Didn't **** any of those *****es
Sorry for the double post, but it's been so long I doubt anyone cares.
This is a DC/Marvel crossover idea I've had for a while. It's basically a look at a merged DC/Marvel universe from a historical perspective. It'd start in the late thirties and early forties, where the Golden Age is in full swing with teams like the Invaders and the JSA living in the same universe and interacting with each other. The entire point is to examine what a merged universe would be like, starting from the 1940s and moving into the present day. For example, the first arc would revolve around the heroes having a much harder time with WW2 then they originally did, since Hitler has the Spear of Destiny, the Nazis are much deadlier with the Red Skull's leadership and having freaking War Wheels, and an Atlantean Civil War has broken out betwen supporters of Namor and Aquaman.
It'd be about the Marvel and DC universes interacting, for better or worse. Some aspects would go very well together, others would cause conflict where there originally was none. (Like Hawkeye gets adopted into the Green Arrow family, and the aforementioned Atlantean Civil War. And just imagine the crap that would go down when Secret Wars and Crisis on Infinite Earths happen at roughly the same time.) The characters would grow old and die as the story moves forward in time, and others would take up their legacies. (More then a few would be children of a crossover ship.)
I might write it as a mock-academic book as a framing device, with quotations and newspaper articles to add atmosphere.
PS: I've been thinking about the plot idea in the above post, and I'm seriously considering condensing it until the only thing left is the plot with Phil's mother. I've been thinking about it for a while, and I find that's the most interesting aspect of the story to me. She loses her son, goes insane, spends the rest of her life taking over the family business of organized crime, then has to deal with the consequences when her son returns and she desperately tries to become the woman she once was.
I remember hearing something like this before on here, where Spider-man showed up in the ninties and mutants started popping up in the 80's, Terry Being Batman Beyond during the ninties things like that. Is this the same idea?