Ultimate Marvel characters being represented in Heroclix

sjmole said:
Cool. It didn't mention that in my instruction booklet I got. Is that a rule from the newest ones as I'm playing original?

If not it's still cool most of their rolls were bad e.g 1+1

Actually, that is an original rule.

And now folks, some more MAJOR Heroclix news...Marvel-style:

Wizkids Games said:

Title: Marvel HeroClix: Supernova
Stock Number: WZK3231
MSRP: $7.99
Expected Release: October 2006

Packed full of intergalactic heavy-hitters, Marvel HeroClix: Supernova takes 3-D superhero action from your tabletop to the stars and beyond. Relive classic battles from the Infinity War, Secret Wars, the Kree-Skrull War, and more! With more Kree, Skrulls, Shi'ar and Badoons than you can shake a stick at, Supernova expands the HeroClix galaxy by incorporating more aliens than any previous HeroClix set. Introducing the Squadron Supreme, the Guardians of the Galaxy, and the New Warriors, Marvel HeroClix: Supernova is a must-have for any Marvel comics fan.


4 figures
1 bystander token, battlefield condition card, object card, or feat card
1 rules sheet
Complete rules

Supernova - Click this link for pics of a new Silver Surfer, Thanos, and Thor, as well as a brand new character to clix: Hyperion (616 version)!


Wizkids Games said:
X-Men Days of Future Past Action Pack

Title: Marvel HeroClix: Days of Future Past Action Pack
Stock Number: WZK3310
MSRP: $24.99
Expected Release:
October 2006

This is the mission your X-Men have been training for. In the brutal dystopia of Days of Future Past, mutants are herded into concentration camps by towering Sentinels—giant robots bent on the eradication of the mutant genome. Rachel Summers is the new keeper of the Phoenix force—manifesting the genetic legacy of her mother Jean Grey and the resilience and determination of her father Scott Summers, the X-Man known as Cyclops, both long dead. Wolverine is among the few mutants still free—a Canadian resistance fighter dedicated to a world long past. Join forces with the heroes of a sad and terrible future against mutant kind's greatest enemy, the Sentinel.

The Marvel HeroClix: X-Men Days of Future Past Action Pack includes one colossal Sentinel, one Rachel Summers figure, and one Wolverine figure; one feat and one battlefield condition card—the perfect gift for any X-Men fan!


Colossal Advanced Sentinel figure
Rachel Summers – The Hound figure
Wolverine – Colonel Logan figure
1 Battlefield Condition card
1 Feat card
Rules insert, Powers and Abilities Card.

X-Men Days of Future Past Action Pack - Click here to read the same info you just read above, but with a nice picture of a Sentinel. ;)
sjmole said:
That Sentinel looks cool. I want it lol

Thats actually the old one that came out with the first set, Infinity Challenge. I have one. Its a huge figure (referred to as "collossal" by Wizkids due to size reference for the game itself), but nowadays considered too expensive to be worth the points for most of its dial.

The new version included in this pack will hopefully either be a re-sculpt, or at least a repaint of the old sculpt. The good news is the dials will be updated and point costs altered, so we'll see how they turn out. If it just ends up being the same figure, I'll probably not bother picking one of these up. We'll see.

I will, however, be buying oodles of Supernova later on this year, after Sinister in June.
The full set list of Sinister is now complete. Here's what to expect when the set is released the end of this month (June 28th):

(#001-003) Hydra Footsoldier/Technician/Officer
(#004-006) SHIELD Trooper/Sniper/Agent
(#007-009) Swordsman
(#010-012) Hydro-Man
(#013-015) Paste Pot Pete/Trapster
(#016-018) Mockingbird
(#019-021) Jewel/Jessica Jones
(#022-024) Beetle
(#025-027) Wizard/Wingless Wizard
(#028-030) Electro
(#031-033) Fixer/Techno
(#034-036) Jack O' Lantern
(#037-039) Shadowcat/Sprite
(#040-042) Mach I/Mach III/Mach IV
(#043-045) Nighthawk
(#046-048) Valkyrie
(#049-051) Multiple Man/Madrox
(#052-054) Deathlok
(#055-057) Falcon
(#058-060) Spider-Man
(#061-063) Radioactive Man
(#064-066) Captain Marvel/Photon/Pulsar
(#067-069) Rhino
(#070-072) Whizzer/Speed Demon
(#073-075) Daredevil
(#076-078) Meggan
(#079-081) Bullseye
(#082-084) Kraven

(#085) Forge (U)
(#086) Purple Man (U)
(#087) Maximus (U)
(#088) Baron Strucker (U)
(#089) Charcoal
(#090) Wolverine (U)
(#091) Nick Fury (U)
(#092) Arkon (U)
(#093) Ka-Zar (U)
(#094) Scarlet Spider (U)
(#095) Stilt-Man (U)
(#096) Black Bolt (U)

(#218) Venom (LE)

(B#001) Jamie Madrox
(B#002) Turk Barrett
(B#003) Mary Jane Watson Parker
(B#004) Sgt. Tork
(B#005) Lockheed
(B#006) Dallas Riordan

(BF#001) Ground Zero
(BF#002) Back-Alley Brawl
(BF#003) Telekinetic Strain
(BF#004) Rushed Assault

(F#001) Pummel
(F#002) Knockdown
(F#003) Entangle
(F#004) Heightened Reflexes
(F#005) Vault
(F#006) Vendetta
(F#007) Indomitable
(F#008) Camouflage

(S#001) Stepladder
(S#002) Statue
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So we've gotten a fair amount of confirmations for the next Heroclix set, Supernova, due in October. This one is a cosmic based set, so expect to see lots of space-themed characters. We've already been privy to about half the set, so check it out:

Silver Surfer
Drax the Destroyer
Captain Marvel/Photon/Genis-Vell
Machine Man
Red Ghost

Finally, a Mephisto clix, a Nova (New Warriors/Richard Rider) and Speedball, Genis-Vell (Thunderbolts), Drax, Thanos, etc. This set is going to ****in' rock hard!
Supernova looks hot.

I have a tournament tonight (after work for the summer league I play in). Build restrictions for this game are: 500 points, unrestricted, each team must be either all Marvel, DC or Indy.

My team (500 pts even Team's name: "FROM THE BLACK OPS FILES: OPERATION DOOM"):

Ultimate Nick Fury
Ultimate Scarlet Witch Vet
Fantastic Forces Haweye Vet (with Double Time and Trick Shot and Alpha Flight feats)
Mandroid Armor Vet.
Shield Medic Vet
Ultimate Dr. Doom (with Nanobots, Nova Blast and Protected feats)

I should win tonight. What a brutal team. I always try to put an Ultimate Universe team together as often as possible. Call it an obsession. My Ultimate Fantastic Four team is nasty.
leather_w0lf said:
Supernova looks hot.

Indeed. I enjoyed Sinister quite a bit as well, but Supernova does look like it'll blow that set out of the water.

Speaking of Sinister, I'll be posting more pics of my Marvel collection in the next few weeks, once my last few pieces to complete the collection arrive (ordered a bunch of Ebay this week).

I have a tournament tonight (after work for the summer league I play in). Build restrictions for this game are: 500 points, unrestricted, each team must be either all Marvel, DC or Indy.

My team (500 pts even Team's name: "FROM THE BLACK OPS FILES: OPERATION DOOM"):

Ultimate Nick Fury
Ultimate Scarlet Witch Vet
Fantastic Forces Haweye Vet (with Double Time and Trick Shot and Alpha Flight feats)
Mandroid Armor Vet.
Shield Medic Vet
Ultimate Dr. Doom (with Nanobots, Nova Blast and Protected feats)

I should win tonight. What a brutal team. I always try to put an Ultimate Universe team together as often as possible. Call it an obsession. My Ultimate Fantastic Four team is nasty.

Sweet! I'm still trying to complete my Ultimate clix collection (which is hard as most are Uniques...I'll get there eventually).
I don't buy boosters like mad like I used to but I still like getting singles of my favorite characters when I can (my last Heroclix purchase involved building up my collection of New Mutants).

I think Ultimate Marvel representation in Versus System would be awesome, but it could be a ways away still (that Sabertooth everyone wanted in the first set does look like the Ultimate version though).
Ultimate Cap does kick some major butt, for sure. But Ultimate Thor is my Superman & Amazo killer.

You think Ultimate Thor kicks some ***, check out this just-announced con-exclusive:

The Mighty Thor (286 pts, Power Cosmic, Beast)

His powers include Ranged Combat Expert for most of his dial, Impervious, Invulnerability, Toughness all the way through, etc.
I've been considering starting to play heroclix for awhile now, but all of the different sets an collections are a little daunting. Is starting a collection hard? Is it tough to pick up and play? Is it obnoxiously expensive? Is there a naked Jessica Jones figure?
I've been considering starting to play heroclix for awhile now,

I would encourage you to.

but all of the different sets an collections are a little daunting.

I can understand that. I've been collecting since the beginning, so I've had the easy route on that one.

Is starting a collection hard?

Depends on how much of a completist you are. If you're just in it for the game itself, then its extremely easy to collect. Even if you're looking for specific figures, you can buy singles a number of places online to fill in your wants. If you're a uber-completist like me, well then it can be downright expensive and nigh-impossible (thankfully, I've been doing it from the start).

Is it tough to pick up and play?

Not at all. I learned the basics quite well within the first hour of playing, and got pretty familiar with the game overall (powers, special rules, etc) after playing only a few weeks.

Is it obnoxiously expensive?

Again, that depends on how much of a completist you are. If you're just in it for the game itself, you can get some very effective REVs and a few likewise cheap Uniques and have a pretty viable force for under $30. There are also new starter sets just recently released with maps, etc, so you'll have everything you need to play. One is called the Danger Room and contains the old-school, core X-Men team and a Danger Room map, etc. The other is the Days of Future Past set which contains other figures, and most notably a scale-sized Sentinel. I think those run about $20.

and Is there a naked Jessica Jones figure?

Not officially, but I'm sure some sicko somewhere could've modded one. I'm sure you're just the type, so buy some damn Heroclix and have at your sick, little plastic perversions.

Yes. There is also a naked Luke Cage figure.

When you pose them together they create a powerful game formation known as 'anal sex'.

If they'd been doing that more often, she never would have gotten knocked up.
Holy $#1^!!!! They're making a Heroclix of Fin Fang Foom, *****!


I haven't been this excited about Heroclix since they unveiled Galactus as 2004's con exclusive (with me, its all about size). Its been a long three year wait for another colossal sized Marvel Heroclix piece (2005's con exclusive was the Sentinel-sized Dark Phoenix, and last year's colossal figure was DC's Spectre).

And I couldn't have gotten the figure I wanted done most done any better. I haven't even seen the dial yet, but I know I'll be shelling out a few bills to pick this up off Ebay come summertime.

Fin Fang Foom...the new daddy of Heroclix
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With the arrival in the mail of the Heroclix Marvel 2099 collector's set, my Heroclix collection is once again complete...at least until April when Fin Fang Foom will have officially been released, but I've already paid for a pre-sell of that ***** on Ebay, so I'll be sure to post pictures once he arrives.
So I just ordered a Fin Fang Foom on Ebay. I should have it by the middle of next week. I was able to splurg a bit since I just got my tax refund check. I'm putting 50% away in savings, but that leaves me about $400 to play with. I shelled out $80 (plus shipping) for a FFF Heroclix Con Exclusive, and I can't wait till this thing gets to my doorstep. I'll post pictures when it arrives, of the complete Marvel clix collection. Yeah! I'm a nerd.
So the next Marvel Heroclix set is called Avengers, and themed as such. It appears we'll be getting some more Ultimate characters as well, including The Colonel from Ultimates 2. Pretty cool, if u ask me!

So far, the following are confirmed for Avengers:

Black Panther
Captain America
Citizen V
Moon Knight
Red Skull (w/Cosmic Cube)
Spider-Man (Civil War with red and gold armor)
Taskmaster (classic costume)
The Colonel (Ultimates bad guy)
Ultimate Falcon
Ultimate Hulk
Ultimate Iron Man

Check it out here: Heroclix 5th Anniversary Article at Wizard
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So guess who pulled a veteran Supergirl at a sealed box Hero Clix Championship Qualifier for Philly last week?

That would be Leather.

So I'll be there whoopin arse and taking names. My team is the balls, and has been straight up kicking the crap out the top 5 teams from LA for weeks now. So I've got a chance.

Vet Hawkeye 84 pts Protected (8) Trickshot (20) Alpha Flight (0) Nanobots (10)
Unique Mister Mind (68) Compel (15)
Exp Skrull Warrior (30) Rip it Up (20)
Lian Pog (1)
Rookie Jinx (44)

300 on the button

So Hawkeye runs around carrying the pog or Jinx, doing transporter attacks and gets compelled by Mr Mind to attack again - so twice in the same round he layeth the smacketh down upon thee for up to 12 points of damage in one turn. He takes a point of damage. The skrull takes a light object, walks over the the separation field generator I have so graciously placed on the board, and drops his light object which is quickly gobbled up by Hawkeye and he is at full strength. Next turn, her pushes, does it again, and still is at the top of his dial. Brutal team. Plenty of outwit, perplex, probability control. Jinx is a wild card with psychic blast and phasing, Mr Mind has a 19 defense.

I call it the "Drive By Drive Thru"

And since I don't have to play in the sealed event on Friday, I'll see y'all on Saturday, lol. I'll proudly represent Ultimate Central and post my results ASAP.
Leather sings badly:

"I'm leaving in a Honda Element, don't know when I'll be back again.
Gonna kick some arse in Hero Clix and win the Championship."

lol. I changed my team up a little after seeing the results from Europe. It works better and is more aggressive now. Added Johnny Quick & Dr. Midnite to the team, took off the skrull and Jinx. Traded out Mister Mind for a Veteran Karma.

See you all in Philly. I don't know what my registrant name for Hero Clix is as I've run into trouble with that. Could be Leatherwolf, could be Token Tom, could be Seth Blood.

Regardless, my name is Tom Clark and that references all others.

Look for me in the Hero Clix area. Bald, goateed and badass. Well . . . how badass can one be toting around a back pack, a shoulder bag and a tackle box, though?

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