Marvel 2099


The Timeline Guy
May 27, 2004
You are all just obstacles on my path to Nirvana.
How many people used to read the 2099 books back in the mid-90's? I remember I used to collect X-Men 2099, Punisher 2099, and a few of the other books, and just the other day I bid on a large collection of these, so I figure I'll recapture a little of my youth by reading these. They weren't the greatest comics ever written, but they were decent enough and a fun series.
In a few months, once I finish collecting all the 2099 issues out there, I'll post a timeline. So what do you all think, you ever read these?
Yeah...I used to pick up all of 2099 series. I got almost every spider-man 2099 issue and quite a few of the others. But I never got around to getting all the ones that came after the last spider-man 2099.
Spider-Man 2099 was aawesome. I loved how his personality was so different from Peter Parker.

His alter ego dynamic was like Peter's, only backwards. Instead of being the smart-aleck in costume and tight-lipped neurotic as a civilian, Miguel O' Hara was a curmudgeonly ******* of a geneticist who was a tight-lipped neurotic everytime he put on his costume.
Yeah, I liked Spidey 2099. Punisher wasn't bad, and X-Men was ok. But I wasn't a big fan of Ravage.

But in light of the Ultimate universe, it's odd that the 2099 line wasn't Spidey, Avengers, X-Men, and Fantastic Four, but Spidey, Punisher, X-Men and a brand new character Ravage.

Odd, huh? Maybe the fifth Ultimate line will be like Ravage or Punisher - a character who never existed or had his own 616 book, but is a major part of the Ultimate universe.
Bass said:
Yeah, I liked Spidey 2099. Punisher wasn't bad, and X-Men was ok. But I wasn't a big fan of Ravage.

But in light of the Ultimate universe, it's odd that the 2099 line wasn't Spidey, Avengers, X-Men, and Fantastic Four, but Spidey, Punisher, X-Men and a brand new character Ravage.

Odd, huh? Maybe the fifth Ultimate line will be like Ravage or Punisher - a character who never existed or had his own 616 book, but is a major part of the Ultimate universe.

I always assumed Ravage was supposed to be the 2099 Universe's version of Wolverine. Well, sort of. Ah, never mind.
Bass said:
Yeah, I liked Spidey 2099. Punisher wasn't bad, and X-Men was ok. But I wasn't a big fan of Ravage.

But in light of the Ultimate universe, it's odd that the 2099 line wasn't Spidey, Avengers, X-Men, and Fantastic Four, but Spidey, Punisher, X-Men and a brand new character Ravage.

Odd, huh? Maybe the fifth Ultimate line will be like Ravage or Punisher - a character who never existed or had his own 616 book, but is a major part of the Ultimate universe.
It's cos the Punisher threatened to kill everyone, (although he did, in "Punisher Kills the MArvel Universe", oh god that was good, I wet myself with anticpation in that, was he actually going to kill almost every superhero in a single issue? Oh you bet he was.) and Punisher pwnz.
Punisher does indeed pwn. God, I remember reading it and thinking - "They have to come up witha new villain every couple of issues." He just killed everyone.

As for Wolverine as Ravage - good catch. I'd never noticed that. They are kind of similar.
I have X-Men 2099 #3, (which I thought sucked, but the art was cool), and X-Men 2099: OASIS, which I never finished because when you get half way done, the book flips over and can't tell which is the right way to read it.
No one seemed to ctach it but Doom 2099 was also one of the premiere books. From what I read I thought it was pretty good, He had my interest.
Spider-Man 2099 was one of my favorite books. I remember how grossed out I was when it showed the web sacs in his forearms. I also liked the comment he made about having to be careful how he goes to the bathroom with the talons on his fingers - very creative.

I never got into any other 2099 title. I wanted to read Fantastic 4 but couldn't find it anywhere. Hulk #1 was decent but I didn't read anything after that.
I've wanted to read Doom 2099 since the line launched, but didn't have easy acess to comics then. My intrest in it was somewhat renewed when i found out that Warren Ellis wrote a chunk of the series.

Spider-Man looked cool, and had Peter David writing, so it's probably on my wishlist somewhere. X-Men was pretty eh. Punisher was Punisher, didn't matter when. Ravage was... well it sucked. Hard.
D'oh! I completely forgot about Doom 2099. He was cool too.

And Ghost Rider 2099 was just being released as the line cancelled.


I'm going to have to ransack my brothers' comic collection now.
The only 2099 book I read was "Spider-Man 2099 Meets Spider-Man" which I think I would have enjoyed more if I had read the rest of the issues of Spider-Man 2099 but whatever.
Question for everyone. with this from the heroclix thread

With the arrival in the mail of the Heroclix Marvel 2099 collector's set

just found out they came out in Released December 2006 so 2 months ago


Spider-Man Family has 2099 Spider-man in it.

I was thinking do you think marvel will bring back 2099 comics? even if it is just reprints or reprints in tpb form.

I might ask to late and it's announced but there is a few 2099 things popping up around the same time ....
Spider Man 2099 has shown up here and there infrequently, but now he is a member of the Exiles, so he's here to stay for a bit at least.

As for the 2099 universe, it made a cameo in the Exiles recently as well.
I never really dug the 2099 series. But last month I saw a 2099 TPB at the bookstore that had a few interesting ideas. Especially the Daredevil and Punisher stories.
I never really dug the 2099 series. But last month I saw a 2099 TPB at the bookstore that had a few interesting ideas. Especially the Daredevil and Punisher stories.
If I'm not mistaken, weren't those the ones that Kirkman wrote a few years ago, set in a completely new version of 2099 continuity?
If I'm not mistaken, weren't those the ones that Kirkman wrote a few years ago, set in a completely new version of 2099 continuity?

I believe so. He and several other people wrote one shots.

Robert Kirkman (Author), Steve Epting (Author), Kyle Hotz (Author), Cliff Rathburn (Author), Pop Mhan (Author)