Indiana Jones 4


Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 2005
Toronto, Ontario(by way of the Kepler Verge)
You probably all heard that Harrison Ford said Lucas and Speilberg have 2 years to make this movie because after that he'll be 64 and that's really pushing it for him. Anyway, Indy 4 may not be too far away so I thought I'd kick this off with a new article from the IMDb.

Madsen Favorite To Play Indiana Jones' Girl​

Sideways star Virginia Madsen so impressed co-star Harrison Ford in new thriller Firewall, she's now the frontrunner to play his love interest in the fourth Indiana Jones adventure. Madsen plays Ford's wife in the new movie and admits they both found an unusual chemistry on set - after the ageing action man handpicked her for the role. And now Madsen is a clear favorite to play the leading lady in Indiana Jones 4. Ford tells, "She was an absolute delight - professional, very talented and simply, very sweet. She also took what could have been a fairly one-dimensional damsel in distress role and added so many layers to it - there isn't many who could do that. I'd work with her again in a heartbeat. I'm actually hoping she'll come over for Indiana Jones. We've talked about it."
I didn't realize that Harrison Ford was that old. I wonder what time period this movie will take place in and if Indy will fight Nazis.
Planet-man said:
Appearently it's going to be age-accurate. Indy'll be 63 or so in the movie, meaning it will take place around 1962. Or before if they make him a bit younger.

So Indy vs. hippies! Or maybe the Viet Cong! Sweet!
I'm against the idea of this movie, but I wounder what the plot was, because it nmust be a good enough idea to have Spielberg and Ford on board
Iceshadow said:
I didn't realize that Harrison Ford was that old. I wonder what time period this movie will take place in and if Indy will fight Nazis.
It's been said that it will more than likely be set in the '50s (as Ford can still pull off being in his 50s) and it will Indy versus the Soviets.
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I heard that this is going to be called Indiana Jones: The Search for Harrison Ford's Career.

But I've also heard rumors about the Spear of Longinus.
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Steve GMan said:
I heard that this is going to be called Indiana Jones: The Search for Harrison Ford's Career.
A quest for things that do not exist is pointless.

I hate Harrison Ford.
Re: Indiana Jones IV

I've been hearing about it for a while, Lucas and Spielburg are very excited about making it.
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Re: Indiana Jones IV

I've been hearing about it for a while, Lucas and Spielburg are very excited about making it.

Thats good hopefully it'll make the film better.

but i have high hopes just because it's Spielburg and even his worse films are still directed better than most director's. I actually Avoided Indiana Jones at first as it did not seem to be my cup of tea. Then I found out it was Spielburg movie and watched them.

He is imo a movie making GOD. no one can compair to him.

but enough of my Spielburg worshiping If Harrison Ford is really fit enough to pull it off this will be a huge huge moment going to the cinema and seeing him back on the screen as Indiana Jones himself. Just like it will be a gooesbump moment seeing stalone play rocky again and when Arnie played terminator in 3rd one. Even if you dont like the movies you have to admit seeing the originals as the iconic characters is huge.
Re: Indiana Jones IV

Really, really looking foward to this. It's been in development hell for years, but this year there seems to have been quite a bit of work on it (Lucas, Speilberg and Ford seem to be very commited to doing it) such as several scripts being written for it. It seems they found one by David Koepp, and him and Lucas are going through rewrites now

Rumors on the film:

- It will take place in the late 40's (This was mentioned several times)
- It will deal either with a remenant Nazi group or the Soviets
- It may be about Atlantis
- Sir Sean Connery will return as Professor Henry Jones Sr. (Connery has gone on record stating that if a movie would bring him out of retirement, it would be Indy IV. Also, both Ford and Lucas have stated that they would love for Connery to return).
- Natalie Portman may play Indy's daughter, Idaho. (A rumor dating back to when she first asked Lucas about it on the set of Phantom Menace)
- The two leading ladies of Raiders and Doom will return in a cameo role.
-Jonathan Que Qwan may return for a cameo as a grown up Short Round.
- Due out Summer of 2008

Many of these rumors could tunr out to be true, as Lucas has stated that Indy IV will be connected to all of the previous films, sort of like a tribute to the entire series.
Re: Indiana Jones IV

If Harrison Ford is really fit enough to pull it off this will be a huge huge moment going to the cinema and seeing him back on the screen as Indiana Jones himself. Just like it will be a gooesbump moment seeing stalone play rocky again and when Arnie played terminator in 3rd one. Even if you dont like the movies you have to admit seeing the originals as the iconic characters is huge.

Well they're setting it in the 60's I believe not the late 30's to account for indiana's age
Re: Indiana Jones IV

Really, really looking foward to this. It's been in development hell for years, but this year there seems to have been quite a bit of work on it (Lucas, Speilberg and Ford seem to be very commited to doing it) such as several scripts being written for it. It seems they found one by David Koepp, and him and Lucas are going through rewrites now

Rumors on the film:

- It will take place in the late 40's (This was mentioned several times)
- It will deal either with a remenant Nazi group or the Soviets
- It may be about Atlantis
- Sir Sean Connery will return as Professor Henry Jones Sr. (Connery has gone on record stating that if a movie would bring him out of retirement, it would be Indy IV. Also, both Ford and Lucas have stated that they would love for Connery to return).
- Natalie Portman may play Indy's daughter, Idaho. (A rumor dating back to when she first asked Lucas about it on the set of Phantom Menace)
- The two leading ladies of Raiders and Doom will return in a cameo role.
-Jonathan Que Qwan may return for a cameo as a grown up Short Round.
- Due out Summer of 2008

Many of these rumors could tunr out to be true, as Lucas has stated that Indy IV will be connected to all of the previous films, sort of like a tribute to the entire series.

Those rumoures if true are great

Well they're setting it in the 60's I believe not the late 30's to account for indiana's age

Oh the time period is not what I ment. I ment if he is 100% up to it. Pysicaly and also acting wise. Some acters who return to previous roles feel out of place like they are too old to be their formerself.

but regaurdless this movie will rock.
Re: Indiana Jones IV

Oh the time period is not what I ment. I ment if he is 100% up to it. Pysicaly and also acting wise. Some acters who return to previous roles feel out of place like they are too old to be their formerself.

but regaurdless this movie will rock.

Oh okay, but he is up to it, in fact they would of started earlier but he was working on Firewall, I'm not certain whats going on now I think they're still in the scheduling debates