Hi... It's been some time. First of all, I wanted to express my condolences to Irish. We may have had disagreements (which was long ago, I have grown up and matured and I know that my behaviour was bad because I didn't like that out work was not seen as good, but that is what I perceived...) However, I do apologize to any of you if my behaviour was annoying and bothered you. I know that I can be annoying sometimes... About Irish. I am so sorry. Wether if I do not agree with this timeline, I propose to mantain it. And don't modify it until said otherwise. However, you guys have the shots.
Now, episode 1 of Iron Fist has Colleen Win saying that it is Winter, thus putting 2017 or 2018. Right? But in episode 9 we have a celebration named Spring Fair on the Bayard place.
Information related to the Spring Fair:
*In episode 9, the friend of Colleen Wing says: "They... It's the Spring Fair planning committe".
*I found this for the UK... [
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spring_Fair Spring Fair] is held always on February.
*Season Two filming finished on May 9th 2018. According to an Instagram post made by Finn Jones, however, the post was deleted. [
https://blogdesuperheroes.es/series-la-segunda-temporada-de-marvels-iron-fist-termina-su-rodaje Source (in spanish)] [
https://screenrant.com/iron-first-season-2-filming-wraps/ Source 2]
*In episode 9, it appears the first mention to such Spring Fair. The episode is called [[War Without End]]. Stan Lee has the cameo for Netflix as Irving Forbush and the episode was filmed on April 21, 2018, [
https://blogdesuperheroes.es/series...an-lee-la-segunda-temporada-marvels-iron-fist Source (in spanish)]
*The scene of episode 6, involving Rand and Typhoid Mary was filmed in March 10, 2018-- [
https://twitter.com/finnjonescom/status/972478200906477568 Source]
*So episode 9 and 10 were definitely shot by Spring Time, thus the mention to Spring Fair.
*The only thing that seemed to coincide with the event seen in Season Two episode 9 and 10 is [
https://www.chinahighlights.com/festivals/spring-festival-flower-fair.htm this]: Guangzhou's 2018 Spring Festival Flower Fair. It is celebrated on China and in 2018 was held from February 13th to March 3rd.
**Earliest possible date for episode 9-10: '''February 13th''' 2018
**Latest possible dare for episode 9-10: '''March 3rd''' 2018 which fits with the metereological season calendar that puts Spring on March 1st.
https://www.calendar-365.com/seasons.html According the metereological seasons calendar], Spring begins on March 1st in the northern west. We know Winter happens from December to February (and we are told that it is Winter by Colleen Wing in [[The Fury of Iron Fist]]) and Spring begins on March. ([
https://www.visittheusa.com/info/weather-seasons]) So it works, except by the fact that Avengers: Infinity War must be moved a little bit more to May or June as Ant-Man and the Wasp suggested, something that I will agree to it. In the wikia we have Civil War on late June 2016 (a definite placement provided by WHiH Newsfront Twitter accounts and videos, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Season 3 and other rest of hard evidence that cannot be ignored, such as Homecoming on early September 2016 (as there is a ticket for the Homecoming dance placing it on September 23rd) beginning two months after the Avengers Civil War, which supports a really late June 2016 placement. In the wikia, that is set in stone. Ant-Man and the Wasp suggest that it has been 24 months since Civil War due to Lang's sentence. However, by now, we have in the wikia that Scott got a reduced sentence of 21 months instead of 24 (this might change sooner or later) We have Infinity War from March 28th-29th in order to be not too long since Ragnarok (very late 2017) and allowing the December 6th 2017 date from AoS Season five episode 12 that might be ignored soon.
*A friend of mine in the wiki, @Mrmichaelt, said that the Spring Fair is another name given to the Lunar New Year confirmed [
https://www.timeanddate.com/holidays/china/spring-festival-golden-week here]:
**It was celebrated on '''February 16th, 2018'''. Still Winter for the USA but known as Spring Fair by China's culture.
*According [
https://chinesenewyear.net/calendar/ this], there is a Spring Festival 2018 held on February 5th... ''"The original name for this day was Yuán DÃ*n (元旦), with Yuan meaning Â"the beginning.Â" However, Yuan Dan is now used to refer to the New Year of the solar calendar."''
So you have TWO DATES to pick up to place episode 9 and 10:
**'''February 5th, 2018'''
**'''February 16th, 2018''' (Lunar New Year)
I will suggest February 5th as it fits with the Celebration as it does not appear to be a Lunar New Year. And it is Winter but for China's culture it is referred to as Spring Fair Festival.
But why did I talk about Infinity War? It is confirmed that ALL Marvel Shows but some will take place before Infinity War, and these shows will have their own timeline to work on, but knowing that it is before Infinity War would suggest the 3rd Avengers film will have to move to avoid colliding with the shows. Infinity War may happen around May-June 2018 instead of March as we have it. Something that I will agree. In the wikia, we try to use what its best for the timeline. Sometimes we use prop dates because they are confirmed due to a special holiday or canonical date within the real world, other times we ignore prop dates because those are not really helpful. It might sound hypocrite but the Timeline consists on having the best possible placement.
There is a date very blurry on episode 2 (when Davos has sex with the girl) and the date does not seem like a 2017 but a 2018 date.
Our Netflix Placement (wikia) is the following you can look in the wikia in the references section why did we choose those dates:
*Daredevil Season 1 (January-february 2015)
*Jessica Jones Season 1 (March-april 2015)
*Daredevil Season 2, months after Season One not a year after, (October-november/-timejump- December 2015)
*Luke Cage Season One (November-December 2015)
*Iron Fist Season One (February-march 2016) as we can see Chinese New Year (of the monkey)
*The Defenders (months after Season 2 of DD, it is 6 monhts after Elektra's death) (May 2016)
*The Punisher (November-decemver 2016)
*Jessica Jones Season 2 (April-June 2017)
*Luke Cage Season 2 (August-september 2017)
*Iron Fist Season 2 (January-february 2018_)
*Daredevil Season Three
*The Punisher Season 2
*Jessica Jones Season 2
*Avengers: Infinity War (May or June 2018_)
Those are not changes. I don't want to change Irish work, I am just commenting the Wikia's placement so you guys can have an idea of why we are placing some events and how you can use some information to work on Iron Fist Season 2. I hope this does not bother you.