Maybe, maybe not. I'm getting the feeling we get an explanation in the N-Zone arc.
Maybe, maybe not. I'm getting the feeling we get an explanation in the N-Zone arc.
Goodwill said:Very good questions, but again, this is all probably the many variations that these characters could have turned into...
Apollo said:Man Thing is the gaurdian of the Nexus of Realities in the 616 universe, maybe he is something similar in the UUniverse, so when they travelled through the NZone he saw them/was with them
TheManWithoutFear said:That's interesting... I didn't know anything about 616 Man-Thing did anyone else catch that??
UltimateE said:Yep. He also guarded Franklin Richards during the Heroes Reborn deal when Franklin was protecting the pocket universe for the same reasons.
TheManWithoutFear said:and no one brought this up before because??
UltimateE said:Because it was a bad story and a bad attempt at a reboot. :wink:
C'mon man. It ain't like everyone knew, or remembered at the time...TheManWithoutFear said:I mean if I'm not mistaken we were all sittin' here wondering why he'd be in that panel at all and no one was like oh remember in 616 when... I mean it's worth talkin about? I'm baffled....