Indiana Jones 4

Re: Indiana Jones IV

I'm embarrassed because I've never really watched all of the Indiana Jones' movies. I've seem bits and pieces of all of them, but never the whole thing and at one time. I really need to sit down one day and watch them all through, because I like the idea.
Re: Indiana Jones IV

I'm embarrassed because I've never really watched all of the Indiana Jones' movies. I've seem bits and pieces of all of them, but never the whole thing and at one time. I really need to sit down one day and watch them all through, because I like the idea.

Buy the dvd box set.

it kicks ***
Re: Indiana Jones IV

Rumors on the film:

- It will take place in the late 40's (This was mentioned several times)
- It will deal either with a remenant Nazi group or the Soviets
- It may be about Atlantis
- Sir Sean Connery will return as Professor Henry Jones Sr. (Connery has gone on record stating that if a movie would bring him out of retirement, it would be Indy IV. Also, both Ford and Lucas have stated that they would love for Connery to return).
- Natalie Portman may play Indy's daughter, Idaho. (A rumor dating back to when she first asked Lucas about it on the set of Phantom Menace)
- The two leading ladies of Raiders and Doom will return in a cameo role.
-Jonathan Que Qwan may return for a cameo as a grown up Short Round.
- Due out Summer of 2008

Many of these rumors could tunr out to be true, as Lucas has stated that Indy IV will be connected to all of the previous films, sort of like a tribute to the entire series.

The Indiana Jones Trilogy are among my favorite movies of all time.
:rockon: :rockon:

... George Lucas sucks said:
Darabont recently spoke to CHUD about his involvement in writing the script and explains it as such: "That was terrifically frustrating. I worked for over a year on that; I worked very close with Steven Spielberg...He was very, very happy with the script and said it was the best draft of anything since RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARK....And then you have George Lucas read it and say, 'Yeah, I don't think so, I don't like it.' And then he resets it to zero when Spielberg is ready to shoot it that coming year,
Frank Darabont's idea was supposedly about Indiana Jones investigating a UFO at Area 51, so I'm glad it was declined.

I hope this movie still happens, along with Jurassic Park 4.
Frank Darabont's idea was supposedly about Indiana Jones investigating a UFO at Area 51, so I'm glad it was declined.

I hope this movie still happens, along with Jurassic Park 4.

Aliens and Indiana Jones do not mix.

Jurassic Park 4 - hope so two as long it's much better than III
Aliens and Indiana Jones do not mix.

Jurassic Park 4 - hope so two as long it's much better than III

JP III was awful.
Indy 4 should have him go to Brazil and deal with all the Nazi's that settled there after WWII...just kidding I'm sick of Nazis.
Frank Darabont's idea was supposedly about Indiana Jones investigating a UFO at Area 51, so I'm glad it was declined.

I hope this movie still happens, along with Jurassic Park 4.

If that's indeed the case then I agree with both you and George Lucas.

By the way, I'm playing the Xbox game Indiana Jones and the Emperor's Tomb for the first time now, and I tell you it's just awesome. Definitely the most fun Indy game ever. It's the perfect Indy fix if you're looking for one.
Wikipedia said:
Jeff Nathanson was brought in to help George Lucas write an entirely new story for the film, which has since been approved by Lucas, Steven Spielberg, and Harrison Ford. Long-time Indiana Jones producer Kathleen Kennedy has recently commented that Nathanson's story takes place in the 1940s, but revealed no other information yet.

1940s? I was hoping it would be 1950s/1960s.