Well-Known Member
Almost Got 'Em is still one of my favorite episodes of any show ever.
That episode rocks my socks.:rockon:
Almost Got 'Em is still one of my favorite episodes of any show ever.
Killer Croc: There I was, holed up in this quarry when Batman came nosing around. He was getting closer... closer...That episode rocks my socks.:rockon:
Batman: TAS is still great. Almost Got 'Em is still one of my favorite episodes of any show ever.
Superman was very good and Justice League and Unlimited were both fantastic. Watch Question Authority, Flashpoint, Devided We Fall, Flash and Substance, Epilogue,or Destroyer just to name a few and you'll see how good superhero cartoons can be. If Marvel ever landed Timm to do their cartoons I might mess my pants, but as it is DC owns Marvel.
I also think that one's like for a certain show has to do with their age when they first saw the show.
I say this because anyone who's seen the Spider-Man cartoon when it was originaly aired is obviously gonna like it more than say Justice League which they caught on DVD at a later age. It's the nostalgic factor.
Because there is no way that anyone over the age of 13 can sit there and say that Spiderman and X-men is better than classic Timmverse. Better than Teen Titans, Batman Beyond or League of Superheroes? Yeah...I'll agree. But there is no way anyone over the age of 13 in their right mind can say that Marvel's toons were better than DC's Batman, Superman or JL.
I'm not saying that, I'm saying that although not as good as the Timmverse in general, both Spider-Man and X-Men: TAS were very good shows and Spider-Man specifically was better than S:TAS specifically.
The thing that does it for me is that Spidey had ongoing and complex story and character arcs while S:TAS usually just followed a villain-of-the-week formula.
Also, with the exception of episodes like "The Late Mr. Kent", S:TAS barely focused on the characters and their personalities at all, it usually was very plot-driven, and the plots were sometimes not strong enough to carry a whole episode.
Spider-Man made you feel like Peter Parker was a good friend. I cared about his feelings and problems and was always interested in what drove him. It was a much more mature show.
EMOSpider-Man made you feel like Peter Parker was a good friend. I cared about his feelings and problems and was always interested in what drove him.
Superman had a good plot build up for Darksied, I feel if Spider-man had better animation and not the crazy amount of censorship it would of done better than Supes
I dont getFox, I mean people actually did die in Superman, One guy blew up in a nuclear explosion, another died in the gas chamber, and one was dissentigrated by Darksied.
Well they had a build up, criminals were getting technology from them and it had a build up to when Darksied set off nuclear reactions and invaded Metropolis. It was a good story arc and it was after that, that he would just show up every once in a while and leaveI may be biased on this because I never found the Darkseid stories that interesting in the first place.
All that ever happend was he'd send in his armies, which mostly consisted of uninspired, strange-looking flying tanks, Superman would get hit with a lot of electric shocks which would really hurt him, there'd be a standoff, and Darkseid would leave.
And besides, it wasn't a real arc, it was more like a recurring theme, with Apokolips popping up ever few episodes. Spider-Man actually had a flowing story.
And IMHO, Spidey had better animation too.
Keep in mind that S:TAS was several years after Spidey, and that makes a difference. Look at JL and to a great extent JLU and you'll see how far violence progresses in these things.
Is anyone forgetting X-Men: Evolution?
I liked that show. Apocalypse kicked far more *** then he did in the comics.
Yes, Apocalypse was more badass and better written.Is anyone forgetting X-Men: Evolution?
I liked that show. Apocalypse kicked far more *** then he did in the comics.
If only....Don't toy with my emotions...... :cry:
I can only wish this was true.
More than likey it's just some random sketches that mean absolutely nothing. I just hate when they do stuff like this. But still..........a brotha can dream......
It's interesting how contemporary the Batman and Superman TAS shows still are, in terms of dialogue and storyline compared to the 90's X-Men and Spider-Man. While the Marvel ones were good by themselves, when I recently watched the 90's Spider-Man series, I noticed how hammy and over-dramatic some of these scenes were, and they actually felt kiddy compared to the DC ones. They really felt dated.
They made good reinterpretations of popular Marvel stories, but I didn't like how censored they were. No one ever dies, laser guns are common weapons and the Kingpin felt more like a mad scientist then the crime lord we all know and despise. The reinterpretations are almost way too faithful to the comics themselves, unlike in for example Batman, were they actually reimagined characters that were actually so good that the comics themselves took points from the show. Two-Face and Mr. Freeze were excellent in BTAS.
Jeez, when the heck is the 90s Spidey animated series gonna come out on DVD? I assumed it would be right around now to coincide with the movie.