Who didn't? It was an instant classic.Victor Von Doom said:Yeah....but you know you loved that theme song.
roguefan said:Savage Garden are emo??? :?
Maybe when Spider-man 3 comes out. Yeah Mark Hamil as the Green Goblin.ultimatedjf said:Forget the '67 collection, I want the complete series of the '90s version on DVD!
It's got great guest voices too.![]()
ourchair said:I absolutely agree. Bruce Timm is directly responsible for me not even wanting to pick up a DC book because the cartoons are just so satisfying, and I really love good cartoons with good voice acting and good direction. I'm a freak for them.
And you know what? The concept behind Justice League Unlimited would work even better with The Avengers since the roster for that team is so huge, there's absolutely no limit to which characters you could pluck. I mean for God's sake, Rage was an Avenger!
In fact, the range of character motivations and personalities is even broader than it would be for the JLU, and I'm not saying that to pooh-pooh DC, but because its true.
The very faults of the Avengers franchise would become its strengths in this reimagined property, possibly embracing some of the aspects that Joe Casey used to 'explain' the apparent faults of the Avengers in his Earth's Mightiest Heroes mini-series with Scott Kolins.
Oh god, now I'm going to wet myself with a fantasy voice casting of B-grade Avengers.
Bass said:I just saw one episode of Justice League Unlimited, "Patriot Act".
You are right.
Amazing show.
Bass said:I just saw one episode of Justice League Unlimited, "Patriot Act".
You are right.
Amazing show.
I think I shall now go forth and assemble a REAL voice cast of Avengers. Not that wussy Ultimate Avengers one.Bass said:I just saw one episode of Justice League Unlimited, "Patriot Act".
You are right.
Amazing show.
Not true, people did die in X-men but they continued in natural Marvel spirit of bringing them back; Morph, Pheonix. But the way they did it really made me feel for it. and Morph bit it on the first episode.cmdrjanjalani said:It's interesting how contemporary the Batman and Superman TAS shows still are, in terms of dialogue and storyline compared to the 90's X-Men and Spider-Man. While the Marvel ones were good by themselves, when I recently watched the 90's Spider-Man series, I noticed how hammy and over-dramatic some of these scenes were, and they actually felt kiddy compared to the DC ones. They really felt dated.
They made good reinterpretations of popular Marvel stories, but I didn't like how censored they were. No one ever dies, laser guns are common weapons and the Kingpin felt more like a mad scientist then the crime lord we all know and despise. The reinterpretations are almost way too faithful to the comics themselves, unlike in for example Batman, were they actually reimagined characters that were actually so good that the comics themselves took points from the show. Two-Face and Mr. Freeze were excellent in BTAS.
I did notice that Bendis took a lot of inspiration from the Spider-Man series for USM.
I think my favorite bit of censorship and sanitizing from old cartoons is that no villain ever wants to "kill" a hero nor is anyone ever "dead". Nobody says, "I'm going to kill you, webhead".They made good reinterpretations of popular Marvel stories, but I didn't like how censored they were. No one ever dies, laser guns are common weapons and the Kingpin felt more like a mad scientist then the crime lord we all know and despise.
Yeah the Fox censors went crazy, they weren't allowed to have real guns, everyone had to have futuristic lazer guns even cops. The only episode to have a real gun was that Robbie centered one and it never fired. Spider-Man was not allowed to hit anyone with his fist, with one exception in Episode 39 in which he used his spider-sense to guide a punch through a dimension portal and knock out the Spot, No crashing glass. However, in Episode 43, Ock accidentally smashed a glass window with one of his tentacles, No children in peril and Venom was not allowed to make any mention of eating someone's brains. They still made a damn good showI think my favorite bit of censorship and sanitizing from old cartoons is that no villain ever wants to "kill" a hero nor is anyone ever "dead". Nobody says, "I'm going to kill you, webhead".
Instead they say, "Now I shall finally DESTROY Spider-Man!" Everyone wants to DESTROY someone. In fact from now on, I shall use the phrase DESTROY in day to day conversation.
Example: I recently had the house sprayed to DESTROY all the cockroaches that heve been bothering us today? Also, do you know how many children get DESTROYED each year by land mines in abandoned military zones?
You really lost direction thereI loved the 90's Spider-Man. I would watch it everyday after school. That and Power Rangers.
I loved Power Rangers. It was a daily serial, each episode continued into the next. Actually, I watched a new episode last year for the first time in almost a decade and the original Green Ranger was back teaching the new kids and they flashed back to the whole run of the show.
Ah, good times.