Victor Von Doom
Fist of teh Internets.
Re: How I Met Your Mother (discussion)
Please keep all fapping to a minimum.

Please keep all fapping to a minimum.
At least I did you that favor!Better than the one you made me
I think it's Victoria too...I listened, and I am pretty sure they never explicitly said that she wasn't the she might be!
What if they reintroduce Victoria at Haloween, and SHE'S the Slutty Pumpkin? Ted would take that as a sign, and they would try again. That would be sweet.
It has been a while since I've been so giddy about a new season of a show.
Man...I want an avatar too. But you guys took all the good characters!
You could always be Robin Sparkles
Or Lily.You could always be Robin Sparkles
Theres me, VVD, Ice, Shagmeister, Wade Wilsonmatic, Iceshadow, TwiTwi
so I guess not
You are one of the eight though
I change your name every few days
Today it's TwiTwi
Sexyback maybe? But then Wade would get mad I was hitting on his internet girlfriend, and probably punch me to death.
So, how's your diary entry on Twi shaping out?
Someone could always be Brad.
And the sig could be "Broadway.......Bro Style!" or "BRUNCH RULES!"
Drop it. Please.