Re: How I Met Your Mother (discussion)
There's an article in the new TVGuide about HIMYM. It's almost precisely halfway through the mag.
And I just finished "The Wedding" from Season 1. I absolutely love this show now. Even with that pesky laugh-track!! (You were right, Ice. It doesn't distract.) I'm singing its praises to my friends at school in the hopes that they'll get into it.
Prior to watching HIMYM, I was already a big fan of Segel, Hannigan and Harris, but now I love all of 'em. Even though I can't recall seeing Smulders or Radnor in anything else. (I'm sure I have though.)
Also, who can't love the opening theme song? While it's a little similar to The Office's theme song, it's still great and I find myself singing it out loud at times. It's just that good. Is there a longer version I can get somewhere?