season 2/Infinity War potential conflict, and the Cloak & Dagger Season 1 placement.

Luke Cage Season 2 pretty definitively sets itself as occurring in August 2018 based on the April/May 2018 Magazine cover (indicating its a few months old) and the September, 2018 next statement thing on Mariah's bank account, along with the obvious Summer weather for most of season, with last few episodes showing weather cooling and some trees turning, which would indicate the progression into September.

This means Infinity War--whose date is indeterminate and not specifically tied down to any visible dates in the film itself, but is pinned down to early 2018 due to the Agents of SHIELD timeline--would have to occur after August/September, 2018, meaning Thor and the Asgardians were on the ship MUCH longer than we thought, and it doesn't work in any way with AoS's established timeline and IW crossover elements.

So, the most logical assumption I can make is that the Netflix shows (at least, possibly even some of the others) are occurring in the "fixed" timeline from Avengers 4. The rumors indicate time travel is an element, and the film's indicated time jump of five years or so to the future means by film's end odds are they'll have fixed the timeline and reverted back to "present time", whether thats at same time as Infinity War (or just after or before depending on the time travel approach) or aligns with when the film comes out in 2019 remains to be seen.
Since Jeph Loeb said the upcoming shows would take place before the snap, I'd personally be inclined to place Luke Cage season 2 in August-September 2017. Punisher season 1 was placed on November 2016 even though props indicated a 2017 placement, so it's possible that the prop department in both instances wasn't paying attention to its placement relative to the other shows' seasons and wrote the release year on the props.
That's certainly possible. I'm kind of surprised no one has directly asked Loeb or the showrunners of the different shows about that.

But yeah, with the definitive Sept 3 date for the parade moving it to 2017 may be the best option. Then again, it very well may be an adjusted timeline situation too. I dunno. The thing is, as the other Netflix shows come out (Daredevil season 3, Iron Fist Season 2, Punisher Season 2, Jessica Jones Season 3, etc), if they reference events of Luke Cage Season 2 and reflect progression of time beyond the span of August-September 2017 to May, 2018 (an 8 month span max), the same problem occurs either way. We'll see.

Dates shown in those other seasons along with references made to events of LC Season 2's events may retcon the 2018 date to 2017. We'll see.
As far as I can tell, Luke Cage season 2 should be placed in August/September 2017 due to the aforementioned evidence of wrong dates in the Punisher and Loeb's comments about all of the shows taking place before Infinity War.


As far as Ant-Man and the Wasp goes, I haven't seen the movie yet (obviously) but some of what I've read places it "about 2 years" after Civil War, which, to me, could mean give-or-take a few months. So if we place Infinity War in March/April of 2018, this reduces the amount of time that's passed in Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. season 5, leaves some wiggle room for Ant-Man and the Wasp (the whole "about 2 years" thing could be completely wrong; we'll see on Thursday), and gives the upcoming seasons of Iron Fist, Daredevil, and the Punisher room to fit between the August/September 2017 date of Luke Cage season 2 and the March/April 2018 date of Infinity War, if they take a similar approach as Jessica Jones season 2 and Luke Cage season 2 of taking place close to a year before the date they're released, as well as Runaways season 2 (if it is released before Avengers 4).
What Loeb actually said was (bolded emphasis mine) "For the most part our stories will take place BEFORE Thanos clicked his fingers." So there's definitely some wiggle room built into that statement. It's certainly true for Agents of SHIELD, Cloak and Dagger, and likely New Warriors, but it leaves open the possibility that some seasons/episodes are taking place
in the restored timeline from Spider-Man 2, etc.

As for the Punisher thing, it might be worth revisiting if the Netflix shows are moving consistently forward into 2018 based on prop dates in the future. Re: Luke Cage S2, the simplest thing to do might be to take the prop dates at face value until Avengers 4 and the next 3 or however many Netflix seasons come out and then adjust as needed.


This is the approach I'm taking for now. I'm treating all visible dates as valid until we know definitively they're not. And given the likelihood of the altered timeline element of A4, it makes little sense to force the shows into periods that conflict with the given dates considering that.

IF A4 goes a different way then I can adjust as needed.
The new Iron Fist trailer seemed to have Christmas lights in the background during the beginning. So it looks like the November/December after Luke Cage 2. (I say 2017, but I guess we're still saying 2018 here).

(Please confirm for us Iron Fist season two...)
Sidenote relating to the tv shows in general: I'm on the side of "everything takes place before Infinity War until Avengers 4," so I personally have Cloak and Dagger placed in February-March 2017 and Luke Cage season 2 placed in August-September 2017. Again, the cold weather to me indicates an early December 2017/early January 2018 setting for Iron Fist season 2, but I'll have to finish the season before I get a really definitive answer, I think.
Found an article from June in which Jeph Loeb clarifies that Luke Cage season two takes place before Infinity War

This was said at a screening of the season two premiere of Luke Cage.

It's all but shown/mentioned in the series themselves that say they're in 2017...
That settles it for me, not that I ever thought otherwise. I can think of like 10 instances in the MCU where the prop department was wrong, so no sense in clinging to that.

How many votes do we think should constitute a change of something old?
Then I formally vote 2017. I guess we can tally the total next Sunday?
I'm still not sure the idea of half the shows characters disappearing works unless the click is is fixed by a means that isn't time travel, but bts leaks show time travel is heavily involved. This would mean the click never happens and the shows would be unaware it even happened and would continue uninterrupted. If this does happen then there is no reason LC would need to be moved.
I'm inclined to stick with DIrishB on keeping it where it is until we see what IF and DD show in terms of their timeline.
I also wouldn't bank on what Loeb says in one interview given that '8 Years Later' got by a lot of people and made it into a film.
The Homecoming snafu was a done as a narrative decision by the writers/producers, and it made it past everyone else because they weren't thinking about the larger timeline. This is Loeb (the Feige of the TV side) using the operative word "Certainly" in direct reference to the timeline. Seems stubborn to ignore that. Also just leaves a narrative gap of 2 years between Defenders and LC2/IF2 that seems needless and wrong. Not to mention the Netflix stuff has always lagged behind release dates by about 6-12 months.
I agree that Luke Cage Season 2 should be in 2017. I've always thought that though, it doesn't make sense to stick it in 2018 when the Netflix shows have always been set prior to their release date. Daredevil should have nail it down further, but as Iron Fist Season 2 takes place pretty much immediately post-Luke Cage Season 2, and by all indications seems to be not too long after the events of the first season, it would make sense imo for Iron Fist Season 2 to be in 2017, helping nail Luke Cage Season 2 down to 2017 as well.
I have no problem moving LC, I also have no problem waiting to fully confirm this either though
I should also point out that Luke Cage is now totally set in 2017 at this point.
Temporarily updated for Iron Fist season 2. I've placed it in early 2019 for now, until the majority agrees to place it in early 2018 and move Luke Cage season 2 to 2017.

In the meantime, if I've missed anything with it, please comment.
I still vote for Luke Cage in 2017 and Iron Fist starting in January 2018. Narrative wise, it makes more sense.
I like the idea that we try not to place anything between IW and the next film otherwise we're basing it on pure speculation as to how they will resolve the Snap
I agree. But to be honest, DIrishB had placed Luke Cage season 2 after Infinity War but before Avengers 4 anyway, so I'm taking this approach for now so as to follow his procedure.
You are the right man for this job. I've vouched to put Luke Cage season 2 before IF since it came out. So that's my vote, but I just really appreciate that you're aren't budging when it comes to Irish's placement until there's an overwhelming majority. This post made me so happy, and I'm glad that it was you who took over.
And now we have official confirmation from the show's writer that Iron Fist season two, and Luke Cage season two by technicality, are set BEFORE Infinity War.

Look, I hope I'm not coming across like I'm discrediting DIrishB's legacy. I respect the man and the work he put into his timelines. I'm not about to tarnish that.

That said, it's still been extremely clear that Iron Fist and Luke Cage are intended to be set before Infinity War. It's now been confirmed by Jeph Loeb and the show's writer, and that's as official as it can get.

The dates in Luke Cage S2 were incorrect, no thanks the prop department. :(
Yeah, I thought the whole point of the new thread was to preserve all the work Irish did on the old thread and use this one to make any updates as new material comes out.
That is the point of this thread. I think SuperNintendo just wants to be 100% sure before he makes any changes to Irish's work.
This is the sort of evidence that should help be able to move Luke Cage. It wouldn't be a problem to DIrishB's le7gacy due to how soon it has been since Luke Cage came out, preserving his work and ideas is more helping to keep other, older things set in stone such as Agent Carter's series and the One Shot or Agents of Shield Season 2 with the 6 month gap in the middle.
Moved Cloak & Dagger season 1 and Luke Cage season 2 to 2017, and Iron Fist season 2 to 2018.
DIrishB's suggestion for dealing with any content which comes out before Avengers 4 but sets itself after Infinity War is similar to my original suggestion on the wiki. My suggestion after I saw Infinity War was that we shouldn't go out of our way to contradict evidence from the shows just to get them prior to Infinity War, because we just don't know how things will be and how feasible the post-Spring 2018 dates are. The idea was not to force it back, but also not post those events onto the wiki timeline pages until we're sure, next year, that they're OK being placed there - just bank them in a draft page until the release of Avengers 4, when we can make final decisions. However, with Jeph Loeb's comments, it changed things slightly, because the idea of "don't contradict anything just to get before Infinity War" isn't quite as valid - basically, because Loeb's comments count as evidence for everything being pre-Infinity War, there is now some motivation to go for a slightly contradictory option to move things back. I still don't feel it's worth massive contradictions, but when there's a contradictory mess and two options, one pre-Infinity War and one post-Infinity War, Loeb's comments certainly add evidence to the pre side. Especially when specific seasons are singled out.

To clarify, yes, Loeb did say "for the most part" initially. But then at SDCC, he said, "I think one of the things that faces us as a challenge because of when the movies are made, when the shows are made, and the timing of everything... That the short answer is that the stories that you're seeing, unless otherwise noted, all happen before - sorry if this spoils somebody's life - what is affectionately referred to as "The Thanos Snap". And we'll continue to be in that place until we find out what happens in Avengers 4, because what we don't want to do is tell a story and then, in Avengers 4, something else happens, so that's sort of the easiest way for us to get around that." So that would suggest everything is before, unless there's some sort of clarification otherwise. And obviously there is also the specific address of Luke Cage: Season 2, and Raven Metzner's specific address of Iron Fist: Season 2.

However, just talking about Loeb's general comments (I do think that a specific address of each season is hard to ignore), I don't think it's 100% gospel. I've mentioned this to the wiki, but if a couple of scenes (for example, Iron Fist: Season 2's epilogue) and/or just one season of television (possibly The Punisher: Season 2) slip through the cracks and place themselves after Infinity War, so be it. Loeb can't really say anything else - he's not going to say, "In fact, some of the TV events are taking place after Infinity War, there's just no need to address the snap because things get resolved in Avengers 4" - and I also feel like the statement is more of a general "Yeah they're set before" than a "The specific dates in the timeline that these seasons take place are earlier than the timeline dates for Infinity War". As much as possible, ideally, all this stuff will place before Infinity War, but if a little bit does have to go after, I don't think that's the end of the world, so long as Loeb has not then gone out of his way to specifically talk about that season being pre-Infinity War.

Anyway, that all said, Luke Cage: Season 2, I feel, places itself in August-September 2017 anyway. I just thought that because the majority of the discussion about what to do with TV stuff placing itself after Infinity War cropped up during Luke Cage discussion, I would address it here.

Before I start, anything to do with how Luke Cage's timeline links with Cloak & Dagger's and why things are the way they are, I will address in another post. But I feel Cloak & Dagger: Season 1 takes place in February-March 2017, and treat that as an established thing here.

The discussion and understanding about moving Luke Cage from DIrishB's last positioning has encouraged me that it's OK for me to share my thoughts - especially since you guys have moved it now, so I'm only providing more analysis/justification.

*Episode 1: Claire's still studying Misty's arm and Misty's not used to it, suggesting it's not long since The Defenders: Season 1.
*Episode 1: Not much has happened with Mariah and Shades since Season 1, suggesting it hasn't been too long.
*Episode 1: Mariah speaks like she hasn't seen Luke since he got out of prison, suggesting it's not been long since The Defenders: Season 1.
*Episode 2: SC6 is said to be on that night, and the show started on February 6, 2017. It also ended February 2, 2018, although that was likely something that couldn't have been predicted during filming, so it's not necessarily the intention that this evidence would place it before February 2, 2018. Still, ideally, it would fall between those dates, and it should be after February 6, 2017.
*Episode 2: Misty is "still trying to wrap [her] head around" losing her arm, again suggesting not long since The Defenders: Season 1.
*Episode 4: Shades' car has a "1 18" registration, meaning it shouldn't be later than January 2018.
*Episode 5: Foggy says the Destiny's Child bar mitzvah was "a decade ago". It was May 2005, but since this is only 2017, or 2018, he must be rounding. Still, it would suggest more like 2017 than 2018.
*Episode 8: Shades mentions that the Yankees are playing a doubleheader, in a scene set 5 days before the West Indian Parade. This did not happen in 2018, but happened in 2017, with August 30th.
*Episode 10: The "bend the knee" phrase from Game of Thrones is used, which is more current in September 2017 than September 2018.
*Episode 13: D.W. says, "Personally I haven't felt this weird since November 9th." This implies that November 9, 2016 (the day Trump was announced as the new president-elect) was the last November 9th, making this September 2017.
*Jeph Loeb has said on 2 occasions that the seasons of TV released between Avengers: Infinity War and Avengers 4 are set before Avengers: Infinity War, and has explicitly said Luke Cage: Season 2 is set before Avengers: Infinity War. The latest Avengers: Infinity War can take place is June 2018, meaning this season should not be 2018, as it would be a few months after Avengers: Infinity War.
*Luke Cage: Season 2 seems to take place after Cloak & Dagger: Season 1 (O'Reilly is in New Orleans and she only went to New Orleans just before Cloak & Dagger: Season 1, according to Emma Lahana - like I said, I will explain properly soon), but not too long after because of what's going on with O'Reilly. Cloak & Dagger: Season 1 places itself in February-March 2017, so August-September 2017 would be the best August-September to fit.

*Episode 7: "Next Statement Sept 1, 2018". Statements are usually monthly, suggesting it is currently August 2018.
*Episode 8: Shades has a "6 20" registration sticker, suggesting it is after June 2018.

To also consider, but currently unclear:
*Episode 1 + 5: The Black Enterprise magazine has a "May/June 201?" date but it could be 6 or 8. Shown Episode 1 at 14:21 and Episode 5 at 39:37. Sadly, the usual HD screencap sites I use haven't done Luke Cage: Season 2 yet.
*Episode 12: Anansi's file has a date of death at the top that I can't quite make out. Shown Episode 12 at 35:41. Again, sadly no HD screencaps available.

(Some evidence that ends up irrelevant when just comparing Summer 2017 with Summer 2018 - Episode 4: Misty's car's "9 18" sticker, Episode 9: Jamaicans' "8 18" sticker, Episode 13: "11 18" sticker, Episode 13: Sheldon's "3 19" sticker.)

But I feel overall, 2017 is the best result. And this is just looking at Luke Cage: Season 2 on its own - because going outside of just the season itself, there is also the fact that Iron Fist: Season 2 has significant evidence placing itself in early 2018, and is set after Luke Cage: Season 2, serving as further confirmation.

I feel comfortable with the move, not because it's what we decided on at the wiki - there are many things on this timeline that I disagree with but do not want to challenge after DIrishB's passing - but because I'm sure he would have wanted it this way. I will get into Iron Fist: Season 2 properly in another post, but it very much places itself in early 2018, and there is definitely significant evidence placing Luke Cage: Season 2 in 2017. And reading through some of his messages, as I have quoted above - if you look, he was ready to move it. It was a placement that was very much in flux, and he was ready and willing to move it, should future content contradict 2018, and it did. There's a difference between moving something like Luke Cage: Season 2 and moving something like Iron Man, which was very much a firm placement from him, for years.

A couple of other things.

First, the exacts of the day and night breakdown of the show. There has been some discussion about how Mariah's line about "a few weeks ago" doesn't line up with everything else, but it can. My note-taking system now incorporates potential gaps during episodes. Sometimes, despite seeming like there is no gap during an episode, gaps can actually be slipped in if necessary because there's no connection or reference tying them together. I go through and when there's a potential gap, I label it, then if that gap no longer becomes possible because, for example, that scene is referred to as "earlier" or a scene before it is referred to as "yesterday" later on or whatever reason, I remove the potential gap. After all the notes are taken, any potential gaps left can be looked at for helping broader references like Mariah's "a few weeks ago" line work.

Here's the full breakdown of my notes, and the explanation of how all the calculations worked out. And the result was:

c. Tuesday, August 8, 2017
Episode 1 beginning to minute 3ish.

c. Wednesday, August 9, 2017
Episode 1 minute 4ish to minute 25ish.

c. Saturday, August 12, 2017
Episode 1 minute 25ish to minute 28ish.

c. Tuesday, August 15, 2017
Episode 1 minute 28ish.

c. Friday, August 18, 2017
Episode 1 minute 28ish to minute 30ish.

c. Monday, August 21, 2017
Episode 1 minute 30ish to minute 41ish.

c. Tuesday, August 22, 2017
Episode 1 minute 41ish to end.

c. Wednesday, August 23, 2017
Episode 2 beginning to minute 43ish.

c. Thursday, August 24, 2017
Episode 2 minute 43ish to end. Episode 3 beginning to end. Episode 4 beginning to minute 9ish.

c. Friday, August 25, 2017
Episode 4 minute 9ish to end.

Monday, August 28, 2017
Episode 5 beginning to end. Episode 6 beginning to minute 41ish.

Tuesday, August 29, 2017
Episode 6 minute 41ish to end. Episode 7 beginning to end.

Wednesday, August 30, 2017
Episode 8 beginning to end. Episode 9 beginning to minute 12ish.

Thursday, August 31, 2017
Episode 9 minute 12ish to end.

Sunday, September 3, 2017
Episode 10 beginning to end. Episode 11 beginning to minute 3ish.

Monday, September 4, 2017
Episode 11 minute 4ish to end. Episode 12 beginning to minute 2ish.

Tuesday, September 5, 2017
Episode 12 minute 2ish to end.

c. Friday, September 8, 2017
Episode 13 beginning to minute 44ish.

c. Saturday, September 9, 2017
Episode 13 minute 44ish to minute 51ish.

c. Sunday, September 10, 2017
Episode 13 minute 51ish to minute 60ish.

c. Sunday, September 17, 2017
Episode 13 minute 60ish to end.

Because of the way this timeline works, I'm not suggesting assigning specific dates to anything I've given a "c.", because they're not certain dates. Only August 28-September 5, 2017 are the exact given dates, and the rest would just come under "August" and "September". But just giving you guys a breakdown of how I feel it all works out, and if anything ever also places itself in August or September 2017, it will also help with sequencing them against Luke Cage: Season 2.

The other thing is the Scarfe flashbacks, something that wasn't mentioned is that it's said to be during the baseball season. This means that if it's about 2014 (which I agree with), then it has to be between March 30 and September 28.

One last thing mentioned here by 64SuperNintendo that I thought I'd mention - there isn't actually much prop evidence contradicting November 2016 in The Punisher: Season 1. The props mostly support 2016 - for example, Micro's computer has a huge collection of recent files, and none of the dates are later than November 2016 - there are a tonne of dates in close proximity, it would be weird if it were November 2017 and for some reason, none of the files were from the last year. The only contradictions are the possibility of the plane ticket saying 2017, but that's very blurry, and a combination of a prop and dialogue late in the season, when Lewis' driving license says he was born on May 30, 1991, but Micro says he's "26". The prop itself wasn't a problem, but the incorrect combination.
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I don't think anyone is disputing the LC placement at this point, is there anyone that disputes the other series now? IF season 2 being the latest addition
I don't think anyone is disputing the LC placement at this point, is there anyone that disputes the other series now? IF season 2 being the latest addition

I'm kind of attached to the idea of IF2 being December 2017. Colleen's line about the nightclub door makes it seem like LC2 was recent, and placing it in September gives plenty of breathing room for DD3 and Punisher 2 to take place before IW.

I know props make it pretty clear that it's early 2018, but for right now I'm personally just placing it in a nebulous "post LC2" spot and waiting on DD3. I'm pretty confident they'll be a little more specific about how much time has passed since Defenders.
I meant September 2017... apparently I can't edit posts anymore.
Hmmm won't let me edit either... I can see reasoning behind that, I know they say it happens before the snap, so can pencil it in with space for DD3 and P2, but nothing to stop us moving it after should Avengers 4 pull some time travel shenanigans making the comments of it being before irrelevant. Is there anything that stops that placement from being possible other than props? Off the top of my head after a long day I can't think of anything other than New York isn't quite that cold in September
Should the iron fist texts be included? (All about this., So much for being punctual., A true GOAT., Girls' Night out.)

Also the videos from the website based on the rising tide?

The Iron Man Takes Flight

Footage from the Stark Exbo Attacks

Evidence of Real Life Monster

Dont know whats screwing with the links but just copy and paste them :/

And lastly you could add runaways season 2 to after DD season 3.
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Right click on "Edit Post" and see where it says "Open in a New Tab"; click that and then you'll be able to edit.

Unfortunately though, you can't use italics, bold, font size,'ll just have to copy and paste for those.
I don't think anyone is disputing the LC placement at this point, is there anyone that disputes the other series now? IF season 2 being the latest addition
I wasn't trying to convince anyone, I was just saying the things I'd been planning on saying for a few months - adding my own notes, including some things that hadn't been noted before, which happened to add to the 2017 placement you guys had already decided on.

Updated for Agamotto's suggestions.
Which things were updated?

I'm kind of attached to the idea of IF2 being December 2017. Colleen's line about the nightclub door makes it seem like LC2 was recent, and placing it in September gives plenty of breathing room for DD3 and Punisher 2 to take place before IW.

I know props make it pretty clear that it's early 2018, but for right now I'm personally just placing it in a nebulous "post LC2" spot and waiting on DD3. I'm pretty confident they'll be a little more specific about how much time has passed since Defenders.
I meant September 2017... apparently I can't edit posts anymore.
I will address the Iron Fist stuff in another message coming up, but the club line isn't a reference to Luke Cage - it's a drug farm that Danny breaks into in Luke Cage: Season 2, Episode 1, not a nightclub. Plus if it were immediately after Luke Cage: Season 2 there would potentially be some clash with Mr. Yang and Misty's appearances.

Yeah, I, too, am concerned about what Daredevil: Season 3 will have to say about the time since The Defenders...

Hmmm won't let me edit either... I can see reasoning behind that, I know they say it happens before the snap, so can pencil it in with space for DD3 and P2, but nothing to stop us moving it after should Avengers 4 pull some time travel shenanigans making the comments of it being before irrelevant. Is there anything that stops that placement from being possible other than props? Off the top of my head after a long day I can't think of anything other than New York isn't quite that cold in September
Again, I'll get to this in an upcoming message, but the nightclub isn't a Luke Cage reference, and as well as the "1/2/2018" tablet date, there's the references in Episodes 9 and 10 to it being Chinatown's "Spring Fair" (related to Chinese Lunar New Year in February) very soon and the fact it's clearly presented as deep winter, including lines of dialogue such as Colleen telling Lana's mother in Episode 1 that she'll get Lana "winter clothes".

Should the iron fist texts be included? (All about this., So much for being punctual., A true GOAT., Girls' Night out.)

Also the videos from the website based on the rising tide?

The Iron Man Takes Flight

Footage from the Stark Exbo Attacks

Evidence of Real Life Monster

Dont know whats screwing with the links but just copy and paste them :/

And lastly you could add runaways season 2 to after DD season 3.
I was preparing a response to the last time you brought this up, to send later on in a future response, but it's a small thing so I might as well just send it now:
Should the iron fist texts be included? (All about this., So much for being punctual., A true GOAT., Girls' Night out.)

Also the videos from the website based on the rising tide?

The Iron Man Takes Flight

Footage from the Stark Exbo Attacks

Evidence of Real Life Monster
First, the Iron Fist texts.

With additional material like this, I usually say to place it the same number of days before the beginning of the season as it was released. So if something promoting Iron Fist: Season 2 came out like 48 hours before Iron Fist: Season 2, then it should be placed around 48 hours before the beginning of Iron Fist: Season 2 in the timeline.

So, with these, remember Iron Fist: Season 2 came out September 7, 2018 07:00 UTC.
-"All about this." Posted August 9, 2018 18:15 UTC, 684.75 hours before the season. The season begins January 1, 2018 at roughly 2AM New York time. 684.75 hours earlier is December 3, 2017 13:15 New York. The closest "5:47PM-6:56PM" (when the texts take place) is December 3, 2017 17:47-18:56 New York time.
-"So much for being punctual." Posted August 15, 2018 18:30 UTC, 540.5 hours before the season. Back from January 1, 2018 02:00 New York, this gives December 9, 2017 13:30 New York. The closest "5:47PM-6:56PM" (when the texts take place) is December 9, 2017 17:47-18:56 New York time.
-"A true GOAT." Posted August 20, 2018 18:15 UTC, 420.75 hours before the season. Back from January 1, 2018 02:00 New York, this gives December 14, 2017, 13:15 New York. The closest "3:56PM" (when the texts take place) is December 14, 2017 15:56 New York time.
-"Girls' night out." Posted August 30, 2018 18:15 UTC, 180.75 hours before the season. Back from January 1, 2018 02:00 New York, this gives December 24, 2017 13:15 New York. The closest "10:07PM" (when the texts take place) is December 24, 2017 22:07 New York time.

Also, it turned out that the two first promo teasers for the season were not actually footage from the show, but rather especially-shot teasers. So those can also be added.
-Date Announcement. Posted July 20, 2018 02:00 UTC, 1181 hours before the season. Back from January 1, 2018 02:00 New York, this gives November 12, 2017, 21:00 New York. The closest daytime (when the scene takes place) is November 12, 2017 daytime New York time.
-Memories Teaser. Posted July 28, 2017 09:22 UTC, 981.63333 hours before the season. Back from January 1, 2018 02:00 New York, this gives November 21, 2017, 04:22 New York. The closest daytime (when the scene takes place) is November 21, 2017 daytime New York time.

As for the Rising Tide, you're missing a few things. Here's the full breakdown. They were all released on Sunday, May 12, 2013, and using this site, the times of posting can be found. Here:
-The first video was "Evidence of Real Life Monster". The original link still works, here, and it was released at 15:28:02 UTC.
-The second video was "What Really Happened Here? S.H.I.E.L.D. Operatives Spotted?". The video at the original link has been taken down, but people on YouTube have reuploaded it, or you can watch it on Web Archive here.
-The third video was "S.H.I.E.L.D. Evidence Caught on Tape!". The video at the original link has been taken down, but people on YouTube have reuploaded it.
-The fourth video was "The Iron Man Takes Flight". The original link still works, here, and it was released at 15:30:39 UTC.
-And the fifth video was "Footage from Stark Expo Attacks". The original link still works, here, and it was released at 15:33:03 UTC.
And the reason I know how "What Really Happened Here? S.H.I.E.L.D. Operatives Spotted?" and "S.H.I.E.L.D. Evidence Caught on Tape!", the two which have been removed from YouTube, fit into the order of upload, is that this site has the 5 videos in order, and I can tell that it's the order of upload because the 3 for which we do know the time of upload, "Evidence of Real Life Monster", "The Iron Man Takes Flight", and "Footage from Stark Expo Attacks", are in the correct order, implying that is intentional and therefore the list is all in order.

The synopsis for Daredevil season three says Matt Murdock has been missing for months.

Take it a grain of salt for now.
Oh dear. This sounds like it's going to be fun...
Ignore my response to Pro Bot in the message above. The thread is very weird at the moment and my message posted twice, so I was going to try to make it no longer two identical messages, but instead edit them to turn the first message into a general replies thing and make the second message just the response to Pro Bot. I edited the second message so it's just the Pro Bot response, as well as improving it, and it worked, but whenever I try to edit the previous message it takes me to a "403 FORBIDDEN - YOU DON'T HAVE PERMISSION TO ACCESS TO THIS DOCUMENT ON THIS SERVER - THIS SITE RECENTLY UNDERWENT EXTENSIVE REDESIGN AND YOU MAY BE REFERENCING AN OUTDATED LINK..." message. I don't know what's going on, the way the thread works is very messy right now, I hope it gets sorted.
So anyway, the original (slightly worse) response to Pro Bot is still there unfortunately. But ignore that, this is my proper response to Pro Bot.

Should the iron fist texts be included? (All about this., So much for being punctual., A true GOAT., Girls' Night out.)

Also the videos from the website based on the rising tide?

The Iron Man Takes Flight

Footage from the Stark Exbo Attacks

Evidence of Real Life Monster
Should the iron fist texts be included? (All about this., So much for being punctual., A true GOAT., Girls' Night out.)

Also the videos from the website based on the rising tide?

The Iron Man Takes Flight

Footage from the Stark Exbo Attacks

Evidence of Real Life Monster

Dont know whats screwing with the links but just copy and paste them :/

And lastly you could add runaways season 2 to after DD season 3.
First, the Iron Fist texts.

With additional material like this, I usually say to place it the same number of days before the beginning of the season as it was released. So if something promoting Iron Fist: Season 2 came out like 48 hours before Iron Fist: Season 2, then it should be placed around 48 hours before the beginning of Iron Fist: Season 2 in the timeline.

So, with these, remember Iron Fist: Season 2 came out September 7, 2018 07:00 UTC.
-"All about this." Posted August 9, 2018 18:15 UTC, 684.75 hours before the season. The season begins January 1, 2018 at roughly 2AM New York time. 684.75 hours earlier is December 3, 2017 13:15 New York. The closest "5:47PM-6:56PM" (when the texts take place) is December 3, 2017 17:47-18:56 New York time.
-"So much for being punctual." Posted August 15, 2018 18:30 UTC, 540.5 hours before the season. Back from January 1, 2018 02:00 New York, this gives December 9, 2017 13:30 New York. The closest "5:47PM-6:56PM" (when the texts take place) is December 9, 2017 17:47-18:56 New York time.
-"A true GOAT." Posted August 20, 2018 18:15 UTC, 420.75 hours before the season. Back from January 1, 2018 02:00 New York, this gives December 14, 2017, 13:15 New York. The closest "3:56PM" (when the texts take place) is December 14, 2017 15:56 New York time.
-"Girls' night out." Posted August 30, 2018 18:15 UTC, 180.75 hours before the season. Back from January 1, 2018 02:00 New York, this gives December 24, 2017 13:15 New York. The closest "10:07PM" (when the texts take place) is December 24, 2017 22:07 New York time.

Also, it turned out that the two first promo teasers for the season were not actually footage from the show, but rather especially-shot teasers. So those can also be added.
-Date Announcement. Posted July 20, 2018 02:00 UTC, 1181 hours before the season. Back from January 1, 2018 02:00 New York, this gives November 12, 2017, 21:00 New York. The closest daytime (when the scene takes place) is November 12, 2017 daytime New York time.
-Memories Teaser. Posted July 28, 2017 09:22 UTC, 981.63333 hours before the season. Back from January 1, 2018 02:00 New York, this gives November 21, 2017, 04:22 New York. The closest daytime (when the scene takes place) is November 21, 2017 daytime New York time.

As for the Rising Tide, you're missing a few things. Here's the full breakdown. They were all released on Sunday, May 12, 2013, and using this site, the times of posting can be found. Here:
-The first video was "Evidence of Real Life Monster". The original link still works, here, and it was released at 15:28:02 UTC.
-The second video was "What Really Happened Here? S.H.I.E.L.D. Operatives Spotted?". The video at the original link has been taken down, but people on YouTube have reuploaded it, or you can watch it on Web Archive here.
-The third video was "S.H.I.E.L.D. Evidence Caught on Tape!". The video at the original link has been taken down, but people on YouTube have reuploaded it.
-The fourth video was "The Iron Man Takes Flight". The original link still works, here, and it was released at 15:30:39 UTC.
-And the fifth video was "Footage from Stark Expo Attacks". The original link still works, here, and it was released at 15:33:03 UTC.
And the reason I know how "What Really Happened Here? S.H.I.E.L.D. Operatives Spotted?" and "S.H.I.E.L.D. Evidence Caught on Tape!", the two which have been removed from YouTube, fit into the order of upload, is that this site has the 5 videos in order. You can tell that it's the order of upload because the 3 for which we do know the time/order of upload, "Evidence of Real Life Monster", "The Iron Man Takes Flight", and "Footage from Stark Expo Attacks", are in the correct order, implying that the list is intentionally ordered, and therefore the list should all be in order.
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Which things were updated?

I placed the August 28 - September 5 episodes on those dates, and gave the other episodes (which you said were estimations) non-specific August and September placements, as DIrishB did whenever specific dates weren't set in stone.
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Does anyone have any info on Ant-Man and the Wasp: The Heroes' Journey?
Avengers - Infinity War Chapter 19: "Aftermath" (2:14:17 - 2:17:30)
Ant-Man and the Wasp Chapter 18: "End Credits" (1:57:29 - 1:57:53)

^ I don't think there is a way to know for sure which film chronologically ends before the other.
I couldn't pick up on anything from the DD3 trailer today. Anyone else have better luck?

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