Grand Theft America speculation (Ultimates 2 spoilers)

Only problem with the Ultron speculation is how does that fit with "grand theft america"? How can Ultron steal america? So I got thinking. Who do I know that has the power to "steal america". Then I remembered an Avengers arc, where every major city was stolen and placed in a different dimension. Who could steal America? The Zodiac could!
Are you talking about the same lame losers who are usually Alpha Flight foes? Members named after the signs of the Zodiac, get beaten by Alpha Flight all the time, brainwashed Box and so on? I don't think so but I'd like to make sure...
Only problem with the Ultron speculation is how does that fit with "grand theft america"? How can Ultron steal america? So I got thinking. Who do I know that has the power to "steal america". Then I remembered an Avengers arc, where every major city was stolen and placed in a different dimension. Who could steal America? The Zodiac could!

Well? I think that could be being too literal but maybe not?

I mean Ultron is cool but just one killer robot running around would just be like the hulk..but an ultron amped up on ultimate vision tech. Maybe he could take over all the Electronic equipment including things such as Starks and BW's armour!? Ultron Could perhaps steal all electronic stuff if we are being literal. Now i havent actually read Ultimate Secret for some stupid reason but there seems to be an effort to get the Ultiamte univeses sort of linking up now.

Also before that if the thing about Loki is right...what the heck is a CONFIRMED NORSE GOD going to do to all the religions and the world in general...i mean muslim and christianty is pretty much based on the idea only one god so it would kinda mean that..well you know perhaps your wasting your time and crack open a beer, which is why most writers try to avoid getting into the god and gods debate (yes gods debating the reason for snow)

Going on that...I'm trying to see where galactus fits in to all this. Now we know he is coming i can't believe that the ultimates are just going to be chasing Ultron and let the fantastic 4 do it alone...UNLESS they are pretty much decimated in the final arc and have to?
1. As far as I know, the whole Galactus story takes place before Ultimates 2.

2. "Grand Theft America". It would be blunt, but what if Millar revisited the stuff from his last arc on the authority and reused it in his last arc on the ultimates. what if the Ultimates finally DO break free from the government and SHIELD control? What if Nick Fury actually turns out to be the bad guy (also he's doing it out of patriotic duty)? What if the Ultimates aren't satisfied with just breaking away from the government? What if they actually took over the Government, after defeating Ultron, SHIELD and finally Fury?

just a little thought... ;)
Anyone think there are going to be a few less ultimates at the end of this?
Death of hawkeye again anyone?
I'm thinking a death could be around the corner. Hopefully it'll be Thor's and Seldes will get her mark as one of the greatest speculator's ever.

As far as Ultron "stealing America". I think he'll play a part in the arc but I think the theft of America will be left to other villains.

I'm not down with this Nick Fury = Bad. I used to so into that idea but I'm pretty sure that Ultimates 2 #3 was supposed to convince us that his intentions are not bad. Also, read USM #73 he's a nice guy. I'm beginning to think that The Ultimates has some of the most misunderstood characters I've ever seen. It's kinda sad almost like the audience doesn't really get what's goin' on.

Ultimate splitting from SHIELD, again I don't like the concept. SHIELD is not one of the bad guys SHIELD is there to protect us. If I can bring American Politics into this it's like the liberals (not knocking them. I'm one myself) hating the United States Military because we're in IRAQ. Well, too bad. I don't like being in Iraq but I sure as hell support our troops. SHIELD is good, Nick Fury is good, it's all good.

Again, I'm gonna ask if anyone has any ideas of some new Ultimizations and member's appearing?
whta if it has something to to with ultimate Captain Britain and his group
A thought just occured to me.

Does anyone else remember an arc of Avengers where Vision sort of hijacked the world's nuclear devices? He went all googly and decided the only way for the Avengers to keep the world safe was to get control off all weapons? What if Grand Theft America is flat out literal and Ultron gets control of America's arsenal?
TheManWithoutFear said:
I'm thinking a death could be around the corner. Hopefully it'll be Thor's and Seldes will get her mark as one of the greatest speculator's ever.
Why do I suddenly feel like Judas...? :?
Caduceus said:
A thought just occured to me.

Does anyone else remember an arc of Avengers where Vision sort of hijacked the world's nuclear devices? He went all googly and decided the only way for the Avengers to keep the world safe was to get control off all weapons? What if Grand Theft America is flat out literal and Ultron gets control of America's arsenal? interesting idea.... :wink:
I'm glad I started this thread now. Many possible ideas being pumped out.
Thor's been saying the Ultimates are in the gulf.The world doesn't like this.....not just CapB's Ults goin in"the states...
Sorry if this has been mentioned before, but I'm thinking the arc will have soemthing to do with the kidnapping of Captain America. Maybe by some old WWII villain. The Red Skull anyone?
Let's look at the facts:

- Millar is building up the European super-teams, but he's not going to use them during Gods and Monsters.
- Millar said himself, that Ultimates 2 is politically orientated. He also said, he'll have a major global confrontation in the second arc. Something about America pissing off its European friends and allies.
- Thor is repeatedly claiming that the Ultimates are being employed in the Gulf. He could be right. It doesn't have to be the official team, there are enough shadow-members and black ops specialists.
- It would be completely within Fury's character to employ Super-Humans in secret if national interests are at stake. It's completely in character, at least if you look at the way Millar has written Fury. He's lied to the public before, and he even stated he'd do it again, because it was the right thing to do.
- The mood on the last page of issue 2 clearly set things up for a Fury-subplot. Or perhapts even a major plot.
- Secret employment of Super-Humans abroad would most certainly piss off other nations. This would link Thor's accusations and Pym's suspicion with what we know Millar had planned for the arc.

- Then, however Ultron is somehow involved. Millar has said before, that the arc will deal with Ultron, but even if we ignore that, he's been building up to Ultron since the beginning of Ultimates 1 (Pym has been working on Ultron since Super-Human).
- I've heard Pym will be part of the Defenders in issue 6. He's also the creator of Ultron. I can see two likely ways the story might go.
1. Pym activated Ultron in issue 6, before he drops out of the main plot himself.
2. Pym stays a major player during GTA. The way he's been writen so far, I could very well imagine him working against Fury, probably not because he's become a villain, but because he believes Fury must be stopped - possibly right so.

So, basically we have two major plot threads in GTA: Pym/Ultron and International Affairs. The question is: will the two of them come together into one major crisis, or will they be resolved seperately.
I personally guess, they'll be resolved seperately, first one of them, then the other one. I don't really see two main plots running parallel in Ultimates 2, it'd be very un-cineastic, and the book clearly aims to be cineastic.

My two cent for today.
European Ultimates will not become enemies of The Ultimates.
Well, I'm not sure I see that happen either. But remember, the Ultimates and the X-Men have fought as well, once even after Fury was given full control over the X-Men. I don't think open War between Europe and the USA fit into the modern world, but I could very well see their Super Teams running into each other, while the countries themselves are still undecided.

Pym will not purposely create Ultron to do any harm.
He probably wouldn't want to cause harm, but he believes Fury is slowly turning the Ultimates into a army, so he might decide he's the only one able to stop Fury. Therefore he creates Ultron.

Fury is not the bad guy and has no secret agendas.
Fury isn't bad, he's just very right-wing, and although he might have only good intentions, his view of what must be done might differ quite a lot from that of the other characters.

I personally would enjoy a final arc, fought between the "good" guys over different wordl views.
Ricky said:
He probably wouldn't want to cause harm, but he believes Fury is slowly turning the Ultimates into a army, so he might decide he's the only one able to stop Fury. Therefore he creates Ultron.

Pym is creating Ultron because he's a scientist who is on the verge of creating the most advanced Artificial Intelligence in the entire world. He is not purposely creating it to bring anyone down.

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