My Boom-Boom's mostly gay
With all due respect, don't you think you're being a little narrow minded about it?
First of all, let me say that I don't personally agree with the practice of crucifixion and flagellation by devotees. I think it's unsanitary, a health risk, and potentially turns a solemn day of worship into a sensationalized spectacle. I also believe these Lenten rites should be more tightly regulated, in the interest of public safety.
Having said that, I will wholeheartedly defend the penitents rights to carry on with the practice, if their faith compels them to do so.
And I really don't care whether others choose to perceive it as "barbaric", "uncivilized", or as you put it "cult like".
They're not chucking bombs into civilian establishments in the name of their faith (like some Catholics and Protestants in Northern Ireland have done). They're just displaying the extent of their belief in a way that might seem distasteful to people with more delicate sensibilities.
And if you construe that as "bad P.R." to the Church as a whole, then you can take your fake *** Christian charity and shove it where the sun don't shine.
Religion is the original "open source content". It's subject to interpretation, reinvention, and "rebooting". It's been "remixed", and crosses over with other forms of belief. As others have pointed out on this thread, so much Catholic holiday symbolism (eggs, trees, rabbits, and whatnot) is borrowed from Pagan rite. Just because these aspects have gained the approval of the Vatican and Hallmark alike, it doesn't relegate all other forms of worship to "bootleg" versions of "authentic" Catholicism. It just doesn't work that way.
Righteously well said, compound. I was gonna comment, but I really don't think I need to now. That was awesome.