Live-Action Wonder Woman TV Series

If the series gets the okay, the pilot shown to the execs will usually be the first episode aired. But in many cases, tweaks are requested before it does air, and sometimes it won't even be the first episode. I think that happened with Dollhouse.

So, it depends.
Additional post quoting/agreeing with Dancanread.
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Mark Millar said something about this on Twitter, saying - and I'm paraphrasing here - it was a good thing because with the success comics are having in movies they need to keep the bar high and keep out the crap.

That kind of confused me because a) I thought the general consensus was that this was expected to be pretty good and b) he wouldn't/couldn't/shouldn't have seen or heard anything about this seeing as how it hasn't even aired yet. Has a pilot even been shot?

No one expected it to be good.

Jules Winnfield said:
Well, the way they make shows is, they make one show. That show's called a pilot. Then they show that show to the people who make shows, and on the strength of that one show they decide if they're going to make more shows. Some pilots get picked and become television programs. Some don't, become nothing.
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Mark Millar said something about this on Twitter, saying - and I'm paraphrasing here - it was a good thing because with the success comics are having in movies they need to keep the bar high and keep out the crap.

That kind of confused me because a) I thought the general consensus was that this was expected to be pretty good and b) he wouldn't/couldn't/shouldn't have seen or heard anything about this seeing as how it hasn't even aired yet. Has a pilot even been shot?

Wait who is expecting this to be good? The consensus I have been seeing is this is mediocre to awful.
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No one expected it to be good.

I must have totally misunderstood, then. I wasn't paying close attention anyway. Whatever.

Post of the Day for the Jules quote - how I have forgot that I'll never know.
*coughs* I'll be in my bunk.


I think Gina Carano would be a great choice for a Wonder Woman villain or Artemis. I still think Amanda Righetti would be a really good choice for Wonder Woman herself. Not only is she striking, tall, and beautiful, but THE MENTALIST she often goes from poe-faced serious police officer to girlish smile. She's also 5'9" so she's got the stature for it. Ah well...
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Mmmmm.... Lucy Lawless.


I think Gina Carano would be a great choice for a Wonder Woman villain or Artemis. I still think Amanda Righetti would be a really good choice for Wonder Woman herself. Not only is she striking, tall, and beautiful, but THE MENTALIST she often goes from poe-faced serious police officer to girlish smile. She's also 5'9" so she's got the stature for it. Ah well...

oooo she's gorgeous. I could be happy with her being Diana.
I don't understand why they just don't make a movie loosely based off of the animated movie from a few years ago. It would work perfectly.
At this point in time, I think Lucy should either be Circe or Hippolyta (if they can't get Lynda Carter).

I still vote for Gina Carano


*coughs* I'll be in my bunk.

You know I was thinking Hyppolyta or Hera. Shoot maybe if Michelle Waterson has any acting chops, she could have played Athena or something.


Don't mind Mayhem Miller.

I think this show had a lot of potential but I was never happy with the choice for Wonder Woman. She never seemed to have any athletic qualities. That just reminds me of the Bionic Woman pilot that never was....
At this point in time, I think Lucy should either be Circe or Hippolyta (if they can't get Lynda Carter).

I still vote for Gina Carano


*coughs* I'll be in my bunk.

I know nothing of her, but that's exactly how Wonder Woman should look, sexy and tough as hell.
Because the animated movie didn't make any money.

That doesn't mean that a live action film based upon the same outline wouldn't. I'm sure most animated films don't make nearly as much money as live action films based upon the same properties. This argument doesn't make sense.

And this is television, not the film industry, so generally speaking they want a long running show.

I was talking about a live action film, not a television series.
I was talking about a live action film, not a television series.

Still two different industries that have very little to do with each other, progress on a Wonder Woman film is a very different behind the scenes than a Wonder Woman show. Decisions to make one doesn't effect production of the other (aside from the public's reaction if the show actually aired). The people and money involved are in different circles.

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