Iceshadow's Almost There.....

Who the **** is Iceshadow?

Also, if Iceshadow, whomever he is, wants to check out my new house, he, or she, will be allowed too. You just have to sleep with McCheese in the grill.

Do you still want to write a UCFF Arc? Got an idea, PM me and Random.
how about a random quote from pop culture:

Everybody's Got Something To Hide Except Me And My Monkey

"Let's get dangerous"

"Come with me if you want to live"

or quotes that involve ice or shadows
"What [Ice]shadows we are, what [Ice]shadows we pursue!"
- Edmund Burke

"All right stop collaborate and listen
Ice[shadow] is back with my brand new invention"
I should switch the entire subnic system to Vanilla Ice lyrics.
I wonder if E has the power to alter post counts?

I know another forum I used to post on w/ vBulletin allowed mods and admin to do so. They would randomly change your post count to mess with folks.
EIGHT MORE! :crazy:
Get on with it already! Here, I'll even plan these next 8 posts out for you.

1. Sports Thread: Rain on Ice's parade. Yankees suck, go Rangers, etc.
2. Social Thread: Ask Doom to kill someone for you.
3. Off-Topic Thread: Post a funny picture of a cat with a chainsaw.
4. Manga Thread: Agree with whatever I've recently posted.
5. UC:FF Vol. 12 Thread: Post about your anticipation of my upcoming arc.
6. Youtuberry Thread: Post a funny video of a skater falling on his nuts.
7. Doom's a Dick Thread: Call Doom a dick.
8. This Thread: "Hooray, I made it!"

How hard is that? Get to work.
I'm going to delete Iceshadow's 9,999th post. Continuously.