Justice League: To the silver screen!

A little while ago Joblo reported about Superman being in the movie, I forget the details and am too lazy to look it up but I thinki they said there's a high possibility the Roth would be Supes. Now they have report on Batman's involvement.

However, the boys over at the IESB have learned from an inside source that The Caped Crusader will most certainly be making an appearance in the film. In fact, the source's exact words were: "…I can tell you one thing: BATMAN is 100 percent going to be in the JLA movie they're developing at Warner Brothers." They then point out that Bale does have a clause in his three-picture contract stipulating he'd be required to star in an ensemble film should one materialize.
I didn't know about that clause, that would indicate this movie could be pretty good and align with exsisting continuity well.


The cast of the CBS show "How I Met Your Mother did NCAA picks, and when you get to their cast biographies, the one for actor Neil Patrick Harris the site said, "he will appear in the upcoming 'Justice League' movie." Is that right? Thanks to Clayton Hutsler for pointing that one out to us. Another reader named Jason wrote in to note the actor's IMDB page which confirms that it's as voice talent for the "New Frontiers" animated movie (thanks).



I wonder what role he'll play.

IMDB says that he'll be The Flash in Frontier. I'll bet he gets cast as some random character and not a League member. Although I could see him as Elongated Man......like they would include him in the big screen.
IMDB once said Aunt May was going to be Carnage in the upcoming movie, that's all I have to say.
Without the Big 3, this movie is doomed to failure and obscurity like the "original" Fantastic Four movie from several years ago. DC should just continue with the Batman and Superman franchises (although a complete restart of the Supes franchise would've been best) and also work on solo movies for Green Lantern and Wonder Woman, perhaps even a character with a heavy cult following like Lobo. I, for one, don't care one iota about a movie with Martian Manhunter, Plastic Man and Aquaman or any of the other B-, C-, D-, and Z-listers in JLA.

That, and DC should really think about getting more of their Vertigo titles on film. Fables and Scalped (though the latter is pretty new) would translate great to film with the right production staff.

Watchmen is a go, though, so that's good news.
NPH would be terrific as the Flash.

Anyone would be better than Ryan Reynolds. but Harris is actually one of the better choices I can think of for Wally.

I'd be totally up for him as Wally or even Barry (Wally is a bit more blue collar than I think Neil Patrick Harris could pull off)... but I'm sure the movie version will be an Amalgamation of the two...

Hopefully the movie will be able to jumpstart a Flash movie franchise.
Without the Big 3, this movie is doomed to failure and obscurity like the "original" Fantastic Four movie from several years ago. DC should just continue with the Batman and Superman franchises (although a complete restart of the Supes franchise would've been best) and also work on solo movies for Green Lantern and Wonder Woman, perhaps even a character with a heavy cult following like Lobo. I, for one, don't care one iota about a movie with Martian Manhunter, Plastic Man and Aquaman or any of the other B-, C-, D-, and Z-listers in JLA.

That, and DC should really think about getting more of their Vertigo titles on film. Fables and Scalped (though the latter is pretty new) would translate great to film with the right production staff.

Watchmen is a go, though, so that's good news.

We're getting Preacher as an HBO series in a while. Personally, I think that would be the best format for Fables too.

And Ryan Reynolds would be a great Flash.
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Without the Big 3, this movie is doomed to failure and obscurity like the "original" Fantastic Four movie from several years ago.

Did you ever see that movie? It was horrific.

That, and DC should really think about getting more of their Vertigo titles on film. Fables and Scalped (though the latter is pretty new) would translate great to film with the right production staff.

Most Vertigo projects just aren't movies. They're all about long term storytelling and building things over years. Television is the best place for them.
Watchmen is a go, though, so that's good news.

Eh. I'll believe they can condense all that when I see it.
Woudlnt it be a good idea to have the Legion of Doom/Secret Sociaty

I mean with a big as fight scene somewhere

Well probably as a sequel first they fight Darsiead then in JLA 2 Lex rounds up all the villians to be able to fight the JLA
Without the Big 3, this movie is doomed to failure and obscurity like the "original" Fantastic Four movie from several years ago.

That movie was never intended to be good or even seen by anyone, the studio just pushed it out so they can retain the rights for later. When they bought the copy rights they had to do something with it or the rights would go back to marvel, so as with and extremely low budget they forced one out.
I'm a huge Flash fan, but Ryan Reynolds would almost be enough to stop me from seeing the movie.

Really? I'd like it. I'd like it a lot.

I think Batman should stay out of this movie. Let Singer do his Superman sequel, then get Wonder Woman and Flash movies out, and make a Justice League movie with those three as the primary characters and the introduction of less popular characters/characters less likely to hold their own franchise to pad out the roster.
Did you ever see that movie? It was horrific.

Yes I saw it and I required therapy because of it.

Most Vertigo projects just aren't movies. They're all about long term storytelling and building things over years. Television is the best place for them.

With titles like Scalped and Fables, I totally agree. HBO or some such would be perfect.

Eh. I'll believe they can condense all that when I see it.

Zack Snyder is helming the project and that's well known. Nobody said he didn't plan on making it a multi-part product. It's going to do big box office just on the fact that Zack "f'n" Snyder is doing it. 300FTW!
Zack Snyder is helming the project and that's well known. Nobody said he didn't plan on making it a multi-part product. It's going to do big box office just on the fact that Zack "f'n" Snyder is doing it. 300FTW!

He's had a hit but I don't think he's at box office draw level yet.
He's had a hit but I don't think he's at box office draw level yet.
I agree. That's like saying Lena Headey is a big-time star now.

Unless of course, Willverine meant to say that because Snyder is helming it, the movie will be box office not because of Snyder's name but because of his touch. Which is still logically fallacious, but at least it's not a totally incorrect one.
Latino Review and Collider.com have learned that Happy Feet director George Miller is interested in helming Warner Bros. Pictures' Justice League of America. The latter site adds:

The next thing I've heard is which Superheroes might be in the running for the first big budget team-up movie. They would be Superman, Batman, The Flash, Wonder Woman and the Green Lantern.

I've also heard from sources that the "Justice League" film is more of a priority for WB than the sequel to "Superman," so don't be surprised if you see Brandon Routh in "Justice League" before any new "Superman" film.

It was announced in February that writing duo Kiernan and Michele Mulroney were hired to pen the script.
